Mickey Curtis

出生 : 1938-07-23, Tokyo, Japan


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Mickey Curtis, born 23 July 1938, is a Japanese actor, singer, and TV celebrity. He began his entertainment career in 1958 as an actor, and later became a rockabilly singer. In 1967, he became internationally known through his avant-garde rock band "Mickey Curtis & The Samurai". After five years, Mickey disbanded the group and returned to Japan in 1972, where he began producing other musicians. He speaks Japanese, English, French, German, Italian and Thai fluently. His birth name was Brian Kachisu, from a Japanese father, and Canadian mother. Description above from the Wikipedia article Mickey Curtis , licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


直木賞作家・佐藤正午の同名ベストセラーを藤原竜也主演で映画化。都内のバー。かつて直木賞を受賞した天才小説家・津田伸一は、担当編集者の鳥飼なほみに執筆中の新作小説を読ませていた。その内容に心を踊らせる鳥飼だったが、津田の話を聞けば聞くほど小説の中だけの話とは思えない。この小説が本当にフィクションなのか検証を始めた鳥飼は、やがて驚きの真実にたどり着く。謎めいた小説家・津田を藤原、津田に翻弄される担当編集者・鳥飼を土屋太鳳、津田とコーヒーショップで出会った日に失踪したバーのマスター、幸地秀吉を風間俊介、津田の行きつけのコーヒーショップ店員・沼本を西野七瀬、彼らが暮らす街の裏社会を仕切る倉田健次郎を豊川悦司が演じる。監督は「ホテル ビーナス」のタカハタ秀太。
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
She's Just a Shadow
Doctor Fowler
A crime family becomes entangled in a vicious gang war while a serial killer cuts a swath through Tokyo.
A quiet woman receives a social media request from a middle-school friend, who she doesn’t remember fondly. The two meet at a hotel’s restaurant where they find a room numbered 666 containing Rokuroku, a long-neck woman wearing a red kimono.
「海街diary」「そして父になる」の是枝裕和監督が、「歩いても 歩いても」「奇跡」に続いて阿部寛と3度目のタッグを組み、大人になりきれない男と年老いた母を中心に、夢見ていた未来とは違う現在を生きる家族の姿をつづった人間ドラマ。15年前に文学賞を一度受賞したものの、その後は売れず、作家として成功する夢を追い続けている中年男性・良多。現在は生活費のため探偵事務所で働いているが、周囲にも自分にも「小説のための取材」だと言い訳していた。別れた妻・響子への未練を引きずっている良多は、彼女を「張り込み」して新しい恋人がいることを知りショックを受ける。ある日、団地で一人暮らしをしている母・淑子の家に集まった良多と響子と11歳の息子・真悟は、台風で帰れなくなり、ひと晩を共に過ごすことになる。主人公の母親役を樹木希林が好演し、共演にも真木よう子、小林聡美、リリー・フランキーら豪華な顔ぶれがそろう。
劇場版 媚空-ビクウ-
Bikuu is a Dark Slasher that receives an order from the Senate to take out a rogue priest that has fallen to the darkness, claiming souls using the Soul Insertion technique.
Takashi Hayama is a third year high school student. He falls in love with Azusa Oribe at first sight and they begin to date. One day, Azusa tells Takashi "people who meet me, forget about me several hours later." Takashi doesn't believe Azusa, but by chance he realizes that he forgot about Azusa. So he won't forget Azusa, Takashi begins to leave a note for himself and Azusa.
世にも奇妙な物語 '14春の特別編
Seiichiro Fujimura
Mr. Ono
ゴッドタン キス我慢選手権 THE MOVIE
Homeless man
Gentaro Katsuki
Shigemitsu Suzuki
会社の宣伝のため、わずか3ヶ月の開発期間で二足歩行型ロボット「ニュー潮風」を作るよう社長から命じられた、木村電器社員の小林、太田、長井の3人。 発表の場であるロボット博覧会開催の1週間前、落下事故によりロボット本体が破損し、ソフトを全て失ってしまう。 解雇を恐れた3人は、ニュー潮風の外装に人がはいり、ロボット博を乗り切ることを計画する。 3人は、ロボットの着ぐるみショーの俳優を公募し、選ばれたのが、隠居生活を送る鈴木重光。鈴木は着ぐるみショーであると信じてロボットの中にはいり、ロボット博に参加する。 その会場で、倒れてきた柱の下敷きになりかけたロボットオタクの女子大生、佐々木葉子をニュー潮風鈴木がとっさに助けたため、ニュー潮風は、一夜にして日本中のヒーローとなった。 日本各地から出演依頼が殺到し、引っ込みがつかなくなった3人は、鈴木に真相を打ち明けて、ニュー潮風役の継続を依頼する。
Mari lives a comfortable life as a single woman. She has a nice job at a company and resides in an apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. A couple lives next to door to her. Mari can hear them argue or making happy conversations everyday. One night, when Mari comes back home, she sees her next door neighbor sitting in front of his door and shivering from the cold. He locked himself out.
Set in World War II, the film depicts the story of the real-life Japanese battleship, the Yamato, which is confronted in the Pacific Ocean by giant monsters, including the most fearsome of them all, Reigo.
H・P・ラヴクラフトのダニッチ・ホラー その他の物語
In the bleak, disturbing and suspenseful universe of H.P. Lovecraft, endless horrors await. From ravaging cannibals to ancient rituals come to life, there's no escape for these hapless souls, whether they come across the Danwich outskirts or even the gruesome cover of the Necronomicon.
Tengu gaiden
A young girl meets a strange Old Monk.
The second feature from female director Shindo Kaze (Love/Juice), Princess in an Iron Helmet (a.k.a. Korogare! Tamako) is a bright and colorful youth film about a quirky young woman's reluctant coming-of-age journey. Tamako (Yamada Maiko) is 20 years old, lives at home with her mother (Kishimoto Kayoko) and teenaged brother, and simply refuses to grow up. Ever since her father (Naoto Takenaka) left the family, she's stopped trusting people, and now lounges around in her own small, claustrophobic world. Wearing an iron helmet whenever she steps outside, she ventures only to her mom's beauty salon, the mechanic shop, and the bakery - the source of her greatest joy in life, sweet buns. Her world is static, insular, and safe, and there's no need to change - that is until her cat runs away, the bakery closes, and her mom falls in love with another man.
カスタムメイド 10.30
Sisters "Manamo" and "Minamo" live separately in Hiroshima and London since the divorce of their parents. The elder sister Manamo lives in Hiroshima with her mother, she is a high school student, but moonlights at a Japanese cabaret-club. After her mother remarries and moves to Yamaguchi Prefecture, Manamo lives by herself in Hiroshima. One day, her younger sister Minamo returns from London to visit Manamo. It is ten years since they have lived together, and they argue every day.
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
Bicycle Shop
行動隊長伝 血盟
The fate of three men who have lived as brothers since childhood
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
A woman has a fine life with rewarding work, a nice house, and a serious boyfriend in the lowlands of Japan. In walks her long lost husband who years ago disappeared and abandoned her. The wife allows her lost husband to secretly live in her house. More specifically, he lives in the wife's closet. The closet has a peep hole, so he does nothing day and night but watch his wife live her life.
Nobuyuki Ohnishi
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉
Rasheed (voice)
Terujiro Miyoshi
Sachi Hamano's Yurisai (Lily Festival) is about a man (Mickey Curtis) in his seventies who comes to live in an apartment building that also houses seven elderly women. The film examines the ladies' sexual desires as the man proceeds to woo each of them. Kazuko Yoshiyuki portrays one of the female residents. The film was adapted from a novel by Houko Momotani and was screened at the Montreal World Film Festival.
Adventures and romances of a young pool hustler in Shibuya.
Zou Mago
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
淀川長治物語神戸篇 サイナラ
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
ときは江戸時代、ところは花のお江戸。呑気に釣りを楽しむ浪人・浜崎伝助が、ひょんなことから大店のご隠居と意気投合。釣りの指南をすることに。そのご隠居こそ、庄内藩江戸屋敷家老・鈴木一之助だった。 そうとも知らず伝助は、庄内藩に仕官が叶って、兄想いの妹・美津(酒井法子)や長屋のご隠居・甚兵衛(谷啓)は大喜び。ところが、やる事成す事マイペースな伝助に、上役たちは呆れ顔。ある日、伝助は、奥女中・小浪(黒木瞳)にひと目惚れしてしまう。
Blues Harp
Ambitious yakuza Kenji befriends harmonica-playing bartender Chuji, who moonlights as a part-time drug-dealer for the opposing gang. Their friendship is threatened by Kenji's plans for advancement, as well as by his bodyguards growing jealousy of Chuji.
Tokyo Dragon
Shigemaru Kuroda
When I was young, Takato Kuroda took a hand at seeing "Qi" at my grandfather Shigaru who was a great feng shui, but since I closed my eyes with fear, I could not see myself ever since. From the complex with respect to the deceased grandfather, Dragon has developed a software to look at attention with computers, and has an office of management consultant. This summer, Tokyo was suffering from extreme weather which rain continues for over 20 days, and urban function was deprived. One day, a who visited an old shop owner and Suzuki with an introduction of an owner and Yazaki ...
Kenzo Tsumura
An ex-boxer working for a game parlor owner gets caught up in a complex blackmail operation he doesn't understand. Before long he's caught between two yakuza bosses and a mysterious thief who motivation is unknown. Add in the boss' daughter who has a crush on him and watch him struggle to make sense of it all and come out alive.
Nine-One II 魔獣都市
An erotic bizarre action in which the three sisters of the Ijuin family, descendants of Kunoichi, fight against the hostile Mao Noichi clan.
悪徳政治家 土門の女の世話係になったチンピラの達男。恋人レンコが、土門に友人が重症を負わされたことを組長の亜仁丸に抗議して殺されてしまう。最愛のレンコを失った達男は土門への復讐を誓い土門の隠し金を盗む。一旦は成功したかに思えたが、すぐに亜仁丸にバレてしまい組から追われる身となる。逃亡途中、達男は日系ペルー人の運転するタクシーに乗る。
This odd three-parter purports to map the metaphysics of the interpersonal universe, dividing its trio of tales into three, different-toned “planets.”
After Tokyo police officer Yokoda is killed in the line of duty, his chief decides give Yokoda's body to Dr. Tani for use in a secret scientific experiment: Yokoda's brain will be transplanted into a super-powered robot body, making him into an unstoppable policeman of the future. The supercop develops problems, however, when he begins to remember his human past. Then there is the matter of Dr. Tani's other cyborg, who has become a super-powered homicidal maniac.
西暦2025年、太平洋上の無人島8JOに設置された全自動ロボット工場を制御する巨大コンピューター「カイロン5」は突如、人類に宣戦布告。人類は鎮圧のため自動可変戦闘ロボット「ガンヘッド」大隊を投入。長い戦いの末、カイロン5を守護する「エアロボット」にガンヘッド大隊は全滅。カイロン5は勝利を宣言するとその活動を停止した。 それから13年後、コンピューターチップを狙うトレジャー・ハンター“Bバンガー”の一団が、カイロンタワーの屋上に侵入するが、カイロン5の命で連邦政府の研究所から超伝導物質テキスメキシウムを奪って逃亡してきたバイオドロイドにより、彼らは青年ブルックリンを残して抹殺されてしまう。 生き残ったブルックリンと、バイオロイドを追って8JOにやってきたテキサス・エア・レンジャーの女レンジャー・ニムは、カイロン5の陰謀を阻止すべく、破壊され破棄されていたガンヘッド507号機を有人型に修復し、カイロン5とそれを守るエアロボットに戦いを挑む…。
…これから物語  少年たちのブルース
片や会社の社長でデザイナー、片やスポーツマンでモデルという道を歩む生まれも育ちも異なる2人の高校生の友情を描く。 One is a designer and company president, the other an athlete and model. Although on different paths in life and from different backgrounds, in high school these two were once good friends. This movie tells the story of their friendship.
Mexican Merchant (Almond)
Owner of Club Horizon
At a Japanese school, a desperate student council struggles with a recurring problem. The aggressive and relentless members of the Yagyu biker gang stop by the school each semester to beat up the kids, steal their lunch money and vandalize their belongings. The kids want to fight back but realize they're too weak and undermanned against the bikers, and so they hire a handful of tough gals to train and defend them.
Movie adaptation of the TV series.
Goro Minami
A seamstress seeks the love of her life while helping a troubled couple.
Omori, apprentice officer
In 1919, a group of Japanese immigrants arrives in Hawaii. Among them Yoshio Inoue and his wife Kishimo and Sumi, a young woman ready to get married soon. With the soil that is hard to work and the subtroipical climate, the immigrants have to cope with a hard life. But after years of hard work, Yoshio finds work as a teacher while his wife manages to open a small grocery store. But with the war around the corner, life becomes more and more complicated for the Japanese immigrants in a foreign country.
An early Okamoto yakuza film, though it's not in the Underworld series (along with The Last Gunfight and The Big Boss) despite being alternatively known as "Death of the Boss." While Okamoto did not write this film and took on the project because he was assigned and "just doing [his] job" according to an interview with Chris Desjardins in Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film, he did express a general excitement about working in action cinema (which shows through in this film's energy.)
The Big Wave
Yukio, a farm boy, and Toru, a fisherboy, live in a small Japanese village that is periodically threatened by a volcano on one side and tidal waves on the other. Yukio's younger sister Setsu follows then and dreams of becoming a pearl diver. Toru is preparing to go fishing with his father when a bell tolls and a danger flag is hung high on the hill behind the village to warn of an impending tidal wave by the village patriarch, known as Old Gentleman.
Yuzo Kayama plays the protagonist, a whale-hunting cannon manufactuing supervisor, whose brother is an automobile tester for Komatsu Motors which has a fatal accident. As his brother investigates the "Accident" with his old college friend (makoto Sato), now a reporter... They stumble across murder, espionage and cover-ups. High-class night club, femme fatale, and a "Blueprint of Murder" all adds up to a bigger plot then first expected.
Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.