Lam Foo-Wai


On Parole
Women in Hong Kong who have been in prison open a restaurant, but a triad boss tries to shut it down.
Run and Kill
A man (Fatty) returns home to find his wife with another man. He goes to a bar and begins to drink, waking up the next day to find that he owes a mafioso money for killing his wife.
The Tangles Love
Love, lust, pride and hatred are complex emotions which have touched each of our lives at one time or another. See how these feelings enrage the lives of four people in this adult drama.
Justice, My Foot!
Cheung Biu's Hired Thug
An unscrupulous lawyer with an equally eccentric kung-fu sidekick wife tries to bring justice to the court.
Return Engagement
A well-known gangster is released from prison, and decides look for his daughter with the help of a troubled young woman.
霊幻道士5 ベビーキョンシー対空飛ぶドラキュラ!
一眉道士の弟子ホウとフォンは、道士の言いつけで骨ツボに月光が当たらないように遮ろうとするが間に合わず、月光を浴びた骨ツボの魔物やベビーキョンシーが魔性の力を表し凶暴化してしまうが、道士が駆けつけ事なきを得た。そこに村民が慌てて駆け込んできて、樹の精の虜にされた弟を助けてほしいと言う。道士の作戦でホウが樹の精を誘い出し、フォンの鏡で正体を見破って退治することに成功する。 ある日、村長の依頼で村の風水を占うと、空気ではなく水に問題があることが分かった。一行が荒れ果てた教会に着くと、マザーとシスター達が教会を再建しており、道士が内部を案内してもらうと祈祷室で悪魔と戦ったケイ神父が白骨化していた。 教会を出て道士達は新しい水源を探すために道具を設置するが、昼食中に怪しげなコウモリ達が目印の杭を動かしてしまう。その場所を掘ってみると、胸にルビーの短剣がつき刺さったミイラ化した遺体が発掘された。道士は遺体が蘇る危険があるため燃やすようにと指示するが、ルビー欲しさに警備隊長は遺体を木像とすり替えてしまう。ルビーを取るために怪我をした隊長の血が遺体に滴り落ちると、みるみる内に生気が蘇り隊長の婚約者を襲った。遺体はもう一人の神父が悪魔に敗れ、ドラキュラ(西洋の吸血鬼)と化した姿だった。 一方、ホウとフォンは娼婦の幽霊に取り憑かれて帰ってきたが、道士の術で女の亡骸を発見する。そこで偶然ドラキュラと遭遇し道術で封じようとするが、西洋の吸血鬼であるため道教のお札は効果がなく、強力な封印術も破られ一時退却する。 道士はこのことを隊長に報告に行き、吸血鬼と化した婚約者から噛まれそうになっていた隊長を間一髪で救うが、色魔と誤解され囚われてしまう。捕まった道士が隊長の婚約者からあやうく噛まれそうになった時、ベビーキョンシーが牢屋を爆破して救出する。 教会ではマザーとシスター達がコウモリの大群に襲われ隠れていた。ホウとフォンは教会に向かいマザー達を救出するが、目覚めたドラキュラに阻まれる。そこへ道士が到着し、ドラキュラと壮絶な一騎打ちを繰り広げる。
Close Escape
Knowing that he's dying from cancer, Lam feels a responsibility to come up with sufficient funds quickly so that his younger brother Wai-leong can complete medical school.
Hero of Tomorrow
When Lee Sam, a ten-year veteran of the Hong Kong underworld, is released from prison, he dispatches two enemies and goes into hiding in Taipei where his old friend Billy is a boss. Billy is a hothead whose rivalries with other gangs put Sam at risk. After bailing Billy out a couple of times, Sam tries to get out of the Mob life. He retires to the coastal town of Tainam, works as a fishmonger, and falls in love with the sister of Crow, a 20-year-old who wants to work for Billy. Can Sam quit violence for good, start a family, and protect Crow?
Double Fattiness
Purse snatcher's helper
Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.
Mr. Vampire III
Punched Guard
とある夜のこと。半人前の道士ミンは幽霊(※日本公開版ではキョンシー)のダイボウ、サイボウと組み、あちこちで詐欺まがいの悪霊退治をしていたが、依頼を受けた富家の邸宅でいつものように仕事をしていると、一家を悩ませる本物の幽霊たちと遭遇してしまい、必死の思いで逃げ去った。 同じ日の夜、村では道士を中心とする自警団が、近隣を荒らし回る馬泥棒、女妖術師一味を一網打尽にする作戦を決行し、双方に多大な被害を出しつつも、どうにか自警団は女妖術師の側近2名の捕縛に成功した。 数日後、村の富豪たちが一堂に会して催された道士の誕生祝賀会の会場となった酒家で不可解な事件が起こり、これを発端としてミン道士の悪行を見抜いた道士は本来の道士としての在り方を諭し、兄弟との決別を勧めた。これに従ってミン道士は兄弟と別れたが、ほどなくして兄弟に煮え湯を飲まされたアカンが行った仕返しが仇となり、ダイボウが女妖術師に連れ去られてしまった。
Sworn Brothers
Superstar Andy Lau and Cheung Kwok Keung are heroic bloodshed brothers in the riveting triad saga Sworn Brothers! Lau (Andy Lau) is a fast-rising enforcer with the triads, but beneath his "bad" exterior is the sworn brother of Cheung (Cheung Kwok Keung), a Royal Hong Kong Police officer just returned from Scotland Yard. The two men are on opposite sides of the law, but both share a bond that cannot be tarnished, either by years or differing ideologies. Can the brotherhood of these two righteous men set things right in the underworld? Co-starring Tung Piu (Jackie Chan's Police Story films) in a compelling role as a corrupt cop, and loaded with many exciting actions sequences, Sworn Brothers is a standout triad action-drama in a genre already loaded with many similar films. With potent melodrama, and the type of heightened emotions that typify many popular eighties Hong Kong films, Sworn Brothers hits the action-drama bulls-eye in entertaining and bloody style!
Righting Wrongs
Jason Chan, a Hong Kong lawyer, is angry at the way the law protects criminals and decides to take the law into his own hands, dishing out vigilante justice when a key witness and his entire family are murdered. But hotshot cop Cindy Si is soon on Chan's case, and the situation unravels into a fight that only a few will survive.
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.
Taiwanese Triad
The Millionaires' Express
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.
The Isle of Fantasy
A bunch of teenyboppers are stranded on the Isle of Fantasy, where they join forces with Chappie the Gorilla and his long-haired old master to overcome the inevitable pirates.
Yes, Madam!
Pool Hall Thug
Asprin and Strepsil, two petty thieves who inadvertently become involved in a murder case when they steal items belonging to a murdered man. The man had hidden an important microfilm in his passport, which the thieves pass onto a forger friend Panadol. Inspector Ng is assigned to the case, along with Inspector Morris from Scotland Yard! The investigation leads the cops to the bumbling crooks and soon they are on Triad leader Tin's tail, he will stop at nothing to get the incriminating film back and with his hitman and bodyguard at his side, he proves too much for the inspectors to catch using legal means, in frustration they give up their badges and go after Tin alone.
Flash Future Kung Fu
Imagine an old-school martial arts melodrama about competing fighting schools dropped into the grungy sci-fi world of Blade Runner, and you have an idea of the curious mix of styles in Flash Future Kung Fu. Eddy Ko is the maverick star pupil of an honorable school who secretly engages in underground "Black Boxing" bouts, a black market sport off limits to the school. The ambitious X-Gang, a bloodthirsty neo-Nazi-like organization, plots to take care of Ko and his friends and take over the city with their army of mind-controlled zombie soldiers. In true Hong Kong fashion, it boils down to a showdown of champions, and this one takes place in a boxing ring in an eerily empty warehouse with video coverage broadcasting the event all over.
Five Element Ninjas
A young martial artist seeks revenge on the ninja who kills his martial arts brothers and teacher.