Nicole Regnault

Nicole Regnault

出生 : 1924-05-19, Paris, France


Nicole Regnault


Short-sighted motorist (uncredited)
She and Me
Une invitée (uncredited)
You never can tell. Jean had always been one of the most confirmed bachelors that kept swearing to anyone that would listen he would never put a ring on a female finger. But that was before he met Juliette, a capricious but irresistibly lovely young woman. Well, what else can you do when you fall dead in love with a creature of the kind? And too bad if their honeymoon proved catastrophic. To say nothing of their housing problems : what to do when neither husband nor wife has any money? How to build one's love nest when the housing crisis rages? How to get by when your wife has luxury tastes?
Love Is Not a Sin
A building, a landing, two tenants: he, Jacques Loursier, is president of the U.R.A.F (Union and Resistance Anti-Woman); she, Eliane Cahuzac, is president of the Association for the Triumph and Independence of Women. Unaware of each other until then, a cold war begins between the two parties. An attempt at conciliation fails then, after many adventures, love triumphs.
French Touch
Une cliente 'Saint-Germain-des-Prés' (uncredited)
Mario, a bumptious sheep-shearer, discovers he has a inimtable touch that makes women, as well as sheep, swoon at his professional caress. He is soon the most sought-after hairdresser in France and is awarded the Legion of Honor...
The Seven Deadly Sins
(segment "Lust") (uncredited)
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
Le crime du Bouif
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
The House on the Dune
A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.
Life in a Song
The cinematographic illustration of fifteen cheerful, tender or ferocious songs that made the success of the songwriter of the comedian Noël-Noël. After "Les casses pieds", "La vie chantée" stages several sketches of daily life where everyone can recognize themselves and laugh about it.
Le Roi des camelots
How Robert, who does not manage to impose himself in the representation, sees his life turned upside down when he begins a career as a street vendor, which, thanks to his resourcefulness, turns out to be more and more brilliant.
The Rear-Wheel Drive Gang
The manager of a firm has a very unusual idea : asking his employees to pose as gangsters and to hold up a bank before returning the stolen money and pocketing the reward. But things do not go according to plan and the phony thieves get stolen in their turn. They have no other choice than turning into amateur detectives to be able to pay back the stolen dough.
L'homme aux mains d'argile
The fictionalized life, and interpreted by himself, of the popular boxing champion Marcel Cerdan. Training sessions, matches, victories, flight to the U.S.A. where the title of world champion is disputed, form the whole subject of the film.
R・ブレッソンの第二作で、後の研ぎ澄まされた話法から比べれば流麗と呼んでいいスタイルながら、少ない登場人物の心理をえぐる描写力は、この頃より既に具わっていた。原作は哲学者ディドロの小説『運命論者ジャック』だが、その監督自身による脚色に、詩人コクトーが古いタイプの美しい台詞をつけ、日常性から快く乖離した、ロマンティックな彼特有の作品世界に仕立てている。観劇の帰りのタクシーの中で男友達はしきりに、エレーヌ(カザレス)の恋人ジャンの冷淡さをあげつらい、自分を売り込むが、彼女は“ジャンを愛している”と決然と言い放ち、車を降りた。しかし、屋敷で待っていた当のジャンに彼女は、一緒にいても胸がときめかない、と言う。するとジャンは、自分も同じ気持ちでいた、と予想外の返事をし、人に悟られぬようしばらく別れて暮らしてみて、なお惹かれ合う気持ちがあれば、その時こそ結婚しよう--と告げて、彼女の許を去るのだった。裏切られた心境のエレーヌは彼への復讐に燃える。かつてバレリーナ時分にパトロンをしていたアニエスを場末の小屋に見つけた彼女は、その後を追い、マネージャー役のその母親に計略に乗ってくれれば、再び経済的な面倒を見ようと言う。彼らがかつてどんな結びつきにあり、会わない間に何が起きたかは詳らかにされないが、娼婦の生活に墜ちた彼女は、次々に住み家も変えている状態だった。エレーヌはそんな彼女をジャンに引き合わせる。案の定、彼は彼女を娼婦とは気づかず夢中になる。からくりを知らないアニエスも、苦悩しながらも彼を受け入れ、遂には結婚となるのだが、果たして、エレーヌの思惑通りには運ばず、アニエスの過去も二人の愛情の妨げとはならないのだった。 <allcinema>
Father Serge
An accomplished young man, Prince Stéphane is destined for a brilliant future but when he finds out that Marie, his beloved fiancée, has had an affair with the man he respects the most, Tsar Nicolas 1er in person, the shock is terrible. Unable to recover, he chooses religion and becomes a monk and a hermit. He becomes known as a healer and worshiped as a saint, although he himself is aware of his many weaknesses. The day he learns Marie is seriously ill Le père Serge formerly known as Prince Stéphane leaves sanctity behind and hits the road for Saint Petersburg.