Nathan Lindsey


Meet Monica Velour
ADR Recordist
For Tobe, a nerdy, horny, frizzy-haired cineaste who doesn't quite fit in with the average contemporary teen, the pinnacle of womanhood is Monica Velour, a soft-core actress who reached the zenith of her career in the 1980s. When Tobe learns that his love idol is headlining hundreds of miles away at the Gentlemen's Petting Zoo in Indiana, he drives off with carefree glory, filled with the hope of meeting her.
リンジー・ローハンの 妊娠宣言!? ~ハリウッド式OLウォーズ~
ADR Recordist
A young woman pretends to be pregnant in order to avoid being fired from her job. When that gets her a bunch of special treatment by everyone involved in her life, she tries to keep up the lie for nine months.
キャデラック・レコード ~音楽でアメリカを変えた人々の物語~
ADR Recordist