Junko Natsu
出生 : 1949-03-21, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Saiko Ogata
Ginko Shirasaki
In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.
The body of Sakai Hatsuko, a woman of 23 who has been slain with a knife, has been found in a forest. Some days later, Ueda Hiroshi, a 19-year-old shipyard worker, is arrested and charged with the murder. At Ueda's trial, a complex story unfolds.
東京で暮らしている青年・寺田辰弥は、自分を探していた母方の祖父・井川丑松が目の前で変死したことを機に、生まれ故郷の八つ墓村を訪れる。そこは戦国時代、村人たちによって8人の落ち武者が惨殺されたという忌まわしい歴史をもつ土地だった。帰郷した辰弥の周りでは次々と奇怪な殺人事件が起こり…。 横溝正史の同名ミステリー小説を、巨匠・野村芳太郎監督が映画化。渥美清演じる名探偵・金田一耕助が事件の謎を解き明かす。
Ayaka Utagawa
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he soon discovers than she is an extremist on the run from the police.
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
First film produced by Nikkatsu Children's Films.
昭和39年夏、与党・民政党の総裁選挙が行なわれ、現総裁にして内閣総理大臣の寺田政臣と最大派閥の領袖・酒井和明の一騎討ちとなった。数で劣る寺田総理が率いる寺田派は党内切っての実力者で副総理・広野大悟の派閥と協調して必勝を図った。その段階において両陣営とも票集めに10億円以上の実弾を投入した。中には広野派の神谷直吉代議士のように両陣営からちゃっかり戴く者もいた。激烈な選挙は僅差で寺田の三選で幕を閉じた。 それから数日後、金融業を営む石原参吉の元に内閣官房の西尾貞一郎が訪れ、星野康雄官房長官(寺田派)の名刺を持参したうえで秘密裏に資金を用立てて欲しいと告げる。ところが石原はこの申し出を断るものの星野の名刺を持ち去る。金融王として裏の世界を渡り歩いた石原は直感的に星野の周辺に何らかの疑惑があることを思いつき、星野の周辺を洗い出し始めた。その過程で寺田総理の郷里・九州の福流川ダム建設を目論む竹田建設と発注元の電力開発株式会社(小説では電力建設株式会社)若松圭吉副総裁の一派の談合と汚職の存在が浮かび上がる。
莫大な財産を持っているおばあちゃんと孫の現代青年との心のふれあいを描く。脚本は光英司、監督は脚本も執筆している「続 愛と誠」の山根成之、撮影は「スプーン一杯の幸せ」の竹村博がそれぞれ担当。
Final part of epic drama about war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family through the Sino-Japanese War through the Soviet Union's sudden attack upon Japanese troops at the end of the war.
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike
The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody adaptation of the manga by Takao Saito. Despite the Shadow Hunters's remarkable skill, this mission is no walk in the park, and in order to survive they must face a relentless army of ninjas and female warriors willing to sacrifice their lives to disrupt the delivery and claim the cannon for themselves.
Masuda Toshio film starring Watari Tetsuya and Mori Masayuki, about a lone-wolf type (Watari) seeking love and defending the honor of an elderly widower (Mori).
Pinku from 1971.
Patronized by a gang ruling the city, Mako delinquently plays around a night club every night with her bad company. One night, a guy Hideo gets closer to her for one-night stand, and they consequently fall in love. However, Hideo is killed by the gang. Mako swears vengeance on her beloved's murderer.
石本久吉の原案を、「関東やくざ者」の小沢茂弘がシナリオ化し、自ら監督した“博徒”シリーズ第六作目。撮影は「日本侠客伝 関東篇」の吉田貞次。 1965年製作/90分/日本
配給:東映 大正末期。関東梅島会の総長である梅島甚兵衛は、震災で焼けた吉原遊廓にかわってひらけてきた亀の井の治安を守るため、南を黒田一家、北を竹内一家と二分し、それぞれの縄張りを治めさせた。黒田一家の小頭、秩父弥三郎は一家の大黒柱として評判もよく、親分万吉の信頼も厚かったが、弥三郎を慕う万吉の娘美恵に横恋慕する代貸の古野は、竹内組に内通し、万吉の印鑑を持ちだしては弥三郎の名義で竹内から金を借り私腹を肥やしていた。一方の竹内も、亀の井の独占を企み、弥三郎を消すべく、関西の流れ者火の玉五郎を使って闇打ちをかけ、さらに、事をあらだてまいという、万吉の態度をいいことに、弥三郎の弟分久五郎の恋人で女郎のお米を、病気の同僚をかばった罪で私刑にし、助けに入った久五郎にも因縁をつけてきた。みかねた弥三郎は自ら進んで制裁を受け、事を解決しようとしたが、ききいれず久五郎に重傷を負わせた竹内にたまりかねて、その片腕を斬った。万吉は渡世の面子上、弥三郎に破門を言い渡した。老母と傷ついた久五郎を残して三島の久五郎の姉たかのもとで暮すようになった弥三郎は、再び腕の保養にやってきた竹内に出会い、火の玉五郎と相対したが弥三郎の侠気にふれた五郎は、自分のおろかさを悟って改心した。しかし亀の井に楽園をつくり莫大なもうけを企む竹内は次次と土地を買いしめ、邪魔者の久五郎や万吉を殺して、一気に縄張りをひろげた。これを知った弥三郎は、こらえていた怒りを爆発させ五郎とともに竹内組に殴りこんだ。乱闘の末、竹内らを倒した弥三郎を前に、詳細を知ってかけつけた梅島会長は、弥三郎の破門を解くことを約束した。
The girl students of rival junior high schools stage duels and show a curious interest in sexual pastimes.
Sex games by students at a junior high school are exposed by the principal and teachers, but the tables are turned in favor of the students.
Henmi Ryôko
Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
Reiko Sakurai
Hanamura, widely known in gangland a professional trouble shooter has the sign of the Jack tattooed on his chest. His follower is his sworn partner Kurahara. They attempt to help the Towada-Gumi gang against its rival group the Kamioka-Gumi which is seeking the chance to conquer the Towada-Gumi in collusion with Noda, a big shot in the town operating a real estate firm.
Woman at the Beach
Wild young people kidnap a wealthy woman and she becomes attracted to one of them. When she tells the man that she is the mistress of a religious leader, he and his posse make plans to rob her partner.
Reiko Kono
Aboard a night ferry in the Inland Sea, Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a young tough, who supplies hostesses to night spots, encounters Yuko, his ex-sweetheart. He considers himself a private underworld sort of policeman-in the com- munity of such women. Yuko, now a bar proprietress, is under the protection of Tahei Daigo, a sinister gang boss who in his quest for chances of good investments abroad plans to offer young girls to rich foreigners. Asked to gather attractive girls by Yuko, now Tahei's puppet, Masaaki collects many only to find them mysteriously missing...
A trio of teenage tarts try to earn money through shoplifting and prostitution scams and get into deep trouble.
Study about a young disturbed man, who rapes and kills women and collects their bodies in a cave. A work based on the case of Yoshio Kodaira, a serial rape murder case shortly after the war.
A young man breaks into a nurse's rooming house and one-by-one kills off nurses.