Matteo Peirone


La bohème - NCPA
In the cold of winter, an exuberant poet lives in poverty with his three bohemian flatmates. His heart is warmed when he falls in love with his fragile neighbour, but then her illness takes a turn for the worse. The National Centre for the Performing Arts in Mumbai presents this innovative semi-staged production of Puccini’s beloved opera. Carlo Rizzi conducts the lush score, which is interspersed with texts from Henri Murger’s original novel to tell the tale of the lives and loves of the young bohemian artists in the Latin quarter of Paris.
プッチーニ : 歌劇 《トスカ》(2018年 ザルツブルグ復活祭音楽祭)
The Sacristan
2018年ザルツブルク復活祭音楽祭のライヴ! ティーレマン & SKDによる≪トスカ≫ ハルテロス、アントネンコ、テジエの三者が繰り広げる劇的なドラマ シュトゥルミンガーの演出の驚きのラスト! クリスティアン・ティーレマン (指揮) ドレスデン国立歌劇場管弦楽団 アニヤ・ハルテロス (トスカ) アレクサンドルス・アントネンコ (カラヴァドッシ) リュドヴィク・テジエ (スカルピア男爵) アンドレア・マストローニ (アンジェロッティ) マッテオ・ペイローネ (教会の番人) ミケルディ・アチャランダバソ (スポレッタ) ルーペルト・グレージンガー (シャローネ) レヴェンテ・パール (看守) ベンヤミン・アスター (羊飼いの少年) ザルツブルク・バッハ合唱団 ザルツブルク音楽祭および劇場児童合唱団 演出 : ミヒャエル・シュトゥルミンガー 収録 : 2018年3月21・24日、4月2日、ザルツブルク祝祭大劇場 (ライヴ)
Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro (Ópera Nacional Holandesa)
La Bohème
The musical notes of this Puccini masterpiece provide the starting point and foundation for a new, highly successful collaboration between Riccardo Chailly and Davide Livermore. In their interpretation, there is “no moment, no movement, that goes against the musical meaning” (R. Chailly). The result is an energetic, authentic, and atmospherically strong Bohème, “in which every sacred phrase receives its own orchestral colour, its own dynamic and its own expression.” (Corriere della Sera)
Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Blood
Second Second Assistant Director
On July 19–21, 2001, over 200,000 people took to the streets of Genoa to protest against the ongoing G8 summit. Anti-globalization activists clashed with the police, with 23-year-old protester Carlo Giuliani shot dead after confronting a police vehicle. In the aftermath, the police organized a night raid on the Diaz high school, where a hundred unarmed people between protesters—mostly students—and independent reporters who documented the police brutality during the protests had took shelter. What happened next would be called by Amnesty International "the most serious breach of civil liberties in a democratic Western country since World War II."