Vadim Zakharchenko

Vadim Zakharchenko

出生 : 1929-02-19,

死亡 : 2007-01-02


Vadim Zakharchenko


An Essay on Victory Day
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
White Feast
Knowing that he will soon pass on, elderly Valentin Grack hires private detective Stanislav to follow him around for an entire day and write down everything that he does. It is a cold day and during Grack's travels he encounters a younger woman who addresses him as professor. He then meets a prostitute who turns out to be his daughter, and finally he meets an old woman, his worried wife who has been searching eight days for him. In between meeting the women, Grack finds himself in some almost surreal situations and having flashbacks about his youth.
Lady Into Lassie
Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....
My Family Treasure
The villager - excavator Peter Gavrilin - once realized that he had lost all meaning. Despising the bustle, Peter left the family and lay on the rails ... A simple story is tragicomic and sentimental. All you need is a breath of clean air ...
According to ancient legend, the artist found a mineral that can revive any inanimate thing. To hide the mineral, he inserts it into a doll named Hagi. A century later, Hagi falls into the hands of a puppeteer, and he with horror discovers that the old doll is alive. Moreover, she also has a nasty character. Criminals try to take possession of it in order to use it for mercenary purposes. But they do not know the secrets of this doll - no one can take possession of it, but it has a destructive effect on any person who falls within its influence.
The Master and Margarita
Maximilian Andreevich Poplavsky
Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
Russian miracle
The enterprising Ivan decides to organize a tour in America of the famous Russian psychic Yuri Koshmarovsky and earn some “green” money. However, just before the flight, it was discovered that the maestro was in the hospital. Well, do not cancel the same performance because of such a trifle! Fortunately, Aunt Katya escorted Ivan to her airport with her husband Petya, who, as it turned out, was almost a double of Koshmarovsky ...
The Nick Of Time
A wealthy American businessman, Mr. Clarke, forces his dissolute but charming nephew James to go with him to Russia, where he buys a Faberge watch that belonged to Nicholas II himself. He is received by Mr. Borsch, who dreams of becoming a minister by signing a lucrative contract. A representative of a Japanese company, nicknamed the Samurai during the auction, is hunting for the same watch. Borshch's wife also "laid eyes" on an antique watch, and a talented thief leaves the prison. All the participants of the future adventures met at the restaurant, where James met the beautiful niece of Borsch's wife. Mr. Clark flies to Namibia, instructing his nephew to put the watch in the hotel safe. Naturally, on the same evening, the watch is stolen...
Stalin's testament
A middle-aged, alcoholic lawyer inherits a mysterious, unsigned will from his father.
Wandering Sagittarius
After discovering a time tunnel to 1960-ies a journalist decides to make some cash out of it.
Tram-tararam or Buhty-barahty
Russian business
An old tamer uncle Vasya with an old bear Gosha and their friends manage "Russian safari" for strangers where the bear must stay alive.
Once the actor Rebrov flatly refused to participate in an obscene performance and flew, as they say, out the door. When he came home and found out that his family was going to be replenished, the exemplary family man was not upset, but organized a cooperative "Sibiryak", where lonely childless women were guaranteed the appearance of beautiful babies. Assistant Rebrov became Vovik also an actor-loser. Hopeless drinker and completely indifferent to the female sex, the fat man will be very talented to play the role of a psychic as long as the "Siberian" does not attract the attention of the racket and until a sweet woman with a dream to give birth to a son from a psychic appears in his apartment.
The Murder at Zhdanovskaya
The Big Exchange
Prokhor Ignatyevich
USSR. The time of the monetary reform of 1961. One hundred rubles turned into ten overnight. But the reform did not affect copper money. Enterprising administrator of the Park of culture and recreation Prokhor Ignatievich, wanting to increase his capital, tries to exchange a big amount of money for small copper with the help of simple-minded driver Zhora Grakin and ex-convict Roland Babaskin...
Ispolnitel Prigovora
В основу сюжета фильма положены реальные события. Бывший "афганец" Юрий Кирсанов жил без особых проблем: отдельная квартира, любимая и любящая жена, замечательный сын. Но вот однажды он становится свидетелем накала митинговых страстей, где погибает его друг. А затем Юрий узнает, что его жена и сын вследствие оплошности врачей заразились СПИДом. Решение к Юрию приходит мгновенно...
Чертов пьяница
Human Target
A detective goes undercover in a small Russian town.
Наша дача
Прямая трансляция
Vladlen Petrovich, Lucy's father
Two and One
Two men are united around a six years old daughter whose mother recently died.
Little Vera
A story about a young woman, Vera, who is somebody, living the life of a troubled teenager in the time right before the end of the Soviet Union. She lives in a very small Russian apartment with her mother and father, however being this close to each other makes the living get rough. Their daily life is plagued with massive amounts of alcohol (mainly vodka) and when she tries to escape her home life, she meets up with a boyfriend, Sergei who then moves into her already small apartment after sleeping with her. Every day little Vera has to go through hell just to get by, which even involves her going against her own morals after her father has done something extremely wrong.
May I die, Lord
Before the demolition of the orphanage, almost all the children were transferred to other boarding schools, but six girls and their teacher remained. Olga, one of the pupils, receives an invitation to act in films and agrees. Filming and getting to know the other world harden her - and she already perceives the problems of her friends in a completely different way and almost hates her teacher ...
Импровизация на тему биографии
Клуб женщин
With No Expiration Date
Leaving the seaside town at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the SS men hid lists of secret agents. A few years later, Sam Page, a former fascist mercenary Semyon Paygin, and two other agents come to the USSR in order to search for the archive. After all, the crimes of SS agents have no statute of limitations.
From Pay to Pay
The shoe factory is undergoing production reform. Poor quality shoes no longer bring savings, the company began to suffer only losses. To get out of this crisis, the factory management decided to produce normal products designed for the wishes of the consumer. To do this, you must cope with new technologies.
Эксперимент 200
Rys Returns
One Second for a Feat
Day of Wrath
Dr. Fiedler, in a secret underground laboratory located in the reserve, is working on experiments to create bestial creatures endowed with human intelligence. It would seem that contact with the beasts on an equal footing took place, but devoid of human morality and compassion, beast-like creatures rebelled against their creators. The journalist Battley, who learns about the monstrous rumors from the reserve, decides to conduct his own investigation and goes to the wilderness, where he encounters the products of Fiedler's terrible experiences.
At the flying club Zina met a cameraman aerial filming Sergey Leninym, very seriously engaged in parachuting and after a while in international competitions has become one of the contenders for the gold medal. But soon fell into the gorge, the helicopter in which there was Sergey. And then Zina firmly decided to leave the sport…
Copper Angel
An international geological expedition led by a Russian engineer works in an inaccessible area of one of the Latin American countries. Scientists are held hostage by a nearby gang that trades in the drug trade. Geologists are in mortal danger ...
Inspector Losev
A classic mystery story based on Arkadi Adamov novels.
Look back!
Having buried her husband, the woman is now left alone with her teenage son. He, nevertheless, remembers all the harm she's done to him and is now taking revenge on her and everyone around...
Не было печали
It's Up to You
A young girl visits her family in a village and mistakenly identified by local children as a swimming champion.
The Secret Agent's Return
After returning from the USSR, Tulyev was subjected to rigorous verification of his former "owners". He continues his work in Western intelligence, but already as a Soviet intelligence officer through the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In a new capacity, he establishes the whereabouts of Hitler’s criminal Hoffmann, who was once sentenced to death, and helps the authorities arrest him. However, as a result of the conflict within NATO intelligence, Charlie Brighton, Hoffman's assistant, begins to hunt for him. At the same time, Tulyev manages to establish the identity of the murderer of his father, Karl Brockmann, with whom they crossed in the service of mercenaries somewhere in hot countries. He wants revenge, but, by an evil irony of fate, he must help prepare Brockmann for being cast as a spy in the Soviet Union.
Married Bachelor
After meeting Tamara during the long trip on the train Sergey decided to pose as Tamara's husband in front of her parents.
Take Care of the Men!
Professor Glotov
She is a business, courageous and energetic woman. He is spineless, awkward and also not amenable to “correction.” It goes to divorce. Moreover, an ardent admirer of her beauty suddenly appears on the horizon. However, this circumstance, ultimately, leads to an unexpected result...
Born by the Storm
Sigizmund Rayevskiy
Ukraine, 1918. Underground worker Sigismund Raevsky organizes a Komsomol cell and gathers young people to fight against the German invaders...
The Order: Do Not Open Fire
A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1941.
We, the Undersigned
The main events unfold in the train. The acceptance committee from Moscow, revealing deficiencies in the constructed bakery, did not sign the act of its delivery. But the fate of not only many people associated with the construction, but also the life of the town as a whole depends on this. Lyonya Shindin — a conscientious and decent man — is trying by all means and by any means to change the decision of the commission...
Серебряные озёра
The Detective
passagir "Zaporozhtsa"
A story about a rookie detective in the beginning of his investigative career.
The Garage
man in glasses
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
A graduate of the village school Pyotr Gorokhov from the village of Dyadkovo comes to Moscow to enter a prestigious economic university; he succeeds, albeit literally by a miracle. However, Petya was always helped out by chance and mysticism. Compared to other students (mostly Muscovites and residents of other big cities), this guy from the province stands out sharply — both in manners, in reprimand, and in behavior. Accustomed to defend their principles to the end of Gorokhov was called Balamut (Troublemaker). Nevertheless, in the student community, he quickly mastered and became a leader. Everything would be fine, but he has two problems — unrequited love for the dark-skinned beauty from Cuba and English...
Polar Fox Napoleon III
school director
A young arctic fox Napoleon III, having escaped from animal farm, ended up in the village of Kovylkino. Following him, hunters, trappers, animal farm workers, a police detachment and correspondents came into the village. Thanks to the six-year-old preschooler Serpokrylov, everything ended well, and the people who took part in the pursuit of the young arctic fox returned to their business, having managed to tell about their dreams and about themselves.
During a Beautiful Childhood
A musical comedy about one day from the life of five year old Petya's grandfather.
На новом месте
Aniskin Again
Third and final part of the comedies about the funny adventures of countryside cop named Aniskin.
Поединок в тайге
The Legend of Till
Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: "The Ashes of Claes". XVI century. The freedom-loving and cheerful people of the Netherlands under the rule of the Spanish king: persecution, torture, bonfires of the Inquisition, encouraging scammers. The fearless Thyl Uhlenshpiegel and his faithful girlfriend Nele have to go through many trials. Second part: "Viva Beggars!". The people of the Netherlands, tormented by cruel royal decrees, taxes, heresy, torture and executions, began a war of liberation against Spanish rule. Many feats will be performed by the national hero Tilbert (Thyl) Ulenspiegel and his friend Lamme Gudzak before peace returns to their homeland.
The Poseidon Rushes to Help
Head of school
О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
A Collar for Marquis
A family drama about a friendship between horse and 10 years old boy.
Risk is a noble cause
The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.
A Lullaby for Men
A single mother for years had an amazing relationships with her son. But all ended when a young girl joined the family.
Trans-Siberian Express
Fedotov's assistant
An espionage thriller set aboard the train of the title. A group of agents try to thwart the Japanese-Soviet trade agreement by assassinating a Japanese businessman.
Duck Village
In the village called Utka (Duck), in an old larder, there lived a house sprite, Shishok. A real one, with horns and in a fur coat, jolly and mischievous. He could walk through walls and find lost things. The only thing distressing Shishok was that the children stopped seeing him when they grew up. Everything had changed with the arrival of an 8-year-old girl, Olya, who came to the village for vacations…
The Lost Expedition
An expedition of a few geologists is going to Siberia in order to found a gold sources during 1918.
Стоянка - три часа
Последняя встреча
Андрей, фотоохотник
Birds Over the City
Andryusha and his fifth-grade comrades in a pile of scrap raw materials found poorly bound typewritten pages with the inscription "Attack." The guys enthusiastically read this collection of frontline stories. Their author Bukin, it turns out, lives nearby, in the next quarter. The man is middle-aged and sickly; however, he does not succumb to the blows of fate. He devotes all his strength to the preservation of forest wealth, and in his free time from these worries he continues to write stories, recalling certain episodes of a rich front-line life ...
Land, Poste Restante
person with no special signs
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...
Чудак из пятого «Б»
тренер по плаванию
Хуторок в степи
Deniska's Stories
сосед Дениски из похожего дома
A funny stories about a young boy Deniska and his best friend Mishka.
Innocent, a new coach in gymnastics, who arrived in the Siberian town, is a risk to his students to believe in themselves, in senior competitions replaces them strong competitors and get the expected result.
13 orders
Men's Talk
Sasha Larionov, is in the eighth grade and still doesn't know that his mother has left the family. Sasha's father, a decent and very honest person, was used to telling people only the truth. But here he doesn't now how to tell his son that the mother left them for another man and therefore explains her long absence from a long business trip. However, soon Sasha finds out the truth and decides to go after his mom, hoping to get her back
Chapay's Eaglets
Adventures of a group of children during Civil War in Russia.
Wake Mukhin Up!
Nicholas I of Russia
During lectures on literature, evening student Sasha Mukhin, a subway driver, sleeps and dreams. In approximate accordance with the subject of the lectures, he either tries to prevent Pushkin’s duel with Dantes, either intervenes in the events of Spartak’s rebellion, or is present at Galileo’s abdication, then meets a person from the future and learns from him his future fate.
The Secret Agent's Blunder
In the spring of 1961, KGB officers received information that an experienced intelligence officer Mikhail Zarokov, son of the Russian emigrant Count Tulyev, with extensive international experience and knowledge in various operations was abandoned on the territory of the Soviet Union. He is sent to Russia to carry out a very difficult and risky task, which is directly related to the nuclear industrial complex and transfer the collected information abroad...
Direct Line
Bald Major
A few days from the life of a young scientist responsible for the failed trail.
A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of a witch in the church of a remote village. This means spending three nights alone with the corpse with only his faith to protect him.
The Journalist
Editorial Staff
A successful young journalist goes to a small industrial city in order to understand the written complaints of a certain girl. When he met the author of the letters and the girl whom she had slandered, he didn't immediately understand the complexity of the situation and the measure of responsibility to those whom he was obliged to protect...
The Places Here Are Quiet
Based on the novel of the same name by Grigory Svirsky. 1942 year. The Great Patriotic War. The navigator Bratnov was shot down during the war, was captured, fled, returned to his people, was demoted and sent to serve in the construction battalion. His old front-line comrade Major Kabarov accidentally met him and took him to his unit. Kabanov, knowing about the lack of experienced navigators, is seeking to transfer Bratnov to his air force in the Northern Fleet, in the Arctic, to a tiny rocky island — "to the ends of the world."
On Thin Ice
Driver Sukharevsky
Two KGB agents are fighting against foreign spies before and during WWII.
Your Son and Brother
doctor in the clinic
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.
Дальние страны
Early in the morning
дядя Костя сосед
A story about the beginning of life. Having lost their parents early, Alyosha and Nadya were not left alone - the father’s friend and the people around them helped the children remain kind and open in this difficult world of adults ...
What Is It, the Sea?
An adventures of a young boy in a fishermen village on a sea coast.
Я -
About the scout girl "Bereza", her dangerous work behind enemy lines during the Second World War. Twenty years later, a journalist is looking for the heroine and interviews her...
Cheka Employee
drunk red army cavalryman
Based on the novel of the same name by Aleksandr Lukin and Dmitriy Polyanovskiy. Russia, 1919. A young soldier of the First Cavalry Army, Aleksei Mikhalyov, is sent to work in the provincial Cheka. Here in the south of the country there is a large White Guard underground led by the elusive Markov. Aleksei gets into the gang, where he is mistaken for his own. The day of the operation to eliminate the white underground is appointed. But unforeseen circumstances destroy the plans of the Chekists.
Шурка выбирает море
They Conquer the Skies
drunk assembler
The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful, but it is necessary to improve the aircraft. When performing a test flight, Kolchin dies, his last words are recorded on tape. Having studied them, Kolchin's friend Sergei Sharov makes a new attempt and completes the test of the aircraft.
A satirical express train sets off on its way. The driver S. Mikhalkov gives a farewell beep ... On the first carriage an inscription - "Summer cottage". The following are 8 short stories ...
A three stories all related to children and sea travels.
Men and Beasts
The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, with her daughter Tanya; she suggests he join them. Aleksei tells about his life on the road.
Funny Stories
Funny stories about four friends and their adventures in a big city.
Little Bugger
Bolshevik Foma Korshunov returns to his village. Soon his son, seven-year old Mishka gets a new nickname - "little communist". When bandits come to the village Mishka, knowing that the reds are close, saddles his horse and hurry to warn them about the danger.
A Sleepless Night
AYoung engineer Pavel Kaurov goes to his first destination — to the port city of Sibirsk. He is appointed to lead a group of cranes: gantry and floating. After several troubles Pavel mastered the port work and received a serious assignment. Meanwhile, his fiancee Nina, an architect by profession, is arriving in Siberia. However, besides Pavel, fellow students came to the station to meet her — Petunin's brother and sister, in whose house she is staying. Soon Annushka, who has long loved Pavel, arrives. From that day on, he had trouble after trouble. After a crane accident, which happened through his fault, the hero pulls himself together and does everything to regain the confidence of the brigade...
The Rescued Generation
Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...
The Green Van
It is 1920. After three years of the Russian Civil War, communist government is finally established in Odessa. Young Volodya Kozachenko, who dreams of being a detective like Sherlock Holmes, joins the newly forming Odessa Criminal Police.
The Day the War Ended
По ту сторону
белогвардейский офицер
An Ordinary Trip
An ordinary trip suddenly becomes dangerous for two previously conflicted drivers.
Quiet Flows the Don
Prokhor Zykov
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
女狙撃兵 マリュートカ
An unexpected romance occurs for a female Red Army sniper and a White Army officer.