Ryan Alan Dearth


Passado Violento
First Assistant Director
Um coletor de lixo que tenta ativamente reparar seu passado sombrio e trágico. Mas quando suas boas intenções o marcam como alvo do chefe do crime local, ele é forçado a se reconciliar com a violência de seu passado.
O Informante
First Assistant Director
Depois de uma missão fracassada, um informante do FBI é obrigado a continuar trabalhando infiltrado para desmantelar uma quadrilha, só que agora dentro da prisão.
First Assistant Director
When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires.
Sexo Garantido
First Assistant Director
Kevin has sworn off sex to win back his former fiancée when he meets a beautiful escort named Zade. Over the course of a legendary party, Zade just might provide the spark that this heartbroken idealist needs to turn his life around.
No Pay, Nudity
Associate Producer
Aging actor Lester Rosenthal (Gabriel Byrne), who has lost his way with his career, with his family, and with his friends (Nathan Lane, Frances Conroy, & Boyd Gaines) finds out that the way out is through.
Um Outro Olhar
First Assistant Director
Um homem cego consegue recuperar a sua visão. Porém, fica cego, metaforicamente, pelas suas obsessões superficiais.