Grace Sunar

Grace Sunar


Grace Sunar


When Christmas Was Young
The story follows a headstrong music manager in desperate need of a hit song for his last remaining client, who finds himself falling for a gifted singer-songwriter with abandoned dreams of making it big, as he attempts to secure the rights to a Christmas song she wrote years ago.
A Sugar & Spice Holiday
The film follows Chinese American Suzie who draws on her family’s cultural traditions to spice up an old-fashioned Christmas baking competition. Suzie, a rising young architect, returns to her small hometown in Maine for Christmas where her Chinese American family runs the local Lobster Bar. Following the loss of her beloved grandmother who was a renowned baker in their community, Suzie is guilted into following in her grandmother’s footsteps bei entering the local gingerbread house competition. Teaming up with an old high school friend Billy, who grew up to be catch, Suzie must find the right recipes and mix of sugar and spice to win the competition and perhaps find some love in the process.
Бруклинская рождественская ёлка
Дочь мэра маленького городка в Колорадо отвечает за обеспечение идеальной рождественской ёлки для церемонии зажжения. У пожарного Кевина как раз растет во дворе подходящая ель, но он не хочет с ней расставаться. За этим следует конфликт, романтика и, конечно же, веселье.
Eat, Drink and Be Married
Just three days out from their wedding day, Jess and Max are ready to call it quits from the out-of-control planning. They visit Billie, the owner of a wedding donation company, specializing in donating leftover wedding elements to those in need. However when Max’s brother Charlie will stop at nothing to keep them together, he enlists the help of Billie to ensure this meant-to-be couple gets hitched once and for all.
Рождественское провидение
Katie Warren
В канун рождества Пола неохотно принимает предложение руки и сердца от своего жениха. Её тётя, чувствуя, что племянница не очень рада помолвке, приглашает её к себе в Нантакет, где Пола знакомится с очаровательным владельцем гостиницы. К чему приведёт эта встреча в преддверии самого волшебного праздника в году?