Kotaro Shiga

Kotaro Shiga


Kotaro Shiga (志賀 廣太郎 Shiga Kōtarō, born August 31, 1948 in Hyogo, Japan) is an actor who had been active since the 1990s.


Kotaro Shiga


Yoneda Katsumi (Nishida Toshiyuki) is a police sergeant who exudes little presence.One day, Yoneda happens to come across an article on a cafe called Kohaku in a booklet at his regular cafe. Then he abruptly takes leave and heads to Kohaku which is located in Uozu, Toyama Prefecture by bullet train. For some reason, he has documents on an unsolved arson cum murder case which took place in Kichijoji 25 years ago.The owner of Kohaku is Arai Toshio (Terao Akira) who has seemingly sad eyes. They spend time together with his only regular customer, Hirai Sachiko (Suzuki Kyoka), a married woman who works at the port’s fisheries cooperative. Their interactions gradually start to deepen even as they sense the darkness in each other. What is the fate that awaits them?
Professor Sakagami
Toshio Iwai
Jirou Nakata
President of Takahimaya
Sachiko is an university student. Her nickname is Buko, because she has been negative about everything since she was young. Sachiko believes someday she will meet a man like in a romance manga. Her university life is boring and she spends her time reading romance manga in her room. One day, on Twitter, she meets a man who uses the user ID of Sparrow. He likes reading manga and looks like Johnny Depp. Sachiko makes a date to meet the man. She tries to change herself, but it's not so easy due to various unexpected incidents.
劇場版 仮面ティーチャー
仮面ティーチャーとは、20XX年、体罰が全面禁止され、無法地帯と化した教育界を是正するため、政府により力で生徒を制圧することを許された特別教師。華空学院高校で問題児ばかりが集まる2年C組を担任する荒木剛太(藤ヶ谷太輔)も、仮面ティーチャープログラムにより派遣された期待の教師だ。しかし剛太は、過去のある事件をきっかけに、「人と人は心でわかりあえる」という信念を持ち、生徒たちと力ではなく心で向き合うようになっていた。華空学院最強の男・武原金造(菊池風磨)が率いる4人の強者「M4」(エムフォー)。教師はもちろんのこと、大人を一切信用していなかった彼らは最初剛太に反発をし続けたが、剛太の情熱と1人1人に誠実に向き合う姿勢に徐々に心を動かされ、学級崩壊していた2年C組にも、いつしか温かく平和な日々が訪れていた。また、生徒でありながら「黒の仮面ティーチャー」として暗躍する草薙圭吾(ジェシー)と金造との間には、お互いを認め合った者同士だからこそ結ばれる、ある種の友情が芽生え始めていた。剛太を華空学院に派遣した教育省の飯倉塁(斎藤工)は、剛太の信念に心を動かされ、「仮面ティーチャー法」の改正を訴え、力だけに頼らず生徒を更生させる道を模索する。しかし、飯倉の上司・御堂伸彦(萩原聖人)はその訴えに全く耳を傾けず、それを一蹴する。学院の秩序をより強化すべく、御堂は新たな刺客を送り込む。それは、剛太の高校時代の担任教師で、自暴自棄になっていた剛太を更生させた恩師、羅門公平(遠藤憲一)であった。しかし、羅門には、生徒に熱い想いで接し、剛太に「信じることの大切さ」を教えてくれたかつての面影は完全になくなっていた。羅門と一緒に赴任してきた阿南塔子(原幹恵)、そして羅門の意志により結成された新生徒会(小瀧望 他)と共に、「指導」という名のもと力で生徒を制圧し、恐怖による秩序を生み出していく。その異様な光景に、金造、草薙、M4らは警戒心をつのらせていた。なぜ、羅門は変わってしまったのか——?
『松本清張 黒い福音〜国際線スチュワーデス殺人事件〜』のタイトルで、2014年1月19日21:00- 23:24 (JST)にテレビ朝日系列『日曜エンターテインメント』枠で、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第二夜として放送された。
世にも奇妙な物語 '13秋の特別編
A strange phenomenon takes place. A beautiful flower blooms on a selected woman's body and that flower is called the "Shanidar". When the Shanidar is in full bloom, the flower produces a substance which is then sold at a high cost to develop new drugs. Kenji Otaki works as a researcher at the facility where the Shanidar is grown.
Saeko and Yukako live together in a small apartment complex in Tokyo. After the Tohoku earthquake in 2011, both live in a state of unease. Saeko, who is in a divorce, is worried that her daughter is exposed to radiation. Yukako is also afraid of radiation and tries to convince her husband to move. The two become friends after Yukako tries to save Saeko after a suicide attempt.
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright and director, and his theatrical company, Seinendan. By depicting them, the film leads the audience to revisit fundamental but timely questions: What is theatre? Why do human beings act?
a japanese love comedy
With the recession still occurring in Japan and the area of Osaka thought to be hit hardest by the economic downtown, Osaka's gubernatorial election occurs. The surprise winner of the election is Sekai no Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe). Three months into his gubernatorial term and with little help from national government, Sekai no Nabeatsu declares Osaka an independent country and takes office as its first President. The Osaka Police then receives a message warning of an impending assassination attempt on the President of Osaka. Police Detectives Hayakawa (Daisuke Miyagawa) and Banba (Kendo Kobayashi) then set out to search for the criminal group. Can the bumbling detectives protect the president? Will there be a future for the country?
An entry in a series focused on "love" and "erotica," in which six creators from multiple fields -- from film and TV to direct-to-video and manga -- compete. Director Zeze Takahisa, known for his bold undertakings, including Heaven's Story, presents an unabashed depiction of the tormented heart of a woman who lives in the countryside. Yuko (Ezawa Midori) meets the man (Kawai Ryunosuke) suspected of leaking inappropriate pictures of her younger sister having an affair onto the Internet. She agrees to let him take nude photos of her on the condition that he stays away from her sister.
Mr. Saotome
Shigeo Shiba
Jiro (Jiro Sato) is a 32-year-old man who doesn't have a job. He lives at his parents' house and doesn't go outside or socialise with people. After the death of his father, Jiro's mother runs away and leaves behind a 6 month dog named Ichiro and some clues for Jiro. To find his mother, Jiro has to venture out into the world.
'Human Comedy in Tokyo', describes ordinary everyday lives without any significant incidents. Various dialogues are elaborately woven to bring tiny splits in human relationships to light, and through the three episodes the characters have their moments of realizing that they are actually in solitude.
スペシャルドラマ めぞん一刻
In this direct continuation of the earlier special, Godai tries to figure out what to do with his life after college while competing with Kyoko's impossibly perfect tennis coach for her affection.
The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
Ryoichi & Kiyoshi
High school student, Ryoichi, hasn't gone to school since he injured a classmate. He kills time playing videogames alone everyday. One day, Uncle Kiyoshi comes to the house to recover after having tried to kill himself. During the daytime, only Ryoichi and Kiyoshi are in the house. Ryoichi can't stand his uncle’s eccentric behavior; however, he gradually starts to enjoy Kiyoshi's company. From their conversations, Ryoichi learns that perhaps there are second chances in life...
アンフェア the special コード・ブレーキング〜暗号解読
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Survive Style 5+
taxi driver
Five bizarre stories with no apparent connection to one and other eventually become intertwined, resulting in surreal circumstances.
Teacher Gashi
「鮫肌男と桃尻女」の石井克人監督が、一見普通に見える一家のちょっとおかしな日常をユーモラスに描いた異色ホームドラマ。それぞれ心にモヤモヤを抱えた家族が繰り広げるユニークなエピソードの数々を、アニメやCG映像を織り交ぜつつ、美しい田園風景をバックにゆったりとした時間の流れの中で優しく綴ってゆく。2004年カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間オープニング作品。  山間の小さな町に暮らす春野家の人々。彼らはそれぞれ悩みを抱え悶々としていた。内気な高校生の長男・一は恋に悩み、小学校に入学したての妹・幸子は時折ふと現われる巨大な自分の分身に困惑している。母・美子は子育てが一段落したことでアニメーターに復帰しようと奮闘中。催眠治療士の父・ノブオは、そんな美子に不満な様子。東京で音楽ミキサーをやっている叔父のアヤノは元恋人に未練タラタラ、ノブオの弟で漫画家の轟木一騎は仕事に行き詰まっていた。それでも春野家の祖父・アキラはそんな家族をいつも温かく見守っていた…。
SMAP Short Films
Short films by top CM directors and CG creators: MUSIC POWER GO! GO! ダモン君の巻; BUS PANIC!!!; GAME SHINGO; 治療; Good-bye, cruel world; ROLLING BOMBER SPECIAL; 菅原さん ・コンセント ・トイレ ・のれない ・脱出不可能. Produced for and aired together as TV special of SMAPxSMAP
Kenji Yamamoto