Hatsunori Hasegawa

Hatsunori Hasegawa

出生 : 1955-06-21,


Hatsunori Hasegawa


浅見光彦 軽井沢殺人事件
ルポライターの浅見光彦(岩田剛典)は、取材先で様々な事件を引き寄せる不思議な能力の持ち主。今回訪れた軽井沢の浅間山で1枚の写真を拾うが、これも新たな事件の始まりだった――。 光彦は財界の重鎮で大原物産会長・大原賀一郎の別荘を訪問。伝手を頼って元伯爵家令嬢の妻・亜矢子に軽井沢の話を聞けることになったのだ。ところが大原家に警察が。事故死した男性の所持品に亜矢子のものらしきスケッチブックがあったという。亜矢子は明らかに動揺している様子で…。 警察庁刑事局のトップの光彦の兄・陽一郎曰く、男性はベンチャー企業の社員・平山宏一。何者かに追われ事故にあったとされている。また大原物産と仕事で関わりがある人物で、死の間際、婚約者・野本美貴に「ホトケのオデコ」という謎の言葉を残していた。
Haruna travels to Okayama, where her grandmother asks her to bring some Alexandria grapes as a present. Haruna loses her wallet and only manages to buy two “Riku no Hoju”. On her return to Hokkaido, she goes to look for a job at Minamoto Kitchoan, the company that produces the grapes her grandmother likes. She gets the job and is assigned to the vineyards. There, she meets Yashiki Tatsuya, who teaches her all the details of grape growing. Later, Haruna’s sister asks her to return to Hokkaido. But the floods bury the vineyards under the mud, and Haruna decides to stay and save them.
「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するエリア、SWORD地区。彼らは伝説のチーム「ムゲン」のリーダー琥珀が率いる湾岸連合軍との死闘に辛くも勝利し、SWORD地区はつかの間の平和を取り戻していたが、九龍グループによるカジノ建設計画をめぐり、仲間たちとの固い友情で結ばれた男たちはSWORD地区の未来を懸けて最大の決戦に挑む。
Soichi Shima
Detective Ryoko Kozuki receives a demotion after having an affair with a superior. She succeeds in arresting a rapist in an undercover operation that puts her at risk. Her achievement immediately becomes the talk of the precinct, but no one approaches her because of her past. Ryoko is determined to bring criminals to justice. She takes on “The Prime Ministerial Candidate Snipe Case” which took place 15 years earlier.
犯罪資料館 緋色冴子シリーズ『赤い博物館』
Kenji Hiiro
The criminal library, dubbed the “Red Museum”, is a police facility that stores the investigation materials and evidence of major crimes where the statute of limitations has run out. Its director Saeko Hiiro is impassive and not good at communicating with people. One day, Satoshi Terada of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s First Investigative Division is assigned to be Saeko’s subordinate. Although he is bewildered by Saeko’s dispassionate demeanor, Terada starts to organize the data which is the primary responsibility of the museum. He encounters a traffic accident on the way to collect evidence. A truck has hit someone. When Terada rushes over, the victim utters the mysterious words “25 years ago... murder swap” and breathes his last. Once Saeko hears this, she declares a reinvestigation.
A poignant moral dilemma unfolding against lush mountainous landscapes, The Albino’s Trees follows Yuku (Ryohei Matsuoka), an animal control hunter who takes on a lucrative job to kill a rare white deer considered to be a god of the forest by a nearby village. Though Yuku initially steps up to the task in order to support his mother’s medical bills, his will begins to falter as he gets to know the villagers and the reasons behind their difficult choice to live as outsiders.
9 Windows
The true story of Isha Sensei, the only doctor in her hometown Oisawa Village (now Oisawa, Nishikawa Town) in Yamagata Prefecture, a remote area at the time, where there was no doctor.
Kazuo Shibui
A young woman is discovered strangled to death at the boat pier in Tokyo. There are no signs of disturbed clothing and assault, and because the body was abandoned at a prominent spot, it shows that this was a premeditated crime by a criminal with the presence of mind. Joto Chuo Police Precinct’s detective Kunihiko Katsuragi rushed to the scene, and the fact that the body is barefoot weighs on his mind. The next morning he finds out the commander assigned this case is his son Toshifumi.
Tsunehiko Hanamura
Seven stories centered around marriage.
Yukihiko Onchi
京都の街にアルファベットと数字で書かれた謎の暗号が出現。京都を東西南北に走る通りが交差するところに、数字が描かれたステッカーが貼られる。気になって調べ始めた宅間と千波たち特別捜査係は、ステッカーが貼られた地点で必ず事件が起きていることを突き止める! アルファベットと数字…いったい誰が何のために設置したものなのか? そこに隠された意味とは何なのか? それを探り始めた矢先、暗号の地点で死体が見つかってしまう…!事件の背後に浮かんだ佐神稚洋(上川隆也)という人物。その男に会うため、宅間は10年間慣れ親しんだ滋賀中央刑務所に潜入することになる。一方、京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)の元には、衆議院議員の清滝悦子(前田美波里)、京都第二医師会の副会長・恩知由紀彦(長谷川初範)、関西教育委員会委員長の出水宣郎(名高達男)、弁護士の日暮勇輔(中丸新将)といった京都の要人たちが集まっていた。どうやら彼らは何者かに脅迫されているようで…?そんな中、ついにふたつめの殺人事件が! そしてその現場にも謎の数字が残されていた…。謎のステッカーに導かれ、事件は思わぬ方向へ展開していく!
Two sisters living on a peach farm in Koori town, Fukushima Prefecture,are opposites. Haruka Miyamoto feels less beautiful than her sister Akiba Miyamoto and hates being compared to her. She finds comfort in playing a piano in a barn. A year after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she decides she wants to be a pianist. Akiba, for her part, moved to Tokyo to attend college. When she moves back to Koori, Haruka is unsettled and memories connected to the disaster she has tried to forget resurface.
Two TV directors want to film people visiting a suicide forest.
Chuji Yoshida
Tamiko (Ayumi Ito) lives happily with her husband Hideaki (Sho Aoyagi) and step-daughter Kotoyo (Hazuki Inoue). Tamiko married her deceased friend Mari's (Mami Nakamura) husband. Tamiko gets along well with her step-daughter Kotoyo, but Kotoyo still doesn't call her mother. There is a traditional sumo game held to celebrate the moving of Mizuwakasu's shrine. The traditional sumo game is important to Tamiko who grew up on the island, while her husband Hideaki's reputation is not so good on the island because he broke off his engagement to a woman his parents set him up with. In order to marry his first wife Mari, he ran away from the island. Since then, his parents disowned him. Nevertheless, Hideaki and his first wife Mari still liked the island and went back to live there. Hideaki began sum wrestling then.
Shoichiro Hibino
ウルトラマンゼロ THE MOVIE 超決戦!ベリアル銀河帝国
Ultraman 80 (voice)
ウルトラマンベリアルとの戦いからしばらく経ったある日、突如光の国にベリアル軍のデルストが襲来し、そこから降り立った3体のダークロプスがゼロを襲うが、ウルトラマンゼロとウルトラセブンが力を合わせてこれを撃退。残骸を回収・分析したところ、光の国のある宇宙には存在しない物質で構成され、それから発せられる波動でマイナスエネルギーを別の宇宙へ送っていることが判明。ゼロはこれを作り出した者の正体を探る任務に単身志願する。 セブンから万能武器ウルトラゼロブレスレットを授けられたゼロは、仲間たちに見送られて未知の宇宙へ旅立つ。到着した先は、ゼロに倒されたはずのベリアルが銀河皇帝カイザーベリアルとして君臨するベリアル銀河帝国が暴虐の限りを尽くす、アナザースペース(異世界宇宙)だった。
Miki, a nursing care robot, is popular among some medical staff and patients for her dainty and efficient work, but others are more skeptical. One day, Miki malfunctions and begins to see and hear fragmented images and voices.
Set in the 1990s during Japan's "band boom" era, the film tells the tale of a girl in high school, Asako, who goes to a concert and meets Natsu, vocalist of the new band LANDS. Asako ends up being the band manager, but as the band's popularity starts to soar, the band's friendship begins to suffer.
Yamakoshi: The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village
The Great Chuetsu Earthquake which struck Niigata Prefecture on October 23, 2004 is permanently engraved in the memories of most Japanese people today. Hardest hit was the small mountain village of Yamakoshi, located right above the quake’s epicentre. What has become of the villagers who suffered through this disaster seven years ago? This film enters the hearts and minds of the people of Yamakoshi as they pull together over four hard years to rebuild their village, their community, and their lives.
Miharu, who returned to Japan due to sudden company bankruptcy, finds a letter in an empty room after a long absence. With memories of his old lover in his heart, Miharu heads north on a motorbike, relying on the letter. While riding a motorcycle, Miharu meets a man who has an 8mm camera that his former lover had.
Iwao Miki
CHiLDREN チルドレン
Aoki Ryohei
The bestseller based on Kotaro Isaka, starring Kenji Sakaguchi, directed by Takashi Hara! Muto, who works for a family court, is involved in a bank robbery case with his senior at work, Jinnai. It is released safely, but Muto falls in love at first sight with Miharu, who was held hostage with him. Jinnai predicts Muto that he will meet her again and fall in love, and teaches Miharu's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the day after the incident, Muto was in charge of a boy named Shiro Kihara, who was guided by shoplifting. However, there was something wrong with Shiro's appearance toward his father. Then, Muto learns about Shiro's amazing secret, and the development itself begins suddenly...
Sachiko Mishima a young Japanese woman get sent to Haiti as a dispatch member for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. She thinks she is going to the holiday resort of Tahiti by mistaking Tahiti for Haiti). While in Haiti with the help of a Japanese craftsman she learns paper can be made from bananas. She embarks on a mission to create paper for the Haiti residents to help them.
ロード88 出会い路、四国へ
A young girl with leukemia travels a pilgrimage by skateboard.
Biopic of ceramic artist Hazan Itaya (1872-1963).
Shizuka (Mami Nakamura) is a young school teacher. She moves to a small village by the sea, near her own home country. The elementary school she is assigned has only 20 students. But her last assignment was not very successful and she has lost the confidence. One day, a student finds a white ship sailing on the sea, far from the school. They begin an investigation and finally identifies the ship. It's a cruiser called Rainbow Love. 'Why don't we write a letter to the captain?' Shizuka proposes. And everyone gets excited...
難波金融伝 ミナミの帝王15 トイチの身代金
Japanese film directed by Ten Shimoyama.
In 1929 the fossil of a 500,000 year old man is discovered in China. In 1941 the Japanese army confiscates this find, but during the war the remains disappear. Based on these factual events, this movie takes off with a science fiction story involving a space rocket which places a satellite in orbit containing a secret cargo. The satellite crashes on a remote island and footprints are found in the sand leading away from the crash site. A story of how an ancient primitive cave-dwelling family contends with the scientists who want to study them.
"I can't live for the Shinsen-gumi." Shizuya wanders between the yakuza and his love for Akino. What is the truth!?
Shouldn't gangsters love stubborn people? To protect true love, the Shinsen-gumi gather at night in Tokyo!
仁義9 死神の復讐戦争
A gangster gangster and an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo. Two people tied up by a single ammunition rise up in a yakuza society with their brains and courage. The 9th popular comic drama based on Ayumi Tachihara. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting leader of the Kanto sand group, was stabbed by someone. Yoshiro Yazaki, the chairman of the board, set out to unravel the case alone and noticed the killer brother "Grim Reaper" from Kansai.
ガメラ2 レギオン襲来
Colonel Satake
The 8th installment of the series that depicts the activities of the main character, Shizuya, who has two faces: an office worker who works for a women's underwear manufacturer and the president of Shinsengumi, the largest gang in the Kanto region. In Tokyo, which seemed to have regained peace, Kaifu of the Kishu-gumi plots to assassinate Shizuya again.
Miyako is a frustrated insurance saleswoman stuck in a major dry spell. She tries every trick in the book, including aggressive flirting, which gets her plenty of gropers but no buyers. One day while venturing down a narrow stairwell, she injures her ankle and happens upon Mitsuru who works for some mysterious foreign company. Decked out in high goth style -- complete with long inky black hair and mascaraed eyes -- Mitsuru cuts quite an odd figure, yet his seductive though menacing ways make him difficult for Miyako to resist. Escorting her to his office to treat her ankle, Miyako notices that his all-female staff seem more glassy-eyed and soul-deadened than the average office workers. In fact, they seem almost like zombies. Later, weird things start happening. Mitsuko finds vomit on her doorstep, she seems to be tailed by a shadowy woman in a red dress, and most strikingly, she finds herself utterly powerless against Mitsuru's advances.
Daisuke is a regular businessman who is looked down upon by his family and colleagues at work. But that job is only a cover for his real job as an agent who gets paid to extract top secret information from his targets by using his sexual technique to please women. One day, he unwillingly gets involved in a murder case....
極道の妻たち 赫い絆
I made the same mistake again... Bullets pouring down like rain! Love for Akino running through! Shinsengumi division! Kisu-gumi plotting assassination!
ガメラ 大怪獣空中決戦
Colonel Satake
平成ガメラシリーズ第1作。 監督に金子修介、脚本に伊藤和典、特撮監督に樋口真嗣を迎え、リアリティを徹底的に追求しつつ、新しい特撮表現に挑んだ意欲的な怪獣映画となった。 1995年。太平洋上に発見された謎の巨大漂流環礁が、黒潮に乗って日本に近づいていた。保険会社の草薙と海上保安庁の米森は環礁の調査に乗り出し、環礁の上で不思議な石版と大量の勾玉を発見。さらに、この環礁が生物であるということが明らかになる。 同じ頃、九州の五島列島・姫神島で、島民が「鳥!」という無線を最後に消息を絶つ事件が発生。調査に呼ばれた鳥類学者の長峰はそこで、島民を食らった巨大な怪鳥を発見する。 政府は怪鳥の捕獲を決定。長峰が中心となって福岡ドームに誘い込む作戦を決行するが、その内の1匹を取り逃がしてしまう。巣に向かって帰巣する1匹を自衛隊のヘリが追跡していた時、博多湾からあの環礁=巨大生物が出現。向かって来る怪鳥を平手打ちで石油コンビナートに吹き飛ばして倒し、そのまま博多へ上陸。周りの建物を破壊しながらドームに向かって行く。更に、予期せぬ事態に周囲は大混乱に陥り、その隙を突いた2匹の怪鳥は自らを閉じ込めていた鉄格子を強力な超音波で切断して脱出。巨大生物も円盤のような姿となって怪鳥を追って飛び去っていった。 「最後の希望・ガメラ、時の揺りかごに託す。災いの影・ギャオスと共に目覚めん。」 古代の石板に記された碑文から、政府は巨大生物をガメラ、怪鳥をギャオスと呼称する。政府はギャオスの捕獲にこだわる一方、ギャオスよりも体格的に大きいガメラを危険視し、ギャオスを追うガメラを攻撃する。 ガメラの妨害を逃れ短期間で巨大に成長を遂げたギャオスは、エサとなる人間を求め東京へと向かう。ここにきてようやく政府は捕獲を中止し、ギャオスに攻撃を行うが、ギャオスは自衛隊の発射したミサイルを巧みに誘導して東京タワーを破壊させ、真っ二つに折れた東京タワーに営巣する。しかしギャオスの産卵直後、突如大きな地震が起こり、次の瞬間、傷の癒えたガメラが地中から出現。東京タワーごと巣を破壊したものの、ギャオスを取り逃がしてしまう。急いで飛び上がるガメラ。 今ここに、東京の空を舞台とした、二大怪獣による空中決戦の火蓋が切られた。
どチンピラ 劇場版
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Tetsumi Dokou and Makio Hara.
超能力者 未知への旅人
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
A close look at the inner workings of Japan's political underbelly.
The news of Naruto's attack!! "Punching into the heavens"-Inokubi and Okita's anger has reached its peak, and it's finally time for an all-out war with Kishu-gumi. However, "Quiet Don" Shizuya Kondo remains silent and does not move. Seeing such Shizuya, the Shinsei-gumi was split internally.
ダーティ・ブルー 復讐の熱帯夜
1992 original video
Ryuji Naruto
Part one of a twelve part direct to video film series. Based on the comic by Tatsuo Nitta.
国連情報監視団 エンジェルターゲット 殺戮天使
Elementary school teacher
Ryo came from Aomori Prefecture to Tokyo. He works as a window washer for high-rise buildings. For his job, he uses a gondola to clean the windows. Meanwhile, 11-year-old Kagari lives with her musician mother at a high-rise apartment. Her mother is always busy and Kagari plays with her two pet birds. One day, Kagari finds one of her birds injured. Ryo, who is washing the window right outside of the room, sees Kagari. Ryo takes Kagari with her injured bird to a veterinary clinic.
Toshio Miyashita
A double suicide happens in Morioka in Iwate Prefecture. The two were employees of rival real estate companies. A prosecutor who senses a setup exposes the truth.
Kazumi - whose sensitivity does not undermine her strength when she handles her second husband's emotional conflicts with the wisdom of an adult. Kazumi's younger and more inexperienced husband Hideo is continually suspicious of her fidelity.
Osamu Kurata
Hiroshi Inoue
Yahagi Michiko is accosted and raped walking home one evening. From there she maneuvers the logistics of the police, hospital, and criminal justice system while balancing her home life including romantic relationships.