Reimi Urara


ミュージカル「るろうに剣心 京都編」
小池徹平、黒羽麻璃央、加藤和樹らが360°回転劇場を駆け巡る!ミュージカルとなった「るろ剣」ワールド、ここでしか味わえない壮大な疾走感を体験せよ! 和月伸宏の大人気漫画「るろうに剣心-明治剣客浪漫譚-」から、特に人気の高い“京都編”を、日本で唯一客席が回転する劇場・IHIステージアラウンド東京でミュージカル化した舞台。客席の回転、スクリーンの動き、映像、音楽、照明が一体となった、これまでの舞台とも映画とも違うここでしか味わえない疾走感や臨場感に注目だ。 今作では、2014年に紫綬褒章を受章した、日本ミュージカル界のトップランナーである小池修一郎が新たに脚本を書き下ろし、演出を務める。主人公の緋村剣心を演じるのは、2017年に菊田一夫演劇賞を受賞した小池徹平。質朴な役から猟奇性ある役まで演じ分ける小池が、穏やかな一面と人斬りとしての過去を持つ剣心の二面性をみごとに演じ切る。共演には、黒羽麻璃央、松下優也、加藤清史郎、加藤和樹をはじめ個性豊かなキャストが集結、原作から飛び出したような多彩なキャラクターが歌い、戦い、大パノラマ剣劇を繰り広げる!
Vampire Succession
Alucard, a vampire resurrected in present-day New York, has achieved a “degenerative evolution” over the past 700 years. He no longer attacks people for blood, and is no longer afraid of crosses. He spends his days with his friend, Helsing XVI, a descendant of vampire researchers. Acting as Helsing’s ghost writer, he writes a fantasy romance novel about the events he witnessed in his past. One day, Alucard is dressed as a “vampire” at a Halloween costume party celebrating the publication of his book. There, he meets Lucy, a university student who dreams of becoming a dentist. As he gradually becomes more attracted to Lucy, his desire to become human grows. For a vampire with the gift of immortality, it is the equivalent of suicide.
白夜の誓い ―グスタフIII世、誇り高き王の戦い―
Countess of Egmont (Isabel)
In the midst of Sweden's rise to power, King Gustav III was the "darling of the rococo" who brought to flower the gorgeous Nordic culture. Set in the turbulent 18th century Europe, where power and intrigue swirled around him, this musical depicts his love, friendship, and courageous battle for his beliefs on a grand scale, involving a variety of characters.
モンテ・クリスト伯 / Amour de 99!!-99年の愛-
Edmond Dantes, a young sailor from Marseille, is being dragged in chains to the Chateau d'If, a state prison. He protests his innocence, but the jailors laugh and torment him before locking him up in solitary confinement. A few short hours before, Dantes had returned to Marseille from a voyage at sea and been reunited with his fiancée, Mercedes. Her father, Pierre Morrel, promoted Dantes to captain as a wedding gift to the couple. Into the middle of this celebration came the soldiers to arrest Dantes. He is sure he has done nothing that is against the law, and promises Mercedes he will return soon...