Choi Yong-joon


The Girl Next Door
Choi Seong-hyeon
Sae-hee couldn't go to sleep from the first day in her new house because of the moaning coming from next door. Sae-hee has never had sex before, but she's writing sex novels. Playboy Seong-hyeon was getting tired of his sex partner Jia when he finds out that Sae-hee is a sex novelist. He begins to help her with her work but really he's using that as bait to get into her pants and he does. Will Sae-hee be able to complete the novel?
タチャ イカサマ師
コニとクァンヨルが二人でハウス(賭博場)で賭博をする。 しかし、二人がぼろを出すと、ある老人が二人が組んでいかさまをしていることを見破る。 その老人は、自分がピョンであると詐称するクァンヨルのことを興味深く見つめる