
Vampire Succession (2016)

ジャンル : 音楽, ファンタジー

上映時間 : 2時間 17分

演出 : Ishida Masaya


Alucard, a vampire resurrected in present-day New York, has achieved a “degenerative evolution” over the past 700 years. He no longer attacks people for blood, and is no longer afraid of crosses. He spends his days with his friend, Helsing XVI, a descendant of vampire researchers. Acting as Helsing’s ghost writer, he writes a fantasy romance novel about the events he witnessed in his past. One day, Alucard is dressed as a “vampire” at a Halloween costume party celebrating the publication of his book. There, he meets Lucy, a university student who dreams of becoming a dentist. As he gradually becomes more attracted to Lucy, his desire to become human grows. For a vampire with the gift of immortality, it is the equivalent of suicide.


Makaze Suzuho
Makaze Suzuho
Sidney Alucard
Hoshikaze Madoka
Hoshikaze Madoka
Lucy Slater
Kyou Misa
Kyou Misa
Hanagata Hikaru
Hanagata Hikaru
James Sutherland
Maira Mikaze
Maira Mikaze
Glenda Salisbury
Matsukaze Akira
Matsukaze Akira
Aizuki Hikaru
Aizuki Hikaru
Neumann Helsing
Aishiro Moa
Aishiro Moa
Yuino Kanari
Yuino Kanari
Mitsuki Haruka
Mitsuki Haruka
Haruse Ouki
Haruse Ouki
Reimi Urara
Reimi Urara
Kazuki Sora
Kazuki Sora
Setohana Mari
Setohana Mari
Hanayuki Rira
Hanayuki Rira


Ishida Masaya
Ishida Masaya
Ishida Masaya
Ishida Masaya
Teshima Kyouko
Teshima Kyouko
Miori Yumino
Miori Yumino




Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his slumber. Bored with his existence, he has now become this generation's new Rock God. While in the course of time, another has arisen, Akasha, the Queen of the Vampires and the Dammed. He wants immortal fame, his fellow vampires want him eternally dead for his betrayal, and the Queen wants him for her King. Who will be the first to reach him? Who shall win?
In the late 21st century, a subculture of humans have emerged who have been modified genetically by a vampire-like disease, giving them enhanced speed, incredible stamina and acute intelligence. As they are set apart from "normal" and "healthy" humans, the world is pushed to the brink of worldwide civil war aimed at the destruction of the "diseased" population. In the middle of this crossed-fire is - an infected woman - Ultraviolet, who finds herself protecting a nine-year-old boy who has been marked for death by the human government as he is believed to be a threat to humans.
アンダーワールド ビギンズ
TVのホラー番組“フライトナイト”に目がない高校生チャーリーは、ある日、隣家に住む男たちの不審な行動を目撃する。なんと、男たちは美女の生血を吸い尽くすヴァンパイアだったのだ。誰からも本気にされず狼狽するチャーリーに、正体を知られた男たちの魔の手が迫る! 恋人エイミー、親友エドに助けを求めたチャーリーは、なぜか“フライトナイト”の役者=ヴァンパイア・キラーのピーターを引き連れ、壮絶な闘いに挑む!
From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money
A gang of bank-robbing misfits heads to Mexico with the blueprints for the perfect million-dollar heist, but when one of the crooks wanders into the wrong bar... and crosses the wrong vampire... the thieving cohorts develop a thirst for blood!
When a lawyer shows up at the vampire's doorstep, he falls prey to his charms and joins him in his search for fresh blood. Enter Professor Van Helsing, who may be the only one able to vanquish the Count.
Detective Rita Veder is assigned to a baffling serial murder case. After examining the crime scene — a corpse-filled ship found adrift at sea — Rita meets Maximilian, a smooth-talking Caribbean playboy determined to romance her. When Rita begins suffering from crippling hallucinations, she calls upon Dr. Zeko, an occultist who suspects a vampire is on the loose.
Blood: The Last Vampire
1966年、秋。ベトナム戦争最中の、日本の中のアメリカ——米空軍・横田基地。ファントムF4戦闘機があわただしくスクランブル発進する基地周辺を殺伐とした空気が包む中、街では不審な自殺が相次いでいた。 地下鉄・銀座線、浅草行最終列車。殺風景な車両にたたずむひとりの少女。大人をも射すくめる強い眼差しと、堅く結ばれた唇が秘めた意志を物語る──彼女の名は小夜(SAYA)。人間社会に身を潜めた吸血鬼<翼手>を倒すため、「組織」が送り込んだ救世主。セーラー服に身を包んだ小夜は、日本刀を武器に基地内のアメリカンスクールに潜入したが……。
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Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader. But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampires.
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter
Narrowly escaping death, outlaw Johnny Madrid is on the run from the hangman, with the hangman's sensuous daughter Esmeralda by his side. Along with Madrid's gang, Johnny and Esmeralda embark on an adventure filled with colorful and unsavory characters who lead them straight into the fight of their lives!
吸血鬼ハンターD ブラッドラスト
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。
The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice
While on a dangerous mission to recover the historic Judas Chalice, Flynn is saved by Simone. But when double-crossed by a respected professor and ambushed by a ruthless gang, Flynn realizes Simone's secret, his true mission and a shocking discovery are all lying within a decaying New Orleans crypt.