Tetsuhiro Ikeda
出生 : 1970-10-31, Tokyo, Japan
Geats, Revice, and Ryuki wage a fierce battle royale that transcends beyond the Heisei and Reiwa eras.
Mitsuru Ishikawa
松本潤主演の映画「99.9-刑事専門弁護士- THE MOVIE」公開に合わせて、人気シリーズの完全新作スペシャルドラマをお届け!松本は、今回も超型破りな弁護士・深山大翔(みやま・ひろと)を演じ、上司の敏腕弁護士・佐田篤弘(さだ・あつひろ)を香川照之が続投。新ヒロインとして杉咲花が参加し、司法修習を終えたばかりの新米弁護士・河野穂乃果(こうの・ほのか)を演じる。SEASON Ⅰでは検察官、SEASON Ⅱでは裁判官と対峙してきた深山だが、今回、立ちはだかる敵は弁護士。その弁護士・南雲恭平(なぐも・きょうへい)を西島秀俊が演じる。 【ストーリー】 99.9%有罪と見なされた案件でも、残された0.1%の事実を納得するまで追求し無罪を勝ち取る弁護士・深山大翔(松本潤)が勤める斑目法律事務所は、所長が佐田篤弘(香川照之)に変わっていた。その就任パーティー会場で、佐田は大手自動車メーカーの会長・若月昭三(石橋蓮司)から、新米弁護士の孫娘を育ててほしいと頼まれる。一方、深山は拘置所で依頼人・大島浩二(児嶋一哉)のもとにいた。大島は下着窃盗犯で逮捕、起訴され、否定するものの、状況証拠から有罪は揺るぎない。そもそもこの案件の弁護は河野穂乃果(杉咲花)が担当していて、情状酌量を勧めたものの、絶対にやっていないと言う大島が無罪を勝ち取るため深山に依頼替えをしたのだ。深山は早速、大島の話をもとに気仙沼へ向かうが、なぜか穂乃果もついていくことに。数日後、斑目法律事務所にやって来た穂乃果。彼女が若月の孫娘だったのだ。若月からは民事の弁護士として育てるよう依頼を受けていた佐田だが、穂乃果の要求を受け入れ若月には秘密で刑事弁護で働かせることに。そんなある日、政治家の収賄事件の依頼が舞い込む。次期市長候補・岡部康行が賄賂を受け取ったとして逮捕されたが、岡部は否認。しかし賄賂を送った円谷は罪を認めて有罪が確定しており、結審した収賄事件をひっくり返すのはほぼ不可能に近かった。深山と佐田は円谷の弁護を担当していた南雲恭平(西島秀俊)を訪ねるが、温厚な顔の裏に隠されたグレーな弁護手法を感じ取り警戒を強める。そして、南雲は深山が担当する裁判の検察側とも裏で接触していて、深山たちの前に立ちはだかる。果たして、深山は事実を見つけ出すことができるのか!?
Shinya Kojima
Yuito Kanno
Patalliro du Malyner VIII is the crown prince of Malynera, a kingdom that produces diamonds. Despite being ugly and mischievous, he is loyal and fair. Many enemies of the throne, including Malynera's Prime Minister, plan to get rid of him and take control of the rich nation. Patalliro, however, has the protection of Jack Barbarosa Bancoran, his haughty and extremely handsome bodyguard, who will protect him even from the latter's own lover, the beautiful bishonen hitman Maraich Juschenfe and other assassins.
Patalliro du Malyner VIII is the crown prince of Malynera, a kingdom that produces diamonds. Despite being ugly and mischievous, he is loyal and fair. Many enemies of the throne, including Malynera's Prime Minister, plan to get rid of him and take control of the rich nation. Patalliro, however, has the protection of Jack Barbarosa Bancoran, his haughty and extremely handsome bodyguard, who will protect him even from the latter's own lover, the beautiful bishonen hitman Maraich Juschenfe and other assassins.
Daichi (Mahiro Takasugi) is a young dental technician. He is called a prince due to his excellent skills at work and his handsome appearance. One day, he meets again his childhood friend Manatsu (Seia Yasuda). Manatsu has just began work as a dental hygienist at a clinic in th suburb. Meanwhile, Daichi receives recognition for his work by dental clinic director (Yuichi Kimura) and dentist (Yuuki Tsujimoto), but his father (Tetsuhiro Ikeda), who runs a dental technician's office, thinks Daichi’s skills are not good enough. Daichi then receives a complaint from a patient. Manatsu tries to comfort him, but they end up having an argument.
Ayano Mishima works as an AD at a TV broadcasting station. She covers the mysterious death case of a young man. Before he died, he said that somebody was watching him. Covering the case, Ayano Mishima realizes that the mysterious eye is also coming after her.
Iwakura Shinya
Sawagura Nobuko is back housekeeping again in this sequel to the 2014 SP! This time around Nobuko, having been given some pearl earrings as a present sometime before, decides to attend an exhibition for a pearl described as being the world's most expensive one. That pearl is owned by the Iwakura family, who run a large pearl company. While looking at the pearl however, Nobuko is pulled away by a handsome man who seems to have some connection to the family. So when Nobuko finds one of her pearl earrings missing and probably taken by that man, she decides to work as a housekeeper for the Iwakura family until the man shows up again and she can get her earring back. But the Iwakura family that Nobuko is now working for has plenty of secrets beyond just pearls that she'll have to sort out if she wants her earring back...
Toru Imaizumi
Haruko is a girl who prefers to cuddle up to her old-fashioned TV set. In this wondrous story, a television can transform into a man: and this is by no means the end of the strange cheerfulness.
Harando Akiba
Yutaka Kizaki
On Ishigaki Island, conflict brews over a large-scale bridge construction project. One day, Yajima (Sho Aoyagi), a public official from the Ministry of Environment, is sent to Ishigaki Island. Yajima announces to his colleagues that he is absolutely opposed to the bridge construction project and that he wil become a coral ranger who protects the coral reef there. This surprises his colleagues.
Kenichi Shibuya is a 50-year-old salaryman who divorced a few years back. Since the divorce, his relationship with his daughter has become awkward. One day, Kenichi Shibuya and his boss Yumi Ayase are struck by lightning and die. They go to the afterlife. There in the afterlife they hear of a legendary soup. If someone drinks the legendary soup, that person is reborn, but the reborn person has no memories of their prior life. Kenichi Shibuya then searches for the secrets in the legendary soup, hoping to be reborn, but not forget his daughter.
Takahiro Shima
卒業式を終えたばかりの女子大生・篠宮優のもとに、1通の招待状と現金1億円が届いた。 その招待状に書かれていた文字は【ライアーゲームのご案内】。 極限の心理状態に置かれた優。 彼女が助けを求めたのは、何度か講義を受けたことがあるだけで、顔と名前くらいしか知らない、帝都大学の心理学の教授。 その名は、秋山深一。 今回のゲームは、総額20億円を賭けて、プレイヤー20名が争う、究極の“イス取りゲーム”。 秋山潰しを目論む、新たなプレイヤー、新たな事務局員。 そして、すべてを陰で操る黒幕―― 騙し合うのか!? それとも助け合うのか!? 極限の心理戦がいま始まる!! (公式サイトより抜粋)
Genki Ogasawara enrolls in an all boys high school. He then sets out to become popular with girls and looks for a club to join at school. Genki then comes across a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the school's drama club. Genki falls for the lead playing Juliet and decides to join the drama club. Genki isn't aware that the drama club is about to be shut down and that the person playing Juliet is actually a senior male student in drag.
Genki Ogasawara enrolls in an all boys high school. He then sets out to become popular with girls and looks for a club to join at school. Genki then comes across a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the school's drama club. Genki falls for the lead playing Juliet and decides to join the drama club. Genki isn't aware that the drama club is about to be shut down and that the person playing Juliet is actually a senior male student in drag.
Tamotsu Inukai is a married middle-aged man with a wife, daughter and son. Mr. Inukai has a strong dislike for dogs, but while he is working on the island his family takes in a Samoyed dog to fill in the father's absence, the family decides to raise the dog. At first Mr. Inukai opposes the family taking the dog in, but he can't persuade his family to abandon the dog. When Mr. Inukai arrives back in Tokyo, he now has to has to live with the Samoyed dog. Can he?
Tatsuya Ishizuka
Tetsuya Ide
Japanese film directed by Keisuke Horibe. Three seemingly unacquainted men and a woman find themselves trapped in an elevator. As the hours pass and the level of anxiety rise, we realize the elevator trap is in fact a trap, but hatched by which of the parties and for what motive?
Saburo Okouchi (Hideo Ishiguro), is your somewhat shy, but otherwise average, teen entering high school. Unfortunately for Saburo, his two older brothers left a looming legacy at the high school. His brothers were legendary troublemakers and now Saburo takes the crown of "elite yankee."
Harando Akiba
関東沖合いに浮かぶ小さな島・筐神(はこがみ)島。島を見下ろす山の頂上には、なぜか異様な巨岩が乗っている。 その岩は、この島を支配する霊能力者・筐神佐和子が一人で、しかもたった一晩のうちに持ち上げたものだという・・・ ある日、上田の研究室を青沼という青年が訪ねてくる。10年前、筐神佐和子に連れ去られた幼馴染の美沙子という女性を 救い出して欲しいというのだ。佐和子が恐ろしい霊能力者だと聞き一人では心もとない上田は、例によって奈緒子を巻き込み 佐和子とその信奉者たちが待ち受ける筐神島へと向かう。二人の前で次々と繰り広げられる驚愕の奇蹟の数々。 それは果たして、佐和子の強大な霊能力によるものなのか、それとも単なるトリックか!?