Robert Burns


Dead Awake
Guy Tormey
An insomniac who walks the streets at night witnesses a murder which triggers a strange chain of events.
Mr. Tourette
ブルース・ウィリス主演のサスペンスコメディ。殺し屋が隣に引っ越してきて巻き起こる騒動をブラックユーモアを交えて描く。 閑静な住宅街に殺し屋が引っ越してきたことから巻き起こる騒動を、ブラックユーモアを交えて描いたサスペンスコメディ。マフィアに命を狙われている伝説のヒットマンをブルース・ウィリスが独特な佇まいで好演。隣人を演じたマシュー・ペリーは、公開当時テレビドラマ『フレンズ』に出演中の人気絶頂期。2人の息の合った掛け合いや、彼らを取り巻く女性陣の魅力、大金の行方が絡んだ二転三転するスリリングな展開も見どころ。
Free Money
One-Man Band
The Swede, a prison warden, rules his family and his prison with an iron hand in one of the coldest parts of North Dakota. When an inmate dies under mysterious circumstances, however, the FBI sends in agent Karen Polarski to investigate. On the home front, the sons-in-law of the Swede, Larry and Bud accidentally discover that a train loaded with millions of dollars of unmarked currency slated to be destroyed will soon be passing through. The temptation is too great and the guys hatch a scheme to rob the train. Of course, the biggest obstacle in their way is the Swede.
A story about real life early 20th century British composer and music critic Philip Arnold Heseltine.