Yuko Omae


Color Designer
After his family is viciously murdered, a kind-hearted boy named Tanjiro Kamado resolves to become a Demon Slayer in hopes of turning his younger sister Nezuko back into a human. Together with his comrades, Zenitsu and Inosuke, along with one of the top-ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tengen Uzui, Tanjiro embarks on a mission within the Entertainment District, where they encounter the formidable, high-ranking demons, Daki and Gyutaro.
Color Designer
蝶屋敷での修業を終えた炭治郎たちは、次なる任務の地、《無限列車》に到着する。 そこでは、短期間のうちに四十人以上もの人が行方不明になっているという。 禰豆子を連れた炭治郎と善逸、伊之助の一行は、 鬼殺隊最強の剣士である《柱》のひとり、炎柱の煉獄杏寿郎と合流し、 闇を往く《無限列車》の中で、鬼と立ち向かうのだった。
テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア ~導師の夜明け~
Color Designer
The Seraphim, a mystical spirit race who act as a stabilizing force in the land, blessed a human boy known as Sorey with powers. Sorey's encounter with Alisha and Lunarre leads him to leave on a journey to becoming the Shepherd and saving the world.