13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
13 years ago, Jane Arcs was condemned to death after brutally killing her opponent in a underground street fight. Now, in just 24 hours, Jane will be executed for her crime. During her 13 years on Death Row, Jane has undergone a major evolution under the tutelage of a fellow inmate and Qi Gong Master Xin, learning the way of Qi Gong and ostensibly gaining supernatural abilities. As the day of her execution arrives, Jane embraces her punishment in the spirit of transformation. Max Stone, Jane's boyfriend as well as correctional officer and part of the execution tie down team, has very different ideas. He is willing to do anything to save Jane. Will he kill others to save her life? Or will Jane help him to see the light and to let her go? The Way, climaxes as the essence of spirit collides with the raw power of desire, ultimately bring the audience full circle in seeing how both are essential to being human.
Greek Dancer
실수연발... 사랑에 서툰... 21살 공주의 결혼식 30일전... | 상대는?... 지금부터 고른다! | 제노비아 왕국을 가지기 위해선... '쿨'한 녀석부터 하나 잡아야 한다! | 10월, 깜찍한 여왕의 웨딩 이벤트에 당신을 초대합니다 | 5년 만에 돌아온 사고뭉치 미아 공주! 그녀의 손짓 하나에 온나라는 긴장 중~
꿈 많은 새내기공주 '미아'는 이제 아주 특별한 수업을 받아야 된다. 공주수업이 끝나기가 무섭게 여왕수업을 받아야 하는 그녀에게 제노비아의 국법에 따른 단서조항이 주어진다. 여왕이 되려면 결혼부터 해야 하는 것! 문제는 '미아'가 사랑하고 싶은 남자와 결혼하고 싶은 남자 사이에서 아슬아슬하고 달콤한 줄다리기를 해야 된다는 것! 과연 '미아'는 어떤 선택을 하게 될지...!