Production Design
「ミッドナイト・ランナー」の主演パク・ソジュンとキム・ジュファン監督が再びタッグを組み、悪魔祓いをテーマに、若き格闘家とベテラン神父が悪に立ち向かう姿を描いたアクション。幼少期に事故で父を亡くし、そのせいで神への信仰を失ったまま育った総合格闘技の若き世界チャンピオンのヨンフ。ある日、彼は右手に見覚えのない傷ができていることに気づく。傷について調べるうち、何かに導かれるかのようにバチカンから派遣されたエクソシストのアン神父と出会ったヨンフは、自身の内に秘められた正義の力の存在を知り……。アン神父役は「光州5・18」「シルミド SILMIDO」などで知られる演技派アン・ソンギ。
Production Design
Production Design
A man, who witnessed his wife's suicide, gradually cures his emotional scars through a fateful encounter with the spirit of a woman in coma.
Production Design
A disgraced ex-cop, seeking revenge on his treacherous ex-partner, sticks his nose into a high-profile murder case. But in the process, he finds himself in conflict with much more powerful and dangerous forces.
Production Design
Production Design
Hyun-tae, In-chul and Min-soo have been best friends since childhood. Their relationship is forever changed after Hyun-tae's mother asks In-chul to commit insurance fraud by destroying her arcade.
Production Design
ある雨の朝、学校に行く 途中で8歳の少女ソウォンは酒に酔った男に連れて行かれ、恐ろしい暴行事件に遭う。身体と心に生涯消すことができない傷を受けたソウォン。信じがたい状況に泣き崩れる父親のドンフンと母親ミヒ。
Production Design
A thriller about the passengers with different objectives on board a cruiser headed for China, being chased over and over again and unexpected happening of things.
Production Design
Over the past 42 years, six people have gone missing, eight people have died "accidently" and eleven cases of murder have occurred in a deserted house. 3 members of an abandoned house exploring club and 3 staff members of a broadcasting company go into the deserted house. All of them disappear.
Production Design
Production Design