Julie Dreyfus

Julie Dreyfus

出生 : 1966-01-24, Paris, France


Julie Dreyfus (born January 24, 1966 in Paris) is a French actress. Dreyfus, who speaks fluent Japanese, French, and English, is well known in Japan, where she made her TV debut on a French-language lesson program on NHK's educational channel in the late 1980s, and has appeared on the TV show Ryōri no Tetsujin (Iron Chef) as a guest and judge. She is best known to Western audiences for the role of Sofie Fatale in the film Kill Bill Vol. 1 and has been associated with Quentin Tarantino, who is a good friend.


Julie Dreyfus


Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair
Sofie Fatale
An assassin is shot and almost killed by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair is a complete edit of the two-part martial arts action films Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2. The film was originally scheduled to be released as one part. However, due to the film's over 4 hour running time, it was split into two parts.
Francesca Mondino
Six months after losing her only child in the Southeast Asia tsunami, Jeanne is convinced she sees him in a film about orphans living in the jungles.
Interpreter (segment "Merde")
 オリジナリティ溢れる作風で世界的にファンの多いクリエイター、ミシェル・ゴンドリー、レオス・カラックス、ポン・ジュノが東京を舞台に競作した豪華なオムニバス・ムービー。  ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督「インテリア・デザイン」──映画監督の恋人と上京したばかりのヒロインに降りかかる不思議な出来事を綴るファンタジー・ストーリー。主演は藤谷文子と加瀬亮。映画監督の恋人アキラと一緒に上京してきたヒロコ。高校時代の同級生アケミの部屋に居候しながらバイト探しを始める2人だったが、アキラとは対照的に都会の水になかなか馴染めないヒロコは、次第に疎外感を感じ始める。  レオス・カラックス監督「メルド」──監督の盟友ドニ・ラヴァンが東京中を震撼させる謎の怪人に扮する不条理劇。マンホールの中から突然現われては、街中で奇行を繰り返し、道行く人々に危害を加える神出鬼没の謎の男メルド。メディアでも大きく取り上げられ、いつしか“下水道の怪人”と呼ばれ、東京の人々を恐怖に陥れるメルドだったが…。  ポン・ジュノ監督「シェイキング東京」──香川照之と蒼井優を主演に迎え、引きこもり男とピザの宅配少女との奇妙な心の交流を描くファンタジー・ラブストーリー。10年間引きこもりの生活を送る一人の男。土曜日には必ずピザを頼むその男の家に、その日、配達に来たのは美しい少女だった。思いがけず、少女と見つめ合ってしまう男。その瞬間、突然大地が揺れ、少女は気絶してしまうのだが…。
Bathory: Countess of Blood
Lady Katarina
Bathory is based on the legends surrounding the life and deeds of Countess Elizabeth Bathory known as the greatest murderess in the history of mankind. Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth Bathory was a modern Renaissance woman who ultimately fell victim to men’s aspirations for power and wealth.
キル・ビル Vol.2
Sofie Fatale
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
A Feast At Midnight
A new student at a British public school forms a secret society centered around cooking and midnight feasting with other school misfits and outcasts.
Faraway Sunset tells the story of the famed bacteriologist who is known to have discovered the agent that cause syphilis, and for his relentless search for a cure to yellow fever. As a toddler, his mother's neglect had caused an accident to his left hand, fusing together all the fingers in a bizarre twist of fate. Naturally extremely remorseful for being the cause of her son's handicap, she does everything she could to ensure that he gets to lead a normal life, despite having to fend off bullies and unfair prejudices.