Chun-Hung Chen

Chun-Hung Chen


Chen Chung-hung (Chinese: 陳俊宏) is a Taiwanese editor.


Chun-Hung Chen


台湾南部のろう学校で実際に起きた、性的暴行・セクシャルハラスメント事件を題材に『無聲』を撮ったのは、本作が長編初監督作となるコー・チェンニエン。 事件について綿密な調査を行い、事実を一人でも多くの観客に伝えるため、映画化に踏み切った。 世間から多くの批判を受けかねない、深刻な社会問題を描くことに挑戦する監督を支えたのは、ユー・ベイファ、チュウ・ヨウニンの敏腕プロデューサー2人。 本国では、教育者や政治家をはじめ、多くの観客が事件の深刻さを問題視し、台北の週間興行収入1位を獲得。勢いはとどまることなく、台湾の金馬奨では、8部門ノミネート。チェン・イェンフェイの最優秀新人俳優賞など2部門を受賞した。 2021年度の台北映画祭では、最多7部門8ノミネートを記録。チェン・イェンフェイの最優秀新人俳優賞など3部門の他、観客賞を受賞した。
Back to the Good Times
Nearly a year has gone by since the passing of Grandma, and the Zheng family is busy preparing for memorial rituals. Hwa Jia (Crowd Lu) gets discharged from military service and happily reunites with Wei (Vera Yen). The next morning, Wei's parents catch them in bed together and flip out. Wei's angry parents confront Hwa Jia's family, and the whole meeting turns into a farcical mess. Faced with an unprecedented crisis, Hwa Jia must figure out how to save himself and his family. Part of TTV's acclaimed Qseries imprint, the quirky and moving family series A Boy Named Flora A (2017) turned into one of Taiwan's biggest television hits of 2017. The cast and crew return with more family love and laughs in the 2018 feature film Back to the Good Times (2018), directed by Yu Ning Chu. Released during the Chinese New Year period, the film follows the post-military life of protagonist Hwa Jia, played by popular singer-songwriter Crowd Lu
Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go according to plan, and an entire family close to Madame Tang fall victim to a gruesome murder. Ambition, desire and lust eventually change Tang's relationships with her own family forever.
Girlfriend Boyfriend
Mabel, Liam and Aaron have been friends since childhood. Their bonds of friendship are tested when, years later, they realize their friendship is the only reason they have made it through emotional hardships and extreme tragedies.