In remote wilderness, a group of friends who stumble upon a duffle bag full of cash after accidentally killing an unknown woman with their car. In attempt to keep the money to themselves, they decided to hide the body. However, this leads them to a much more bigger problem when the mysterious owner of the bag comes looking for them.
A deep cover operative awakens to find himself imprisoned on a submarine. With the help of a fellow prisoner and an amateur agent, he must race against the clock to escape the vessel and expose who set him up.
Struggling with a horrific past, Claire Rhodes must confront a stalker turned murderer of her youth in order to win her life - but will her own demons help the killer exact his vengeance?
A father is without the means to pay for his daughter's medical treatment. As a last resort, he partners with a greedy co-worker to rob a casino. When things go awry they're forced to hijack a city bus.
When a cursed devil's charm' bracelet shows up at a sorority house on Valentine's Day, each girl tries to make a series of wishes, and each finds that unintended consequences are the primary purpose of Satan's sinister strategy.
In Depression-era America, Bonnie Parker met Clyde Barrow over a cup of hot chocolate, and it was love at first sight. Their violent courtship took them through bank robberies, prison and a multi-state crime spree, securing their place in history as one of America's most notorious couples
Jonah and Ella Mazer are typical teenagers, but strange and frightening things are happening at their new school. They learn that all of their classmates are descendants of witches -- and the two are destined to die.