Anne Wenzel


記念すべき第 10 回ハンガー・ゲームの新しい試みとして、贄の教育係に任命された 18 歳の少年スノーは、貧しい境遇から抜け出す為に優勝を心に決める。だが、彼が担当する事になったのは、最も弱い第12 地区の少女ルーシーだった。そして、彼女の唯一の武器は歌だった...
Makeup Artist
When Willi's father is abducted and is only released for a valuable statue from his art collection, Tim is the only one who believes Willi that the police are on the wrong track. Together with the smart policeman's daughter Gaby and the highly intelligent outsider Karl, they start to investigate on their own. Against all odds the four discover a conspiracy. In the course of their first big detective adventure they grow together into a committed community, and so Tim, Klöschen, Karl and Gaby become the band TKKG.
Key Makeup Artist