Lewis M. Allen
出生 : 1922-06-27, Berryville, Virginia, USA
死亡 : 2003-12-08
A documentary directed by Laurent Bouzereau.
未来の大戦中、疎開地へ向かう飛行機が墜落し、乗員である少年たちは南太平洋の無人島に置き去りにされる。当初はラーフとピギーの二人を中心に規則を作り、烽火をあげ続けることで救援を待とうとする。 最初こそ協力し合っていた彼らであったが、元々ラーフと仲の悪かった少年・ジャックは、ラーフが中心である事を気に入らず、また食べ物等にも不自由しない島で自由に生きる事を望んでいた為に、独自に狩猟隊を結成するのだった。ジャックは狩猟隊のメンバーと共に毎日を好き勝手に漫遊し、豚を狩る事で上等なご馳走を得ており、やがてはラーフの一派の少年達もその魅力に引かれ始める。 そんな中、せっかく船が島の沖を通りかかったにも拘らず、その日の当番が烽火を怠ったのが原因で、自分達の存在に気付かないまま船は過ぎ去ってしまい、ラーフの一派では対立が巻き起こってしまう。その隙を突く様に、ジャックはラーフの仲間達を引き込んでいくまでのカリスマ性まで発揮していくも、次第に狩猟隊の少年達は、内面の獣性が目覚めていき、泥絵の具を顔に塗りたくった蛮族の様な姿となって、ついには仲間の一人であったサイモンを集団で手にかけるまでに至ってしまう。 仲間の殆どをジャックに奪われてしまったラーフは、唯一自分の味方でいてくれたピギーも、ジャックの取り巻きであるロジャーに岩を頭上に落とされ殺されてしまい、完全に孤立。その翌日、ジャックは自らが王でいられる楽園を脅かしうる一番目障りな存在であったラーフを排除すべく、狩猟隊に木の枝を槍の様に尖らせて、ラーフの殺害を指示する。ラーフは孤立してしまった恐怖や悲しみに苦しみながらも、森に火を放ったジャック達狩猟隊から、島中を逃げ回る事になる…。
When the closure of a railway is announced, employees commandeer a locomotive to get to corporate headquarters and confront the president.
Spalding Gray sits behind a desk throughout the entire film and recounts his exploits and chance encounters while playing a minor role in the film 'The Killing Fields'. At the same time, he gives a background to the events occurring in Cambodia at the time the film was set.
Executive Producer
Elizabeth defies her wealthy parents by running off and marrying a young man of humble prospects, and her parents have not spoken to her since - even though the couple lives in a rooming house nearby, they are struggling financially, and she is pregnant. The story of unselfish love between a man and a woman and the abiding love within a family, this American classic explores the enduring themes of human existence.
Executive Producer
It's 1918, the height of United States involvement in World War I - Liberty Bonds are sold, German immigrants are suspected as traitors or saboteurs, young men everywhere succumb to the patriotism and propaganda and enlist. In a small Texas town, Horace Robedaux feels the pressure - he doesn't want to leave his young wife Elizabeth and their young child Jenny - but Elizabeth's can't-do-anything-right little brother is constantly talking about the war, and Elizabeth's stern father, who opposed the marriage initially, now has plans to take care of his daughter and the child so Horace can fight for his country. But the influenza epidemic sweeping the town (and the nation) may change everyone's plans.
Executive Producer
In 1967, New York City is host to the Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant. This documentary takes a look behind the scenes, transporting the viewer into rehearsals and dressing rooms as the drag queen subculture prepares for this big national beauty contest. Jack/Sabrina is the mistress of ceremonies, and their protégé, Miss Harlow, is in the competition. But, as the pageant approaches, the glamorous contestants veer from camaraderie to tension.
A title card announces that the film is a result of found footage assembled by cameraman J.J. Burden working for the acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jim Dunn, who has disappeared. Leach, a heroin addict, introduces the audience to his apartment where other heroin addicts, a mix of current and former jazz musicians, are waiting for Cowboy, their drug connection, to appear. Things go out of control as the men grow increasingly nervous and the cameraman keeps recording.