William L. Manger


Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Effects Editor
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a brother and gunning for revenge. After being ordered to turn in his badge, he seeks out Jessie Crossman, a noted skydiver, and offers to sponsor her crew for the annual Independence Day parachuting show in Washington, D.C., if she trains him. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the mid-air jailbreak is planning a daring computer theft on Independence Day.
Supervising Sound Editor
American Me
Sound Editor
During his 18 years in Folsom Prison, street-gang leader Santana rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana goes back to his old neighborhood, intending to lead a peaceful, crime-free life. But his old gang buddies force him back into his old habits.
Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
Legal Eagles
Supervising Sound Editor
District Attorney Tom Logan is set for higher office, at least until he becomes involved with defence lawyer Laura Kelly and her unpredictable client Chelsea Deardon. It seems the least of Chelsea's crimes is the theft of a very valuable painting, but as the women persuade Logan to investigate further and to cut some official corners, a much more sinister scenario starts to emerge.
Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Effects Editor
Supervising Sound Effects Editor
来るロサンゼルスオリンピックに向けてのテロ対策と警備強化を名目に、カリフォルニア州当局は陸軍と合同で秘密裏に攻撃ヘリコプター「ザ・スペシャル」ことブルーサンダーを開発し、ロサンゼルス市警察に配備した。 州当局の意向で運用試験のパイロットに選ばれたベトナム帰りの警察航空隊員フランク・マーフィーは、コンビを組む航空観測員・ライマングッドを伴ったブルーサンダーのテスト飛行中に、連邦地方庁舎の一室で行なわれていた州政府関係者の密議を盗聴、録画してしまう。それは、ブルーサンダーの能力をアピールするためのヒスパニック地区での暴動煽動、また反対派を暗殺する「ソア(THOR= Tactical Helicopter Offensive Response 戦術ヘリ攻撃対応)計画:騒乱鎮圧への軍用ヘリ活用」に関するものだった。しかも、ベトナム時代の上官でブルーサンダーの開発にも携わる陸軍大佐・コクランが陰謀に一枚噛んでおり、直前に起きていた市議会委員長殺害事件に絡む謎の言葉“THOR”はこの陰謀の事だった。 コクランらは証拠隠滅のためにライマングッドを殺害、マーフィーにその容疑がかけられる。マーフィーはブルーサンダーを強奪して逃走すると、別居中の妻ケイトにライマングッドが死の直前に隠した密議の録画ビデオをテレビ局の報道キャスター・ヒューイットに渡すよう託し、自らはロサンゼルス上空で権力と、そしてコクランの乗る軍用ヘリとの孤独な闘いを繰り広げる。
French Postcards
Sound Editor
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Outlaw Blues
Sound Editor
An aspiring musician is released from prison to find that a song he had written while locked up has been stolen and made into a hit record by a country music superstar. When his confrontation with the star takes a violent turn the ex-con has to go back on the run, but he finds an unexpected ally in a shrewd background singer with a plan to turn the tables in his favor.
Empire of the Ants
Dialogue Editor
A Florida real estate developer and her captain lure investors to a property in the Everglades called Dreamland Shores, under false pretenses that the swampland will soon be developed. After the group arrives on a small island, they find it has been overrun by giant mutated ants, brought on by the dumping of toxic waste in the area.
Sound Effects