Du Jianqiao

出生 : 1976-10-07, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China


The Desert Dragon
Master Baiyun
At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the elder of Kunwu Pavilion in Kunlun Mountain, Huangfu Beng, felt that the demons were destroying the dragon veins and led his disciples to fight with a thousand-year-old tree demon. He did not want the tree demon to absorb the demon pearl and increase its strength. In order to save the strength and turn the situation around, Huangfu Beng uses up all his magic power to start the Flying Stream Formation and sends his eldest disciple Xuntan and his female disciple Chu Ling'er back to Panshizhen three days ago, hoping to destroy the tree demon before it gets the Xuan Yin Pearl.
Bye, Mr Wang!
The 12-year-old dachshund "Jiang Mi Tiao" stood up while helping his owner Fang to retain love, but unexpectedly passed away and came to the world of Wang Xing. The first thing to do here is to forget the past, which means that he will No longer remembering the bits and pieces of Fang Yiyi, maybe the memory can be reset, but the instinct of loving Fang Yiyi will be unforgettable over the years. Jiang Mi Tiao fought hard to break through the obstacles, and returned to the world through hardships and dangers, crossing the vast sea of people,
The Skin Painter
戦狼 ウルフ・オブ・ウォー
Yu Quan
アフリカ、マダガスカル海域。一人の男が、海賊に襲われた貨物船を救出した。男の名はレン。元特殊部隊「戦狼」の精鋭だ。とある事件から軍籍を剥奪されたレンは、反政府 勢力に殺害された恋人・ロンの敵を討つべく、この地に渡っていたのだ。しかし、その最中、反乱が勃発。命からがら護衛艦に避難したレンだが、戦闘地域に民間人が取り残されているという話を耳にし、単独、戦地に舞い戻る。