The story follows a headstrong music manager in desperate need of a hit song for his last remaining client, who finds himself falling for a gifted singer-songwriter with abandoned dreams of making it big, as he attempts to secure the rights to a Christmas song she wrote years ago.
The film follows Chinese American Suzie who draws on her family’s cultural traditions to spice up an old-fashioned Christmas baking competition. Suzie, a rising young architect, returns to her small hometown in Maine for Christmas where her Chinese American family runs the local Lobster Bar. Following the loss of her beloved grandmother who was a renowned baker in their community, Suzie is guilted into following in her grandmother’s footsteps bei entering the local gingerbread house competition. Teaming up with an old high school friend Billy, who grew up to be catch, Suzie must find the right recipes and mix of sugar and spice to win the competition and perhaps find some love in the process.
Erin is planning the town’s Christmas celebration and must win over firefighter Kevin in order to obtain the beautiful spruce tree from his property for the celebration.
結婚式をドタキャンしたカップルを救え! 恋の救世主は愛を封印した独身女性!? 自身の些細な言葉がきっかけとなり、結婚式を目前に控えたカップルに亀裂を入れてしまったウェディングビジネスを展開するビジネスウーマン。そこに、破局したカップルの兄が助けに入り、二人でこのカップルの修復に向け奔走する。濃密に接した協力体制の1週間、次第に心が動かされていく恋模様を描いたラブ・ストーリー!
Katie Warren
As Christmas approaches, Paula, a St. Louis antique appraiser, reluctantly accepts a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Daniel, a career-focused attorney. When her Aunt Jane senses she has mixed emotions over the engagement, she invites Paula to her Nantucket home. Upon her arrival, Paula plans a trip to the nearby island of Martha's Vineyard where she meets a charming inn owner.