Shin Shin-ae

Shin Shin-ae

出生 : 1959-04-22,


Shin Shin-ae
Shin Shin-ae


Life Is Beautiful
Suddenly learning she is terminally ill, Se-yeon asks her husband, Jin-bong the absurd task of helping her find her first love, and he unwillingly joins her search. Along their journey, Se-yeon and Jin-bong are reminded of the most glittering, beautiful moments of their lives.
What Happened to Mr Cha?
With the peak of his career long behind him, an actor clings to his past glory — until a sudden wake-up call forces him to face who he's become.
Somewhere in Between
Gi-tae's mother
Gi-tae, who continuously failed on his exam, returns to his hometown for the first time in ten years. He tried all different manual labors, but his debt-ridden life never seems to end. Soon Later, he starts working at a worn-out theater and meets Oh, the sign painter. Oh is never sober and always blunt, accordingly difficult to figure out. But Gi-tae doesn’t feel awkward around him.
Woman on the 3rd Floor
昼夜問わず走り回るが、実績はどん底、挙げ句の果てに解散の危機を迎える麻薬班。これ以上引き下がることのできないチームの年長者であるコ班長は、国際犯罪組織の国内麻薬密搬入情報を入手し、チャン刑事、マ刑事、ヨンホ、ジェフンの 4人のチーム員たちとともに潜伏捜査に出る。麻薬班は24時間監視のため、犯罪組織のアジト前にあるチキン屋を買い取り、偽装創業をおこなうことに。まさかの絶対味覚を持つマ刑事の隠れた才能でチキン屋は一躍名店としての噂が広まる。捜査は後回し、チキン商売で目まぐるしいほどに忙しくなった麻薬班に、ある日絶好の機会が訪れるのだが…。犯人を捕まえるのか、鶏を捕まえるのか!
Push! Push!
Nurse Park Shin-ae