Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Sequel to "Guys Who Never Learn".
Comedy based on a book by Joji Abe, about a man in prison for the 12th time.
Executive Producer
「砂の器」の名コンビである松本清張(原作・脚色)と野村芳太郎監督のコンビによる、推理サスペンス・ドラマ。桃井かおりと岩下志麻を主役に迎え、自動車事故で死亡した富山の財閥と、その夫人に着せられた保険金殺人の疑惑を辣腕女弁護士が解明してみせる。富豪の後妻に桃井かおりが扮し、その独特のエロキューションや、悪女と呼ばれる女のふてぶてしさ、可愛らしさを見事に表現。対する女弁護士には岩下志麻が扮し、終始毅然とした“理性の女”ぶりを発揮。そのクールな表情は、時としてホラー映画さながらの冷徹さを見せるほど。 この“理と情”のシンボルとも言えるふたりの女を、野村監督の演出は見事な対比で描いて見せ、事件の概要をも彼女らの言動を通して観客がすんなり理解出来るあたりの手腕はさすが。また桃井の後妻は過去に関する描写にウエイトを置いている一方、岩下の弁護士は離婚歴があり、夫側にいる娘とのやりとりを通してしか、「なぜ、彼女がそういう女になったか?」について言及していない、この描きわけが面白い。観客としては当然、桃井の悪女のほうに感情移入しがちなのだが、その彼女の窮状を救うのが、岩下の冷静な判断力と推理であるあたりの皮肉とカタルシスが、爽快な後味を与えている。ただし判決確定後、ふたりの女が交わす本音のやりとりは、両女優の演技合戦という意味も含めて、世の男性諸氏を恐怖のどん底にたたき落とすほどの壮絶さ。ご注意を。
Executive Producer
Outside of a small village in Japan, a mysterious pond is inhabited by mythic creatures. Their story is of revenge, tragedy, and the power of real love. A classical tale which translates wonderfully to film.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
東京で暮らしている青年・寺田辰弥は、自分を探していた母方の祖父・井川丑松が目の前で変死したことを機に、生まれ故郷の八つ墓村を訪れる。そこは戦国時代、村人たちによって8人の落ち武者が惨殺されたという忌まわしい歴史をもつ土地だった。帰郷した辰弥の周りでは次々と奇怪な殺人事件が起こり…。 横溝正史の同名ミステリー小説を、巨匠・野村芳太郎監督が映画化。渥美清演じる名探偵・金田一耕助が事件の謎を解き明かす。
Associate Producer
Executive Producer
When his pistol is stolen, police detective Murakami is humiliated, especially when the gun is later implicated in a crime. Working with his superior, Chief Detective Sato, Murakami works feverishly to trace the location of his pistol, ultimately clashing with a gang of youthful Okinawans.
Associate Producer
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
Associate Producer
Kingoro Tamai moves with his wife and son to the port city of Wakamatsu. He organizes the Tamai-gumi, a stevedore group, to vie for work with two other powerful groups. Gingo is Tamai's chief rival who falls in love with the latter's wife and tries to kill Tamai.
Executive Producer
Comedy of an entertainment agent and strip-teasers.
When a married man begins an affair with a woman from his past, he comes to suspect her young son intends to murder him.
Executive Producer
Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two star-crossed lovers--Hideo (Yukio Hashi), an aspiring photographer from Japan, and Reiko (Jun Mayuzumi), a beautiful Sansei Cherry Blossom contestant from Hawaii--who are drawn together by destiny, yet appear to be fated to be apart. Will the sun set on their young love, or will it be the dawn of a new relationship?
Executive Producer
Japan-Hong Kong co-production.
Executive Producer
Shochiku's popular series of gang films, this one has the hero returning from prison bent on revenge. He runs into Chinese hoodlums, blackmailers and gold-smugglers. But he also aids and abets young lovers yet, despite his help, their love ends in tragedy and he tracks down his prey in Kobe.
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
Executive Producer
A young factory worker struggles to figure out what she wants to do with her life.