13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
Greek Dancer
前作から5年後、大学を卒業したミアは祖母クラリスに代わって女王に即位することになっていた。祖国ジェノヴィアに到着した彼女は、21歳を祝う誕生パーティーでハンサムな青年ニコラスと運命的な出会いをする。 しかし、そんな彼女に問題が起きる。自分の甥のデヴロー卿を王位に就かせ権力を握ろうとしていたメイブリー子爵は、ミアに王位継承権が無いことを告げる。ジェノヴィアの法律では、女性は既婚でなければ王位に就けないのだった。前時代的とのクラリスの反対にもかかわらず、伝統を重んじる議員たちは、ミアが30日以内に結婚しなければデヴロー卿を王位に就かせることを決定する。ミアの意思を完全に無視した議会の決定に、当然のごとく憤るミアは、更にそのデヴロー卿がニコラスであると知ると、一段と怒りを募らせる。かくしてミアの花婿探しが始まる。