Park Geun-hye

Park Geun-hye

出生 : 1952-02-02, Daegu, South Korea


Park Geun-hye
Park Geun-hye


Great Silence
Candlelight Revolution
Self (archive footage)
“What kind of person do you think former President Park Geunhye is?” Sohn Seokhee, a journalist, gives a clear and sharp answer that he “shares the common ideas that people in our country have.” That common idea has led millions to bring candles to the streets, correcting a thread of history that has gone awry, and gather a sense of hope among people. Candlelight Revolution portrays the voices of citizens from various generations, political figures of different parties, and the witnesses of an administration under improper influence. It is a documentary that identifies the genuine structure of politics and society by following how Park entered politics along with government records up until March 10.
Korea, A Hundred Years of War
Self (archive footage)
A contemporary history of Korea(s) from a unique point of view that embraces the inner history of both South and North Korea in a single narrative.
President′s 7 Hours
Self (archival footage)
The film traces PARK Geun-hye's life back to the 1970s, when the leader-follower relationship began between PARK, who became the first lady of the Yushin regime, and CHOI Taemin, the leader of a pseudo-religion. It then examines the Sewol ferry incident, CHOI Soonsil Gate, candlelight rallies, and finally the impeachment.
To Kill Alice
Herself (archival footage)
Eunmi, a woman who underwent intense anti-communist education while she grew up in South Korea, lives a normal life in America. However, after going on a trip to North Korea with her husband, her life begins to change. During an open forum event in South Korea, where she was invited to speak, she suffers the unimaginable, and the more she tries to escape from the situation, the worse and worse it gets.
Self (archival footage)
あなたが「ネトウヨ」でもない限り、彼らをひどく憤らせた日系アメリカ人YouTuberのミキ・デザキを、おそらくご存知ないだろう。ネトウヨからの度重なる脅迫にも臆せず、彼らの主張にむしろ好奇心を掻き立てられたデザキは、日本人の多くが「もう蒸し返して欲しくない」と感じている慰安婦問題の渦中に自ら飛び込んでいった。 慰安婦たちは「性奴隷」だったのか?「強制連行」は本当にあったのか? なぜ元慰安婦たちの証言はブレるのか? そして、日本政府の謝罪と法的責任とは……? 次々と浮上する疑問を胸にデザキは、櫻井よしこ(ジャーナリスト)、ケント・ギルバート(弁護士/タレント)、渡辺美奈(「女たちの戦争と平和資料館」事務局長)、吉見義明(歴史学者)など、日・米・韓のこの論争の中心人物たちを訪ね回った。さらに、おびただしい量のニュース映像と記事の検証と分析を織り込み、イデオロギー的にも対立する主張の数々を小気味よく反証させ合いながら、精緻かつスタイリッシュに一本のドキュメンタリーに凝縮していく。そうして完成したのが、映画監督ミキ・デザキのこの驚くべきデビュー作、『主戦場』だ。 映画はこれまで信じられてきたいくつかの「物語」にメスを入れ、いまだ燻り続ける論争の裏に隠された“あるカラクリ”を明らかにしていくのだが——それは、本作が必見である理由のごくごく一部に過ぎない。 さて、主戦場へようこそ。
In the Absence
Self (archival footage)
When the MV Sewol ferry sank off the coast of South Korea in 2014, over three hundred people lost their lives, most of them schoolchildren. Years later, the victims’ families and survivors are still demanding justice from national authorities.
The Black
Herself (archive footage)
The National Intelligence Service (NIS) intervened with the 2012 presidential election, and the court has acquitted NIS. This documentary tracks the long process where a special team of prosecutors formed after the inauguration of PARK Geunhye administration discovering the truth under all kinds of external pressures and obstructions. This documentary also tracks the footsteps of the late LEE Namjong, who reminded us the NIS Intervention incident.
After Diving Bell
Herself (archive footage)
A documentary that reports on the the rescue failure of the Sewol incident. In the days of media control, Park Geun-hye and her government sabotaged the screening of "Diving Bell" at the Busan International Film Festival.
State-authorized Textbook
Herself (archive footage)
Why on earth should we use the state-authorized textbook? Many history scholars share their opinions about the nature, background and significance of the book and why history is forcibly imposed.
Self (archive footage)
My father led a coup in 1961. Two years later, I became the president's daughter.
The Reservoir Game
Self (archive footage)
An investigative reporter seeks to expose the whereabouts of a slush fund belonging to the former president of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak.
Criminal Conspiracy
Self (archive footage)
Public Broadcasting has changed over the last ten years and now it is on the wrong track.
Blue Butterfly Effect
Self (archival footage)
The small county of Seongju staged protests against the THAAD. Young mothers led protests from concerns about their kids and the exposure to radiation. Gradually, they learn the system is faulty.
Forgetting and Remembering 2 : reflection
Herself (archive footage)
The Plan
Herself (archive footage)
Let's look back at the 18th presidential vote. The 13,500 ballot boxes were taken to 251 ballot count locations and were sorted by 1,300 automatic ballot openers. The chairman announced the sorted data and soon it was announced to the public. But something strange happened. The 251 ballot count locations found 'a number' that have the same pattern. Scientists, mathematicians, statistician and hackers from all over the country start looking into the secret of 'this number'. The result is tremendously shocking...
Seven Years-Journalism without Journalist
Herself (archive footage)
A total of 17 journalists have been fired since 2008, the beginning of LEE Myung-bak’s presidential term. They fought against the companies that they worked for succumbing to power and are now frustrated at reality where censorship of the press by authority has now become a norm. Can they continue their activities as journalists?
Spy Nation
Self (archive footage)
YU Wooseong who had been working as a civil servant is on trial for espionage following his sibling’s confession. A reporter who has been laid off begins following the traces of a spy story manipulated by a government agency. The clues lead to a confession and false evidence that society and the press have turned their back on.
The Island of Shadows
Herself (archive footage)
The workers talk about the pleasure of starting work in a shipyard, the pride of making the vessel, and the recognition of workers and the high spirit of their novel struggle. There was solidarity everywhere, even in each other's mind. But there is no more energy in Hanjin Shipyard. The workers have been laid-off and the strike shows no sign of stopping. A 34 year-old worker committed suicide as well. It's the fourth who has become a martyr for the cause. Why have the laborers who worked at Hanjin shipyard separated like this? They are starting to ask themselves why they decided to hate each other.
Cruel State
In April 2014, the entire nation of South Korea watched on television live as The Sewol capsized off the coast of Jindo. The tragedy left life-long wounds in the hearts of people whose family and friends had been among the 304 passengers killed. The majority of the victims were high school students on a school trip. Their parents were not even given the luxury of grieving, as they had to camp out in front of the Parliament, City Hall and the Presidential House, asking for only one thing - to know the truth about why their children had been left to die. But after more than a year, that truth has yet to be brought to light. This film is a documentation of the year-long struggle and painful soul-searching of people destined to be labelled as 'bereaved families' for the rest of their lives, as they come face to face with the naked face of their cruel country.
The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol
Herself (archive footage)
A documentary on the South Korean ferry disaster that claimed the lives of more than 300 passengers in April, 2014.
Black Deal
Herself (archive footage)
Sage Solutions
Herself (archive footage)
The President's Last Bang
Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.