Ethan Le Phong


1970年代のベトナム戦争末期、爆撃で故郷の村と両親を失った少女キムと、長引く戦争に対する疑問と虚無感に苛まれるアメリカ兵クリスは、エンジニアの経営するナイトクラブで出会い、急速に惹かれあう。だが、サイゴン陥落の混乱の中、非情にも2人は引き裂かれ、クリスはキムを残しベトナムを離れてしまう。戦争が終わり、キムはクリスの帰りを待ちながら彼との息子タムを育て、懸命に生きていたが、帰還したアメリカで今もベトナムの悪夢に苦しむクリスは、妻エレンと共に新たな人生を歩き始めていた。 時がたち2人が再会するとき、キムは愛するタムを前に、ある悲壮な決意を固めるのであった。
A one night stand gets competitive when two guys find out they are both tops.
Waiting in the Wings: The Musical
Two entertainers destined for the big time are mismatched in a casting office from two very different online contests. Tony, a stripper from New York, is cast in an Off-Broadway musical and needs to trade in his tear-away trunks for tap shoes and tights. Anthony, a naive musical theatre enthusiast from Montana, needs to decide if he can strip all the way down just to stay in town. Hilarity ensues as they realize that "to make it" they're gonna have to learn some new tricks.
The Best Man
As they prepare for their wedding, Scott and Johnny reflect on their long-term relationship; from a teenage first date after band practice to the meaning of monogamy.
Naked Boys Singing!
This whimsical Off-Broadway hit musical is aptly reworked and transferred to the screen. The self-descriptively titled Naked Boys Singing is a musical revue of songs that poke fun at gay life, body image, love, loss and yearning.