Junko Natsu

Junko Natsu

Рождение : 1949-03-21, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Junko Natsu


Saiko Ogata
Down with The Big Boss
Ginko Shirasaki
In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.
В суде слушается дело Хироси Уэда. Он обвиняется в убийстве Хацуко, старшей сестры Ёсико Сакаи, с которой вместе проживает, и которая ждёт от него ребёнка. К делу привлечено внимание общественности, поскольку Хироси несовершеннолетний. Адвокат Кикути чувствует, что в этом деле он может рассчитывать на успех, внимание общественности ему только на руку. Ювенальное право не позволяет назначить виновному смертный приговор, но какое наказание ждет преступника и всех его близких?
Деревня восьми могил
Четыре века назад, жители деревни убили восьмерых самураев-мятежников, которым поначалу они помогли скрыться от гнева князя Мори. Перед смертью, один из самураев проклял их. Страшные события произошли в деревне, которую с тех пор стали называть деревней Восьми могил. 400 лет спустя, в деревню приезжает новый наследник семьи Тадзими. Жители полагают, что проклятие самурая и приезд наследника дали начало цепочке кровавых событий. Нанятый адвокатом Сува, в деревню Восьми могил приезжает Киндаичи Коске, частный детектив...
Case of the Disjointed Murder
Ayaka Utagawa
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
Kawachi Rascal Is Spurred On
Kawachi No Ossan No Uta
Permanent Blue
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he soon discovers than she is an extremist on the run from the police.
Human Revolution II
Dramatic story of one man trying to make a difference.
Festival Champ
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
The New Class of the Sewage Canal
First film produced by Nikkatsu Children's Films.
Solar Eclipse
When bribe money from a rigged election funnels into a dam construction project, collusion, lust, greed and even murder are on the ballot.
Дальнобойщики: никому меня не остановить
Первый из 10 фильмов, рассказывающих о беззаботных приключениях двух водителей грузовиков. Момодзиро и его лучший друг Кинзо отправляются в путь на своих грузовых автомобилях, впечатляя друг друга своими навыками быстрой езды и уклонения от полиции при перевозке товаров по всей стране. Случайные встречи с людьми на этом пути помогают им смириться с событиями, омрачающими их прошлое, и предлагают им шанс на искупление. За пять лет было снято 10 фильмов о их сумасшедших похождениях. Все фильмы получили культовый статус в Японии.
Let's Go, Grandma!
Война и люди. Часть 3: Окончание
1937 год. Японская императорская армия вступила в битву с частями китайской армии неподалеку от Тяньцзиня, что послужило началом кровопролитной Японо-китайской войны. В декабре того же года пал Нанкин. Между тем в Токио ликует японский народ, празднуя победы императорской армии одну за другой. 1939 год. Крупномасштабная битва при Халхин-Голе с советской армией приводит к поражению японских войск, уступающих количеством и военными технологиями. Япония стоит на пороге череды обречённых на поражение битв, в преддверии войны в Тихом Океане
Kôkôsei burai hikae
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike
Shadow Hunters 2: Echo of Destiny
The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody adaptation of the manga by Takao Saito. Despite the Shadow Hunters's remarkable skill, this mission is no walk in the park, and in order to survive they must face a relentless army of ninjas and female warriors willing to sacrifice their lives to disrupt the delivery and claim the cannon for themselves.
Sword and Flower
Masuda Toshio film starring Watari Tetsuya and Mori Masayuki, about a lone-wolf type (Watari) seeking love and defending the honor of an elderly widower (Mori).
Wolves of the City: First to Fight
Pinku from 1971.
Bad Girl Mako
Patronized by a gang ruling the city, Mako delinquently plays around a night club every night with her bad company. One night, a guy Hideo gets closer to her for one-night stand, and they consequently fall in love. However, Hideo is killed by the gang. Mako swears vengeance on her beloved's murderer.
Expelled from the Kanto Mob
In the late Taisho era. Umeshima Jinbei, the president of the Kanto Umeshima Kai, divided the area into the Kuroda family to the south and the Takeuchi family to the north in order to protect the security of Kame no Ii, which had opened up in place of the Yoshiwara brothel that had been burnt down in the earthquake, and had the Kuroda family rule their respective territories. Chichibu Yasaburo, the small head of the Kuroda family, had a good reputation as the mainstay of the family and was trusted by his boss Mankichi, but Furuno, who was in love with Mankichi's daughter Mie, who was in love with Yasaburo, informally informed the Takeuchi clan and took out Mankichi's seal and borrowed money from Takeuchi in the name of Yasaburo to line his pockets.
Onna no Iji
2 years ago, Kumi broke up with Shuhei and decided to forget everything about him for good. However, after being told that her younger sister, Junko, fall in love with a man and is currently living with him. She was determined to discover who was the man who won her sister's heart. But what will happen when she found out that the man in question is Shuhei, her first love?
Adults Games
The girl students of rival junior high schools stage duels and show a curious interest in sexual pastimes.
Hazardous Graduation
Sex games by students at a junior high school are exposed by the principal and teachers, but the tables are turned in favor of the students.
Dangerous Games
Henmi Ryôko
Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
Sign of the Jack
Reiko Sakurai
Hanamura, widely known in gangland a professional trouble shooter has the sign of the Jack tattooed on his chest. His follower is his sworn partner Kurahara. They attempt to help the Towada-Gumi gang against its rival group the Kamioka-Gumi which is seeking the chance to conquer the Towada-Gumi in collusion with Noda, a big shot in the town operating a real estate firm.
Men's Lifetime Dream-A Peep into A Women's Bathhouse
Delinquent Girl Boss: Blossoming Night Dreams
Rika is released from girls detention school and then winds up at a lounge bar where she finds her other classmates working. This lounge bar is run by Junko Miyazono.
Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo
Woman at the Beach
Wild young people kidnap a wealthy woman and she becomes attracted to one of them. When she tells the man that she is the mistress of a religious leader, he and his posse make plans to rob her partner.
Women's Police: Swirling Butterflies
Reiko Kono
Aboard a night ferry in the Inland Sea, Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a young tough, who supplies hostesses to night spots, encounters Yuko, his ex-sweetheart. He considers himself a private underworld sort of policeman-in the com- munity of such women. Yuko, now a bar proprietress, is under the protection of Tahei Daigo, a sinister gang boss who in his quest for chances of good investments abroad plans to offer young girls to rich foreigners. Asked to gather attractive girls by Yuko, now Tahei's puppet, Masaaki collects many only to find them mysteriously missing...
Three Pretty Devils
A trio of teenage tarts try to earn money through shoplifting and prostitution scams and get into deep trouble.
The Woman Gambler's Tenth Game
Dark Story of a Japanese Rapist
Study about a young disturbed man, who rapes and kills women and collects their bodies in a cave. A work based on the case of Yoshio Kodaira, a serial rape murder case shortly after the war.
Violated Angels
A young man breaks into a nurse's rooming house and one-by-one kills off nurses.