Kevin Kang


Digital Intermediate
A group of women climbs a summer mountain situated in South Korea. They are refugees who have settled into South Korean society after fleeing from North Korea. For them, climbing the mountains has been an unavoidable journey for survival - a matter of life and death.
パラサイト 半地下の家族
Digital Intermediate
過去に度々事業に失敗、計画性も仕事もないが楽天的な父キム・ギテク。そんな甲斐性なしの夫に強くあたる母チュンスク。大学受験に落ち続け、若さも能力も持て余している息子ギウ。美大を目指すが上手くいかず、予備校に通うお金もない娘ギジョンは、“ 半地下住宅”で 暮らす貧しい4人家族だ。“半地下”の家は、暮らしにくい。窓を開ければ、路上で散布される消毒剤が入ってくる。電波が悪い。Wi-Fiも弱い。水圧が低いからトイレが家の一番高い位置に鎮座している。家族全員、ただただ“普通の暮らし”がしたい。受験経験は豊富だが学歴のないギウは、ある時、エリート大学生の友人から留学中の代打を頼まれる。ギウが向かった先は、IT企業の社長パク・ドンイク一家が暮らす高台の大豪邸だった。
Take Point
Digital Intermediate
On the day of the U.S. presidential election in 2024, a team of elite mercenaries embark on a secret CIA mission to abduct North Korea's politician in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone. However, they get caught in the crossfire which causes tensions to escalate to the brink of World War III.
Digital Intermediate
豊胸整形医ソクホ(チョ・ジヌン)と精神科医の妻イェジン(キム・ジス)の新居に集まった親友とその妻たち。亭主関白で気むずかしい弁護士のテス(ユ・ヘジン)と貞淑な専業主婦スヒョン(ヨム・ジョンア)。新婚ホヤホヤのイケメン社長ジュンモ(イ・ソジン)と若妻セギョン(ソン・ハユン)。新恋人を連れてくるはずが、一人でやって来た教師ヨンベ(ユン・ギョンホ)。久々の再会を喜び、変わらぬ友情や夫婦愛を確かめあい、お酒も会話も弾んでいく。そして自分たちの間には隠し事がないことを証明するため、「今からスマートフォンに届く電話やメールを全員に公開しよう」と皆のスマホロックを解除することに...。次々と届く着信やメール。他人に知られたくない“大人のウラ事情”が露わになり、楽しいはずのパーティーは想像を絶する修羅場と化していく──!! イタリアのアカデミー賞といわれるダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロ賞で作品賞、脚本賞に輝いたイタリア映画『おとなの事情』をリメイクした話題作。
神と共に  第二章:因と縁
Digital Intermediate
The Witch/魔女
Digital Intermediate
Ja-yoon is a high school student who struggles with memory loss after she endured some unknown trauma during her childhood. While trying to uncover the truth, she is unwittingly dragged into a world of crime and finds herself on a journey that will awaken many secrets hidden deep within.
バーニング 劇場版
Deliveryman Jongsu is out on a job when he runs into Haemi, a girl who once lived in his neighborhood. She asks if he'd mind looking after her cat while she's away on a trip to Africa. On her return she introduces to Jongsu an enigmatic young man named Ben, who she met during her trip. And one day Ben tells Jongsu about his most unusual hobby...
神と共に 第一章:罪と罰
Digital Intermediate
Digital Intermediate
A father goes all out to clear his daughter from any wrong doing in the murder of his fiancée. When all evidence points to her, he takes matters into to his own hands to save his daughter and outwit the judiciary system.
Digital Intermediate
The Table
Digital Intermediate
Four different women discuss life, love and marriage with people from their past and present during the course of one day at a café in Seoul.
Digital Intermediate
Jang Tae-Young is a popular trouble shooter in the criminal world. He is cold and ambitious. He dreams of building a casino hotel one day. A reporter then goes to Jang Tae-Young.
A Single Rider
Digital Intermediate
Promising fund manager Jae-hoon is at the brink of losing everything when his company goes bankrupt. Overwhelmed by despair, he takes an impulsive trip to Australia where his wife and son live. As his trip nears its unexpected end, Jae-hoon gets a chance to look back on his life.
Digital Intermediate
Jiseon, a working mother who takes care of her young daughter, Daeun, after the divorce, employs a nanny named Hanmae. One day, Jiseon finds out that the nanny and her daughter are missing, and she sets out to search for them.
Digital Intermediate
内田けんじ監督による2012年のコメディ「鍵泥棒のメソッド」を韓国でリメイク。ひょんなことから記憶喪失となり、売れない役者の人生と入れ替わってしまった伝説の殺し屋が巻き起こす奇想天外な物語をコミカルに描く。主演は「国選弁護人 ユン・ジンウォン」のユ・ヘジン、共演にイ・ジュン、チョ・ユニ。監督はイ・ゲビョク。完璧な仕事ぶりで裏社会にその名を轟かす伝説の殺し屋、ヒョンウク。ある日、銭湯で足を滑らせて頭を強打し記憶喪失となってしまう。偶然その場に居合わせた売れない貧乏役者ジェソンは、男が金持ちと思い込み、とっさにロッカーの鍵をすり替えてしまう。そうとは知らず、自分を売れない役者ジェソンと信じ込むヒョンウク。生来の完璧主義を発揮して俳優業にも真剣に取り組んでいくが...。
The Queen of Crime
Digital Intermediate
When her son who lives in a single room is given an outrageous $1,000 water bill, a mother decides to become a detective and find out what is behind it.
新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス
Digital Intermediate
Digital Intermediate
Digital Intermediate
Second Lieutenant Han Sang-yeol leads his platoon during the Korean War in the early 1950s. He carries emotional scars and pain within. So when he meets some children from a choir, who have lost everything in the war, Sang-yeol is deeply moved and tries to protect to them.
プリースト 悪魔を葬る者
Digital Intermediate
To save a girl in danger, a priest and deacon jump into a mysterious case.
Intimate Enemies
Digital Intermediate
At a car accident site, Ji-Noo (Ryoo Seung-Bum), Na-Mi (Koh Joon-Hee), Jung-Sook (Ryoo Hyoun-Kyoung) and Yakuboo (Samuel Okyere) find a bag filled with money. They become involved in a dangerous case.
The Unfair
Digital Intermediate
Residents, who are evicted from their homes in a designated urban renewal, demonstrate against their removal. The police arrive and attempt to end the demonstration. Death happen that lead to the bigger problem.
The Royal Tailor
Digital Intermediate
Depicts the love lives, jealousies and desires of those that work within the Sanguiwon during the Joseon Dynasty period. The Sanguiwon are responsible for the attire worn by royalty. Dol-Seok is the best master artisan in charge of royal attire. He views set rules as paramount to his job. Kong-Jin is a genius like designer, born with dexterity and an excellent sense. He was brought to the palace by nobleman Pan-Soo who first spotted his talent. The King and Queen then become embroiled in a critical case because of the royal attire made by Dol-Seok and Kong-Jin.
Digital Intermediate
Digital Colorist
The film mainly follows the famous 1597 Battle of Myeongryang during the Japanese invasion of Korea 1592-1598, where the iconic Joseon admiral Yi Sun-sin managed to destroy a total of 133 Japanese warships with only 13 ships remaining in his command. The battle, which took place in the Myeongryang Strait off the southwest coast of the Korean Peninsula, is considered one of the greatest victories of Yi.
Wild Flowers
Digital Intermediate
The life of runaway girls is exposed to the threats of prostitution or violent situations during the quest to find a place to stay overnight like Eunsoo and Soohyang.
ハン・ゴンジュ 17歳の涙
Digital Intermediate
After transferring to a new school, a teenage girl finds her troubled past exposed when she innocently signs up for a singing club.
Digital Colorist