Snorri Freyr Hilmarsson


Production Design
アイスランドの田舎で暮らす羊飼いの夫婦が、羊から産まれた羊ではない何かを育て、やがて破滅へと導かれていく様を描いたスリラー。「ローグ・ワン スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー」などの特殊効果を担当したバルディミール・ヨハンソンの長編監督デビュー作。山間に住む羊飼いの夫婦イングヴァルとマリアが羊の出産に立ち会うと、羊ではない何かが産まれてくる。子どもを亡くしていた2人は、その「何か」に「アダ」と名付け育てることにする。アダとの生活は幸せな時間だったが、やがてアダは2人を破滅へと導いていく。「プロメテウス」「ミレニアム」シリーズのノオミ・ラパスが主人公マリアを演じ、製作総指揮も務めた。アイスランドの作家・詩人として知られ、「ダンサー・イン・ザ・ダーク」の歌劇脚本を手がけたショーンがヨハンソンとともに共同脚本を担当。
Woman at War
Art Direction
Halla declares a one-woman-war on the local aluminium industry. She is prepared to risk everything to protect the pristine Icelandic Highlands she loves… Until an orphan unexpectedly enters her life.
Under the Tree
Production Director
When Baldvin and Inga's next door neighbours complain that a tree in their backyard casts a shadow over their sundeck, what starts off as a typical spat between neighbours in the suburbs unexpectedly and violently spirals out of control.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Set Designer
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
White Whales
Production Manager
A whale-boat is making its final whaling tour of the season. It pursues and catches a whale, and then proceeds home. The men working on the boat have to find themselves different employment now that the season is over. Among the crew are two friends, Grímur and Bubbi. They are well- seasoned and experienced seamen of the kind that never puts down roots anywhere. Grímur is not the kind of man to allow much to set him off balance. When he arrives on land he heads directly for the capital where he intends to make a new start and get himself involved in the night life. With him is his faithful and rather troll-like companion, Bubbi. The film then mainly concerns itself with their efforts to make some kind of contact with what is going on in Reykjavik.