Giovanni Marolla


ストレンジ・ワールド 異世界への招待状
Music Supervisor
A group of five classmates is trapped inside their school bus after a mysterious creature invade the road. Time runs and every passing minute decreases their survival chances against the constant threats of that unknown entity.
Music Supervisor
Almost Dead
Music Supervisor
Fausto & Furio
Music Supervisor
Fausto and Furio are two Romans with a precarious lifestyle. Fausto squanders his winnings while Furio lives thanks to small jobs. The death of their parents will make them meet because they inherit a repair shop. After some hesitation, the two, helped by an engineer with a mysterious past, will take the business over, but they will have to face a mafia boss who wants 200,000 euros, a debt matured by their fathers. The two will try to find a solution through clandestine races, drug trafficking, truck hijackings and the shared love for a fascinating bartender.
Music Supervisor
日本未公開。 作家のポールは、愛する妻が4年前に彼のもとを去ってから、書くことができなくなっていた。ある日、魅力的な不動産屋のローラと行きつけのダイナーで待ち合わせをしていた彼は、そこで男と口論になってしまい、ジャックという名の男に助けられる。礼としてポールは寝床のない彼を家に泊めることにした。素性の分からない男との生活が続くなか、状況が一変。ジャックはポールを人質にとり「2人の物語を書け」と脅迫する。ジャックは一体、何者なのか?そして、窮地に立たされたポールの予想だにしない真実が明かされることになるが…。
Into Paradiso
Music Supervisor
Ce n'è per tutti
Music Supervisor
Ho ammazzato Berlusconi
Music Supervisor
What is the shady affair in which the woman is involved, and what is her role? Is or isn't the man a marquis? Who is the young man played by Fabrizio Bentivoglio, and why does he own that car? Does Basque nationalism have to do anything with the story? Everybody has something to hide, everybody seems guilty.