Takuma Wada

Takuma Wada

出生 : 1986-01-04, 日本山形县


Takuma Wada


井上芳雄、伊藤沙莉出演のダークファンタジー。透明感のある井上の歌声とあまりに切ない物語に号泣する観客続出!生きることについて問い掛ける、まさに今見るべき新作。 自分勝手で傍若無人の“首切り王子”と、彼と運命的に出会う“愚かな女”をめぐるダークファンタジー。作・演出は、演劇界にとどまらず、映画の脚本や配信ムービーで初監督と、表現の幅を広げている蓬莱竜太。主演はミュージカル界のプリンス井上芳雄。残忍さと無邪気さ、そして深い孤独を内に秘める王子の人物像を卓越した演技力で魅せ、透明感のある歌声で観客の心をわしづかみにした。共演は、テレビ、映画で高い評価を得ている伊藤沙莉。そのエネルギッシュな熱演は観客の心をつかんで離さない。また圧倒的な存在感でその魅力を放つ若村麻由美をはじめ、高橋努、入山法子、太田緑ロランス、石田佳央、和田琢磨ら人気と実力を兼ね備えた多彩な顔触れが集結。 俳優の“オフ”が“オン”になる姿も観られる舞台セットは、「現実」と「寓話(ぐうわ)」の世界の境界線を楽しめる演劇の醍醐味が存分に味わえる。ブラックで、しかし人間の真実に迫る“現代の寓話(ぐうわ)”に注目だ。
劇場版ほんとうにあった怖い話2020 呪われた家
舞台 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Virtue and Vice
A spin-off story about original characters' activities at the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division Unit Three.
Kenichi Ichihara is absorbed in surfing, because he admires his father who is also a surfer. His father dies in an unexpected accident. Since then, Kenichi is estranged from surfing and the sea. One summer, by recommendation of Kenichi's friends Makoto Uehara and Daijiro Ohara, Kenichi decides to go to the sea. On the way to the sea, Kenichi meets two women Tsugumi and Emiko. He is pickpocketed by the women. When Kenichi gets to the sea, he happens to meet Tsugumi and Emiko again.
Miles Edgeworth
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey attend a stage show of The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo, with Larry Butz, Miles Edgeworth, and Dick Gumshoe also being in the audience. During the play, a large lantern falls from above the stage that starts a fire. With Will Powers as the prime suspect, it is up to Wright to acquit his old client and determine as to whether or not there is foul play at work.
Ayumi Aizawa is a lonely young man without a family. He works at Forest Hyde Press Hotel as a cleaner. His deceased grandfather Kenzaburo worked at the same hotel. When his grandfather worked at the Forest Hyde Press Hotel, the hotel was well known for its extreme hospitality. Now, the hotel is nothing more than an ordinary hotel. New manager Ryuuya Sawashiro then attempts to bring the hotel back to its glory days.