Naomi Ito

Naomi Ito


Naomi Ito


レイプウーマン 淫らな日曜日
Naoko is getting a lot of obscene phone calls, so she decides to stay at her girlfriend Mari's home for awhile, afraid of a rape attack. But the telephone calls don't stop, and the mysterious pervert caller is bothering her there too. Naoko reluctantly agrees to meet meet him at a local restaurant, hoping the man will stop. When she arrives, Naoko is surprised to find the café is operated by Harada, a man whom she and Mari had liked so much in the past that, in fact, they had cat fights over him at their working places. It was due to a love triangle scuffle that they had been both fired from their previous jobs.
美津の誕生日。 夏子はお揃いの乙女座のネックレスとバラの花を買って来る。しかしアパートの窓には白いハンカチ。それは美津の恋人・英男が来ている合図だった。 ひそかに美津を愛してしまった夏子。彼女を独り占めしようと思うがゆえに英男に近づく夏子は・・・真夏の午後、世界を震撼させた衝撃のラストが―