Helen Slayton-Hughes

Helen Slayton-Hughes

出生 : 1930-10-30, Glen Ridge, New Jersey, USA

死亡 : 2022-12-07


Helen Slayton-Hughes was an actress and writer. She was best known for playing Ethel Beavers in Parks and Recreation.


Helen Slayton-Hughes


ハロウィンの呪文 ~ブリッジホローは大騒ぎ!?~
Victoria Hawthorne
To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.
モキシー 〜私たちのムーブメント〜
Inspired by her mom's rebellious past and a confident new friend, a shy 16-year-old publishes an anonymous zine calling out sexism at her school.
The Invisible Mother
When lesbian toker Marcy returns to her grandparents' home to help care for her mentally declining grandmother, she discovers they are being terrorized by a malevolent force from a Victorian postmortem photograph.
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
Woman on Bus
On the rocky path to sobriety after a life-changing accident, John Callahan discovers the healing power of art, willing his injured hands into drawing hilarious, often controversial cartoons, which bring him a new lease on life.
ヴェロニカ・マーズ [ザ・ムービー]
Mrs. Barnes
Mrs. Rosowski
聞いていて不快な音楽やポルノグラフィー、そして焼けたふんを地面にたたきつけることがお気に入りの一風変わった男であるヘッシャー(ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット)。ある日、自動車事故で母親を亡くしたばかりの少年TJ(デヴィン・ブロシュー)と、その父ポール(レイン・ウィルソン)のもとで暮らすことになったヘッシャーは、親子にとって特異な存在であったが……。 アナーキーで変わり者のヘッシャーと名乗る男が、母の死から立ち直れない13歳の少年とその父や、人生を見失った女の前に突然現れ、彼らの傷ついた人生を彼なりのワイルドな行動の数々で過激に再生していく過程を、ヘビーメタルの爆音サウンドと共に描くヒューマンドラマ。若手映像作家スペンサー・サッサーがメガホンを取り、愛と再生の寓話(ぐうわ)で長編デビューを果たした。『ブラック・スワン』のナタリー・ポートマン、『インセプション』のジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィットら演技派スターたちの共演も見逃せない。
Crazy on the Outside
A recently paroled ex-con who has trouble adjusting to the wacky normalcy of life outside of prison. He has spent the last three years behind bars after getting caught committing a crime and taking the rap for his much more dangerous pal.
I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With
Mrs. Moskowitz
Life has its downs for James, living with his mom in Chicago at 39, an aging performer at Second City, eating and weighing too much. A woman he's been dating drops him, as does his agent, her brother. James turns down roles in local TV, roles that make him sad. Someone's remaking his favorite movie, "Marty," a role he'd love, but he doesn't even get an audition.
The Princess and the Cabbie
Joanna's BART Nemesis (uncredited)
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Mafia on the Bounty
A Mafia don concocts a scheme to convince several Mobsters to meet abroad a bomb strapped yacht. There, they encounter a crew of gay men (including a man (played by Jackie Gayle) who's seizures make him believe he's the Captain) and an eager female crew member who mistaken them for movie producers.