Brian Webber


Lien se Lankstaanskoene
This coming-of-age drama tells about a high school girl who resorts to begging to support her family. Lien Jooste’s life falls apart when her father is arrested for fraud and her mother develops a drinking problem. They lose everything and go from being an upstanding, affluent family living in a nice neighbourhood to a broken mess – living in a small flat and struggling to get by. Due to her mother’s drinking, Lien has to take on the role of mother for both her mom and her younger brother Braam.
農場育ちの冒険を愛するヒロインに、ハンサムな青年が恋をした...! 南アフリカのリゾート地を舞台に、恋と友情と運命を歌い上げるミュージカル映画。
Max is a handsome young man who, after a fateful tryst with a German soldier, is forced to run for his life. Eventually Max is placed in a concentration camp where he pretends to be Jewish because in the eyes of the Nazis, gays are the lowest form of human being. But it takes a relationship with an openly gay prisoner to teach Max that without the love of another, life is not worth living.