Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock

出生 : 1964-07-26, Arlington County, Virginia, USA


Sandra Annette Bullock (born July 26, 1964) is an American actress and producer. She rose to fame in the 1990s with roles in films such as Demolition Man (1993), Speed (1994), The Net (1995), While You Were Sleeping (1995), A Time to Kill (1996), and Hope Floats (1998). In the new millennium, Bullock starred in Miss Congeniality (2000), Two Weeks Notice (2002), The Lake House (2006), and the critically acclaimed Crash (2004). Bullock was awarded the Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama, and the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Leigh Anne Tuohy in The Blind Side. The scar above her left eye was caused when she fell into a creek as a child.


Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock


Loretta Sage / Angela
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
Ruth Slater
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
Executive Producer
Malorie Hayes
Reimagining The Met Gala
Director Ross, various cast and crew and members of the Met staff discuss how the film took over the famous museum for its version of the gala. The production received unprecedented cooperation from the historically cautious institution, no doubt due in part to the participation of Vogue and its legendary editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour.
Deborah 'Debbie' Ocean
5年の刑期を終え、晴れて仮出所を果たしたデビー・オーシャン。かつて“オーシャンズ”を率いたダニー・オーシャンを兄に持つ、生粋の強盗ファミリーの一員だ。出所して早々、刑務所の中で考え抜いたプランを実行に移すべく、デビーの右腕となるルーと共に個性豊かな犯罪のプロたちに声をかけ“オーシャンズ”を新結成するデビー。集まったのはいずれも一流の才能を持ちながら冴えない生活を送っている、ハッカー、スリ師、盗品ディーラー、ファッションデザイナー、宝飾デザイナーたち。彼女たちのターゲットは、世界最大のファッションの祭典“メットガラ”でハリウッド女優(アン・ハサウェイ)が身に着ける1億5000万ドルの宝石! しかしそこには、網の目のように張り巡らされた防犯カメラ、屈強な男たちという世界一厳しいセキュリティが立ちはだかる。たった一秒の狂いが命取り。しかも世界中に生配信されるこの祭典のさなかに宝石を盗み取るという、前代未聞で型破りな計画は果たして成功するのかー? そしてこの計画に隠された更なるデビーの計画とはー!?
Our Brand Is Crisis
Executive Producer
Based on the documentary "Our Brand Is Crisis", this feature focuses on the use of American political campaign strategies in South America.
Our Brand Is Crisis
'Calamity' Jane Bodine
Based on the documentary "Our Brand Is Crisis", this feature focuses on the use of American political campaign strategies in South America.
Scarlet Overkill (voice)
Dr. Ryan Stone
Aningaaq, an Inuit fisherman camping on the ice over a frozen fjord, talks through a two way radio with a dying astronaut who is stranded in space, 500 kilometers above Earth. Even though he doesn't speak English and she doesn't speak Greenlandic, they manage to have a conversation about dogs, babies, life and death.
The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers
Golda Meir (voice)
Based on the best-selling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers takes the audience inside the offices of Israel's Prime Ministers through the eyes of an insider, Yehuda Avner, who served as a chief aide, English language note-taker and speechwriter to Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres. The first of two parts, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers focuses on Ambassador Avner's years working with Prime Ministers Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir and then US Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin and reveals new details about the Six-Day War, the development of Israel's close strategic relationship with the United States, the fight against terrorism, the Yom Kippur War and its aftermath.
Dr. Ryan Stone
Sarah Ashburn
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
Linda Schell
Leigh Anne Tuohy
All About Steve
After one short date, a brilliant crossword constructor decides that a CNN cameraman is her true love. Because the cameraman's job takes him hither and yon, she crisscrosses the country, turning up at media events as she tries to convince him they are perfect for each other.
All About Steve
Mary Horowitz
After one short date, a brilliant crossword constructor decides that a CNN cameraman is her true love. Because the cameraman's job takes him hither and yon, she crisscrosses the country, turning up at media events as she tries to convince him they are perfect for each other.
Executive Producer
Margaret Tate
No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos
The artistry, triumph and lifelong friendship of the great cinematographers Laszlo Kovacs and Vilmos Zsigmond. With film school equipment, they shoot the Soviet crackdown of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. As refugees they struggle in Hollywood, finally breaking into the mainstream with their pivotal contribution to the "American New Wave."
Linda Hanson
A depressed housewife who learns her husband was killed in a car accident the day previously, awakens the next morning to find him alive and well at home, and then awakens the day after to a world in which he is still dead.
Nelle Harper Lee
While researching his book In Cold Blood, writer Truman Capote develops a close relationship with convicted murderers Dick Hickock and Perry Smith.
Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
It's William Shatner's turn to step in to the celebrity hot seat for the latest installment of The Comedy Central Roast. A parade of Shatner's friends have gotten together to boldly go ...
Kate Forster
Jean Cabot
Gracie Hart
Mme Harker
Lucy Kelson
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Siddalee 'Sidda' Walker
A mother and daughter dispute is resolved by the "Yaya sisterhood" - long time friends of the mother.
Murder by Numbers
Executive Producer
Tenacious homicide detective Cassie Mayweather and her still-green partner are working a murder case, attempting to profile two malevolently brilliant young men: cold, calculating killers whose dark secrets might explain their crimes.
Murder by Numbers
Cassie Mayweather
Tenacious homicide detective Cassie Mayweather and her still-green partner are working a murder case, attempting to profile two malevolently brilliant young men: cold, calculating killers whose dark secrets might explain their crimes.
Gracie Hart
Lisa Picard Is Famous
Sandra Bullock
A documentarian decides to follow the career of New York actress Lisa Picard, believing she is on the brink of fame. Instead, he bears witness to Lisa's continued, humorous, struggles as an actress, as well as the conflict that arises when Lisa's best friend Tate hits it big with an off-Broadway one-man show.
Gwen Cummings
Gun Shy
Legendary undercover DEA agent Charlie Mayough has suddenly lost his nerves of steel. On the verge of a career-induced mental breakdown, and in complete fear of trigger-happy Mafia leader Fulvio Nesstra, Charlie seeks psychiatric help and finds himself relying on the support of an unstable therapy group and nurse Judy just to get through his work.
Gun Shy
Judy Tipp
Legendary undercover DEA agent Charlie Mayough has suddenly lost his nerves of steel. On the verge of a career-induced mental breakdown, and in complete fear of trigger-happy Mafia leader Fulvio Nesstra, Charlie seeks psychiatric help and finds himself relying on the support of an unstable therapy group and nurse Judy just to get through his work.
The Prince of Egypt: From Dream to Screen
The making of The Prince of Egypt (1998).
The Worlds of Harry Connick Jr.
Narrated by Connick himself in a candid look at his own life and career, the program features interviews with jazz greats Branford and Wynton Marsalis and their father, Ellis Marsalis.
Miriam (voice)
Sally Owens
Making Sandwiches
Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey make sandwiches in a small kitchen while watching television, where Eric Roberts, in drag aping his sister, reports on the weather.
Making Sandwiches
Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey make sandwiches in a small kitchen while watching television, where Eric Roberts, in drag aping his sister, reports on the weather.
Making Sandwiches
Melba Club
Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey make sandwiches in a small kitchen while watching television, where Eric Roberts, in drag aping his sister, reports on the weather.
Welcome to Hollywood
Sandra Bullock
A film director (Adam Rifkin) decides to chart the course of a young actor (Tony Markes) as he tries to make it in Hollywood...
Executive Producer
Birdee Pruitt
In Love and War
Agnes von Kurowsky
After teenage ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway takes shrapnel in the leg during World War I, he falls in love with Agnes von Kurowsky, a beautiful older nurse at the hospital where he's sent to recover. Their affair slowly blossoms, until Hemingway boldly asks Agnes to be his wife and journey to America with him. Richard Attenborough directs this drama based on the real-life experiences of the famed novelist.
Ellen Roark
2人の白人青年に暴行を受けた黒人 少女の父親カールは自ら犯人を射殺する。陪審員全員が白人という圧倒的にカールに不利な状況の中、彼を助けるべく若き弁護士が立ち上がる。J.グリシャム原作の映画化。
Frank O'Brien, a petty thief, and his 7-year-long girlfriend Roz want to put an end to their unsteady lifestyle and just do that last job, which involves stealing a valuable painting. Frank takes Roz to an island on the coast of New England, where he wants to sell the painting and also hopes that their sagging relationship will get a positive push back up. Not everything goes as planned.
Angela Bennett / Ruth Marx
Lucy Eleanor Moderatz
A transit worker pulls commuter Peter off railway tracks after he's mugged, but—while he's in a coma—his family mistakenly thinks she's Peter's fiancée, and she doesn't correct them. Things get more complicated when she falls for his brother, who's not quite sure that she's who she claims to be.
Who Do I Gotta Kill?
Who says crime doesn't pay? The mob will pay Jimmy Corona anything to stay away. But, then again, so would most people. His agent brushes off Jimmy's latest book proposal: detailing the conspiracy between Lee Harvey Oswald and Marylin Monroe to assassinate JFK. His girlfriend gives him his walking papers in the midst of wild sex when he can't give her one good reason to stay. Actually he's too exhausted to speak. And to top it all off, he's suffering from writer's block. So what's a poor guy to do? Join the mob?
Annie Porter
ロサンゼルスのオフィスビルにあるエレベーターに爆弾が仕掛けられ、乗客達が閉じ込められる事件が発生。ロサンゼルス市警察SWAT隊員であるジャック・トラヴェンはマクマホン分隊長や同僚のハリー達と共に爆弾を排除、乗客達を救出。さらに身代金を要求してきた犯人のハワード・ペインを追い詰めるがもう一息のところで逃げられる。 ペインは元アトランタ警察爆発物処理班員で、処理中の爆発事故により左手親指を失う障害を負って退職せざるを得なくなったが「命がけで何十年も働いてきたのに、警察当局は退職記念の金時計と障害年金を寄越しただけで、他に何も補償してくれない」と逆恨み、警察に挑戦を始めた。 逃げおおせたペインは路線バスに爆弾を仕掛け、ジャックに対応させるよう仕向ける。信管は速度測定系に連動、バスの速度が一度でも時速50マイル(約80Km)を越えると安全装置が解除され、更に、速度がこれを下回ると爆発する。爆破を阻止するために標的となったバスを止めて飛び乗ったジャックだったが、不法滞在している自分を追ってきたと思い込んだ乗客の一人が誤って発砲し、運転手(サム)が負傷。スピード違反で免停中のためバス通勤していた若い女性、アニーがハンドルを任された。
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway
Frank, a retired Irish seaman, and Walter, a retired Cuban barber, are two lonely old men trapped in the emptiness of their own lives. When they meet in a park Frank is able to start a conversation after several attempts. They begin to spend time together and become friends. But because of their different characters they often quarrel with each other and finally seperate after Frank misbehaves to Walter's friend Elaine.
Lt. Lenina Huxley
Fire on the Amazon
Alyssa Rothman
When a well-known environmental researcher is murdered in the Amazon jungle, an arrogant photojournalist joins forces with a beautiful young activist to find out who is responsible. Along they way, they fall in love as they discover the men responsible for the killing would be more than willing to murder again if it will keep them quiet.
Linda Lue Linden
Miranda Presley moves from New York to Nashville to become a songwriter. At an unsuccessful audition she meets James Wright, a promising newcomer. After only a few days they marry but start to quickly regret it.
When the Party's Over
Four housemates try to find love and happiness in Los Angeles -- often at the expense of their well-being and friendships. Artist Amanda is trying to make it on the gallery scene, while aspiring actor Banks attempts to hit it big in Hollywood. Meanwhile, Frankie has an emotionally draining yet rewarding job as a social worker, but would be shattered to know that her roommate M.J. is sleeping with her boyfriend.
The Vanishing
Diane Shaver
The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.
Love Potion No. 9
Diane Farrow
Unlucky in love, chemist Paul Matthews visits gypsy Madame Rosa for help. Quickly realizing he is a hopeless nerd, she gifts him with Love Potion No. 8, which makes anyone who wears it irresistible to the opposite sex for four hours. Paul and animal psychologist coworker Diane Farrow decide to test it on themselves. The awkward pair suddenly find themselves alluring to anyone they approach, but soon realize they are most attracted to each other.
A Fool and His Money
Debby Cosgrove
New York advertising executive Morris Codman seems to have it all - lots of talent and a beautiful girlfriend, Debbie. When he loses his job he decides to use his advertising expertise to create, package and market a shady product that will make him millions. Debbie tries to convince him that money isn't everything and she loves him just the way he is. Morris' bizarre antics in promoting his product surprisingly lead to a fortune, but can love survive his quest for the almighty dollar?
The Preppie Murder
This is the story of a young woman who was found dead. Now the police investigate, and evidence points to a man she was seen leaving a party with. Now when questioned, he claims that her death was accidental, as a result of rough sex. Now her family doesn't believe this, so they press the district attorney's office to try him for murder, but he has a good lawyer who plays his defense right down to putting the dead girl on trial.
Who Shot Patakango?
Devlin Moran
A coming-of-age tale set in Brooklyn during the late '50s which centers around the high school life of a group of teens that have to deal with racial tensions at their interracial vocational high school.
Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman
Kate Mason
The Bionic Woman and the Six-Million-Dollar Man reunite--with a few younger bionic assistants--and try to catch a bionic spy.
Lisa Edwards
Rob Greene has information about an undercover terror team inside the CIA led by Joe Connelly. To stay alive with the knowledge, he is advised to stay undercover by his supervisor Andrews. Connelly's men try to kill Greene, but he can escape and warns his son Danny that he also may be in danger and that he should look for Dog Thompson.
Malorie: A Bird Box Story
Malorie Hayes
An upcoming sequel to the 2018 Netflix thriller 'Bird Box'.
An adaptation of the Millerworld comic book series.Centers on Bonnie Black, an 80-year-old woman who dies and finds herself resurrected in Adystria, a land filled with magical monsters and dragons. She's once again in the prime of her life, and finds all of her loved ones in Adystria, except for her late husband. In order to find him, she must become a hero.