Shûji Ôtsuki


現在と過去、時を経て繰り返される少年少女による2つの事件を通して、心に傷を抱えた人々の再生を描いたヒューマンドラマ。監督は、原田眞人、成島出、篠原哲雄、深川栄洋らの作品で助監督を務め、本作で監督デビューとなる島田伊智郎。 13歳の時に友人の犯行によって妹を亡くした過去を持つ新聞記者の月野木薫。今は結婚式を間近に控え幸せな日々に期待を抱いているが、一方で、亡き妹に対する後ろめたい気持ちも抱えていた。そんなある日、中学校の屋上から女子生徒が転落死する事件が発生。女子生徒を転落させた加害少女は、月野木が面倒を見ている友人・岡田の娘の茜だった。そして、被害者の少女と家族同然の付き合いをしていた香川晃は、月野木の妹を殺した元加害少年だった。この事件をきっかけに、月野木と香川は26年ぶりに再会することになるが……。
In Edo period Japan, a lone ronin spends time in a village helping the farmers tend to their land. To keep his sword skills sharp, he spars daily with a farmer's son. Meanwhile, the nation is in the midst of major unrest with civil war on the horizon. One day, a group of outlaw ronin enters the village.
Kaede is fed up with routine chores at her workplace and the relationship with her boyfriend. Her mood brightens when Takuya, with whom she and her brother Ryuta were befriended in childhood, returns to her home town. After reuniting, the friends spend a great time together. But when Ryuta’s girlfriend Yuki gets pregnant, confessions are made that change their relationship.
After Noboru saves Hayase from drowning by giving him mouth-to-mouth, Hayase grows confused about his feelings. It doesn't help that around the same time he meets Noboru's twin brother, Ryū, who has a very different, outgoing personality.
くりいむレモン 亜美の日記
18歳の誕生日に野々村亜美は離れて暮らすお父さんとお兄ちゃんに会いたくて、家を飛び出した。 兄の家を探している途中暴漢に襲われてしまうが、危機一髪の所で颯爽と現れた田崎広志に助けられ、彼の家で介抱を受ける。初対面のはずなのに 不思議と親近感が沸き、意識するふたり。自然と唇と唇が重なる―。しかしそこに帰宅した父親の耕作から2人は兄妹だという衝撃の告白が。 そのまま一緒に暮らすことになった亜美と広志はお互いへの想いを抑えながらも明るく楽しい日々を送っていた。しかし亜美は広志の彼女のまどかに対しては攻撃的な態度をとってしまう。見えないところで田崎家には緊張の糸が張り詰められていった…。
官能病棟 濡れた赤い唇
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a striking example of Pink Cinema that mixes horror with eroticism in a way that is both unsettling and genuinely original. A young couple enter a hospital after rumours that a demonic spirit known as the slit mouthed woman had been seen there. Once inside, they are possessed by an overwhelming desire to have sex and sneak off into an empty room to satiate their lusts. Then out of the darkness a perverse and disfigured woman appears and confronts them.The Slit-Mouthed Woman, a.k.a Kuchisake, is an original hybrid of pink erotica and horror from the controversial J-sploitation director Takuaki Hashiguchi whose previous films include the disturbingly nasty Woman Prisoner Torture. The Slit-Mouthed Woman features impressive special make-up effects from Takashi Oda, who worked alongside the acclaimed actor/director Beat Takeshi Kitano on his Yakuza action film Sonatine.
官能の館 人妻昇天
Not long after Yoko and Arthur move into their new house, they notice that many strange things happen here. Yoko begins seeing ghosts and suspects that the house is haunted. Yoko enlists the help of a police detective, who knows the house has a dark, secret past.
Reiko is attacked by her companion while being ordered by her boss to escort a witness to her murder. There is a terrifying conspiracy within the police
愚か者 傷だらけの天使
Hisashi gets fired from his temp job due to his impulsiveness. One day he meets Chikako, a housewife who constantly shoplifts at the supermarket he regularly goes. He somehow agrees to help her to look for her run-away son, Masaru. Unfortunate to Hisashi, Masaru starts following his around instead of returning home, after he was found by Hisashi. Then they end up stealing a gun from a police officer! In their course of running away, the similar two who cannot adapt to society very well start to develop a mutual friendship…
male bank customer #2 (uncredited)