Sound Mixer
Sound Recordist
Documentary filmmaker Makoto Sato offers this reflection on the life and career of Edward Said, the deeply influential literary and cultural critic, Columbia University academic, and outspoken advocate for displaced Palestinians, of whom he was one. Exploring the landscapes of Said's childhood and how they influenced his philosophy, this film features rare footage of Said and interviews with many of his colleagues, including Noam Chomsky.
Sound Designer
けい子は引っ越しの際、子供は12歳の長男の明だけだと嘘をつく。実際子供は4人いて、彼らは全員学校に通ったこともなく、アパートの部屋で母親の帰りを待って暮らしていたが……。 <解説> 主演の柳楽優弥が史上最年少の14歳という若さで、2004年度カンヌ国際映画祭主演男優賞に輝いた話題作。『ディスタンス』の是枝裕和監督が実際に起きた、母親が父親の違う子供4人を置き去りにするという衝撃的な事件を元に構想から15年、満を持して映像となった。女優初挑戦の、YOU扮する奔放な母親と子役達の自然な演技も秀逸。母の失踪後一人で弟妹達の面倒をみる長男の姿は、家族や社会のあり方を問いかける。
180 kilometers down wind of Chernobyl, the village of Budische was evacuated except for 55 older residents who refused to leave and one young man, Alexei who wanted to stay with his parents. This is a simple story of life in Budische 14 years later, as told in voiceover by Alexei. The Belarus village is built around a common spring from which everyone draws water, toting it back to their homes, and to which the women walk to do their laundry outside.
Renji grew up in a family that runs a pelagic fishing business and vaguely thinks about becoming a fisherman in the future. He is attracted to Kyoko, a new transfer student to his fisheries school who is knowledgeable about whales, but there is a big difference of opinion between Renji, who thinks whaling is wrong, and Kyoko, who advocates whale protection.
Sound Recordist
Roller skating boy band Hikaru GENJI face a series of strange events after a baby one day suddenly appears in their dormitory.
Sound Mixer
A young rock singer is not appreciated by her band, and gets a postcard from Japan saying "wish you were here". She takes what little money she has including ex-boyfriend's rent money and goes to Tokyo. She has numerous cross-cultural adventures and ends up singing with a Japanese rock group looking for a gaijin gimmick.
Sound Recordist
Four young high school students who dream of being in a rock band must deal with the unexpected deaths of their friends while making concert decisions.