Makiko Asano


サクラ大戦 活動写真
Assistant Editor
太正十五年、帝都・東京は西洋文化と日本文化が入り交じり、街には蒸気電話、蒸気自転車、地下には蒸気鉄道網が敷設され、独特の文化が築き上げられていた。 しかし、この一見華やかな舞台の裏側には、“降魔”と呼ばれる異形の怪物が跋扈する闇の世界が潜んでいた・・・通常の軍隊、警察では到底手に負えないこれらの怪物から帝都を防衛すべく、闇と戦う秘密部隊「帝国華撃団」が組織された。だが、驚くべきことに、隊長をのぞいた全てのメンバーは花もはじらう乙女たちであった。彼女たちは、昼は帝都のスタア、「帝国歌劇団」として大帝国劇場で華やかに舞い踊り、一度、帝都に危機が迫ると、「霊子甲冑(りょうしかっちゅう)」に身を包み、「帝国華撃団」として華麗に戦う戦士たちである。
Have you ever heard of the Vampiyans? One noble family of such vegetarian vampires have been banished from Monster Land for their inability to scare humans. To lift the exile set on the family, Papa, the head of the household, must scare 1000 humans. To this end, he attempts to use his magnificent skills in making new inventions, but always and inevitably fails. To complicate things further, Papa's daughter Suh falls in love with a young human boy and no longer wants to return to Monster Land. Will Papa ever get his family back home?
2D Artist
Have you ever heard of the Vampiyans? One noble family of such vegetarian vampires have been banished from Monster Land for their inability to scare humans. To lift the exile set on the family, Papa, the head of the household, must scare 1000 humans. To this end, he attempts to use his magnificent skills in making new inventions, but always and inevitably fails. To complicate things further, Papa's daughter Suh falls in love with a young human boy and no longer wants to return to Monster Land. Will Papa ever get his family back home?