First Assistant Director
「戦場のピアニスト」のオスカー俳優エイドリアン・ブロディが主演するアクション。 凄腕の元殺し屋で、いまは孤独なゴミ清掃員として暮らす男が、心を通わせた少女を助けるため戦いに身を投じる姿を描く。深夜の街でゴミ回収車を走らせ、廃品や廃屋の修理を趣味にしている寡黙な男。「クリーン」と呼ばれる彼は、孤独な日々の中で隣人のディアンダという少女と心を通わせていた。ある時、ディアンダが街のチンピラたちに目をつけられてしまい、クリーンはディアンダを救うためチンピラたちを打ちのめす。しかし、その中に街を牛耳る麻薬ギャングのボスの息子がいたことから、クリーンはギャングから追われる立場となってしまう。 エイドリアン・ブロディが主演のほか製作、脚本、音楽も手がけた。
First Assistant Director
First Assistant Director
When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires.
First Assistant Director
Kevin has sworn off sex to win back his former fiancée when he meets a beautiful escort named Zade. Over the course of a legendary party, Zade just might provide the spark that this heartbroken idealist needs to turn his life around.
Associate Producer
Aging actor Lester Rosenthal (Gabriel Byrne), who has lost his way with his career, with his family, and with his friends (Nathan Lane, Frances Conroy, & Boyd Gaines) finds out that the way out is through.
First Assistant Director
A blind man who regains his vision finds himself becoming metaphorically blinded by his obsession for the superficial.