This coming-of-age drama tells about a high school girl who resorts to begging to support her family. Lien Jooste’s life falls apart when her father is arrested for fraud and her mother develops a drinking problem. They lose everything and go from being an upstanding, affluent family living in a nice neighbourhood to a broken mess – living in a small flat and struggling to get by. Due to her mother’s drinking, Lien has to take on the role of mother for both her mom and her younger brother Braam.
The name of the film, Liefling, says it all. This is a love story that's been told by using evergreen Afrikaans songs from the 70's up to the latest hits of today. This musical is mainly about the life of Liefling Marais, a girl with a passion for life, who loves adventure. Liefling lives on a farm with her father Simon, mother Linda, grandfather Karel, brother Kobus and house keeper Katy. Simon is a professor at the university where we meet the 3 friends, Jan, Pieter and Gert in one of his classes. They also live in Hartbeespoort Jan lives with his grandmother Elsa Ferreira. The story starts during the December holidays. A spoilt rich girl, Melanie von Staden has one thing in mind and that is to reel in heart throb Jan Ferreira who has his eye set on Liefling. Fate unexpectedly brings lovers, friends and so called enemies together. This is a love story full of tears and laughter, song and dance.
Годы Второй мировой войны. Макс — обаятельный молодой человек, который после роковой встречи с немецким солдатом вынужден бежать, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. В конце концов Макс оказывается в концентрационном лагере, где он скрывает ото всех свою сексуальную ориентацию и притворяется евреем, потому что в глазах нацистов геи — самая низкая форма человека. В заключении Макс встречает открытого гея, который помогает ему переосмыслить многое.