
ぼくの伯父さん (1958)

Mr Hulot takes a precious, playful ... and purely premeditated look at modern times ...

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 2時間 0分

演出 : Jacques Tati
脚本 : Jacques Lagrange, Jean L'Hôte




Jacques Tati
Jacques Tati
Monsieur Hulot
Jean-Pierre Zola
Jean-Pierre Zola
Monsieur Arpel
Adrienne Servantie
Adrienne Servantie
Madame Arpel
Lucien Frégis
Lucien Frégis
Monsieur Pichard
Betty Schneider
Betty Schneider
Betty, Landlord's Daughter
Jean-François Martial
Jean-François Martial
Dominique Marie
Dominique Marie
Yvonne Arnaud
Yvonne Arnaud
Georgette, the Housekeeper
Adelaide Danieli
Adelaide Danieli
Madame Pichard
Alain Bécourt
Alain Bécourt
Gérald Arpel
Régis Fontenay
Régis Fontenay
Braces Dealer
Claude Badolle
Claude Badolle
Max Martel
Max Martel
Drunken Man
Nicolas Bataille
Nicolas Bataille
Working Man
Pierre Étaix
Pierre Étaix
Delivery man / Telegraph operator (uncredited)
Jean-Claude Rémoleux
Jean-Claude Rémoleux
Client in Monsieur Arpel's Factory (uncredited)
Denise Péronne
Denise Péronne
Mademoiselle Fevrier (uncredited)
Nicole Regnault
Nicole Regnault
Short-sighted motorist (uncredited)
Édouard Francomme
Édouard Francomme
House Painter (uncredited)
André Dino
André Dino
Sweeper (uncredited)
René Lord
René Lord


Jacques Tati
Jacques Tati
Jacques Lagrange
Jacques Lagrange
Jean L'Hôte
Jean L'Hôte
Jacques Tati
Jacques Tati
Fred Orain
Fred Orain
Franck Barcellini
Franck Barcellini
Original Music Composer
Alain Romans
Alain Romans
Original Music Composer
Norbert Glanzberg
Norbert Glanzberg
Original Music Composer
Suzanne Baron
Suzanne Baron
Jean Bourgoin
Jean Bourgoin
Director of Photography
Juliette Wuidart
Juliette Wuidart
Production Secretary
René Silvera
René Silvera
Fred Orain
Fred Orain
Technical Advisor
Raymond Dechanseau
Raymond Dechanseau
Production Assistant
Renée Rouzot
Renée Rouzot
Wardrobe Designer
Paul Rodier
Paul Rodier
Camera Operator
Claude Lecomte
Claude Lecomte
Assistant Camera
André Dino
André Dino
Still Photographer
Jacques Carrère
Jacques Carrère
Sound Engineer
Eugène Roman
Eugène Roman
Assistant Decorator
Pierre Étaix
Pierre Étaix
Assistant Director
Henri Marquet
Henri Marquet
Assistant Director
Bernard Maurice
Bernard Maurice
Production Manager
Boris Karabanoff
Boris Karabanoff
Makeup Artist
Jacques Cottin
Jacques Cottin
Costume Design
Henri Schmitt
Henri Schmitt
Set Decoration
Henri Schmitt
Henri Schmitt
Production Design
Alain Térouanne
Alain Térouanne
Associate Producer
Louis Dolivet
Louis Dolivet
Line Producer
Jacques Tati
Jacques Tati
Sylvette Baudrot
Sylvette Baudrot


A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.
The State I Am In
With 1970s Germany in the background, this film depicts the story of a family from the “R.A.F. Terrorist” group and their search for a normal life and their inner self.
Paradise Found
Paradise Found is a biography about the painter Paul Gauguin. Focusing on his personal conflict between citizen life and his family life and the art scene in Frane. In an incredible imagery montage Gauguin manages to make a successful living in the South Pacific, while being in opposition to France.
Berlin is in Germany
When Martin, a former GDR citizen, is released from jail, he lately becomes confronted with the consequences of the German re-unification.
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
Emmi Kurowski, a cleaning lady, is lonely in her old age. Her husband died years ago, and her grown children offer little companionship. One night she goes to a bar frequented by Arab immigrants and strikes up a friendship with middle-aged mechanic Ali. Their relationship soon develops into something more, and Emmi's family and neighbors criticize their spontaneous marriage. Soon Emmi and Ali are forced to confront their own insecurities about their future.
When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.
Antoine and Colette
Now aged 17, Antoine Doinel works in a factory which makes records. At a music concert, he meets a girl his own age, Colette, and falls in love with her. Later, Antoine goes to extraordinary lengths to please his new girlfriend and her parents, but Colette still only regards him as a casual friend. First segment of “Love at Twenty” (1962).
Bed and Board
Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.
Antoine is now 30, working as a proofreader and getting divorced from his his wife. It being the first "no-fault" divorce in France, a media circus erupts, dredging up Antoine's past. Indecisive about his new love with a store clerk, he impulsively takes off with an old flame.
Ronia, The Robber's Daughter
Ronya lives happily in her father's castle until she comes across a new playmate, Birk, in the nearby dark forest. The two explore the wilderness, braving dangerous Witchbirds and Rump-Gnomes. But when their families find out Birk and Ronja have been playing together, they forbid them to see each other again. Indeed, their fathers are competing robber chieftains and bitter enemies. Now the two spunky children must try to tear down the barriers that have kept their families apart for so long.
Go for Zucker
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
イギリスのとある街にある工場で働くハンナは、働き者ではあるが誰とも口を利かず、孤独な毎日を送っていた。彼女の過去は誰も知らない。時々どこかに電話をかけるが、相手が出ても何も話さずに切ってしまう。全く休まないハンナを見た上司は、彼女に無理にでも休暇を取るように勧め、ハンナはある港町にやって来る。しかし休暇など欲しくなかった彼女はとりたててすることもない。 そんな時に入った中華料理屋で、至急看護師が欲しいと携帯で話す男を見かけ、ハンナは自分は看護師だと告げる。ある海底油田掘削所で火事が起こり、重傷を負った男性を看護する人が必要だという。ハンナはすぐにヘリコプターで採掘所に向かう。 患者のジョゼフは重度の火傷を負っており、さらに火事のせいで一時的に目が見えなくなっていた。火事の時、ある男が火の中に飛び込んで自殺したが、ジョゼフは彼を助けようとして重傷を負ったとハンナは聞かされる。 ハンナは黙々とジョゼフを看護する。ジョゼフは時には強引に、時には冗談を交えて何とかハンナ自身のことを聞き出そうとする。そんなジョゼフや、採掘所で働く心優しいコックのサイモンに、徐々にハンナは心を開いていく。


Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.
Mr. Hulot is the head designer of the Altra Automotive Co. His latest invention is a newfangled camper car loaded with outrageous extra features. Along with the company's manager and publicity model, Hulot sets out from Paris with the intention of debuting the car at the annual auto show in Amsterdam. The going isn't easy, however, and the group encounters an increasingly bizarre series of hurdles and setbacks en route.
Clumsy Monsieur Hulot finds himself perplexed by the intimidating complexity of a gadget-filled Paris. He attempts to meet with a business contact but soon becomes lost. His roundabout journey parallels that of an American tourist, and as they weave through the inventive urban environment, they intermittently meet, developing an interest in one another. They eventually get together at a chaotic restaurant, along with several other quirky characters.
Jour de fête
Jour de Fête tells the story of an inept and easily-distracted French mailman who frequently interrupts his duties to converse with the local inhabitants, as well as inspect the traveling fair that has come to his small community. Influenced by too much wine and a newsreel account of rapid transportation methods used by the United States postal system, he goes to hilarious lengths to speed the delivery of mail while aboard his bicycle.
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.
An intimate evening between a film director and an escort is disrupted when a familiar face arrives.
1920年代の人気スター、ファニー・ブライスの半生をW・ワイラーが映画化したミュージカル。これが映画デビュー作のB・ストライサンドがアカデミー主演女優賞を受賞。 一介の踊り子だったファニーは舞台で失敗ばかりしていたが、逆にその失敗が客に受けて人気の一座に引き抜かれ、看板女優となる。結婚もするが、幸せは長く続かず…。
Scenes from a Marriage
Johan and Marianne are married and seem to have it all. Their happiness, however, is a façade for a troubled relationship, which becomes even rockier when Johan admits that he's having an affair. Before long, the spouses separate and move towards finalizing their divorce, but they make attempts at reconciling. Even as they pursue other relationships, Johan and Marianne realize that they have a significant bond, but also many issues that hinder that connection.
ジュールとジムは、情熱的で奔放な女性カトリーヌに恋をする。ジムへの想いを胸に秘めたままジュールと結婚した彼女だが、ジムとの再会で再び二人に愛の炎が燃え上がる。しかし、小さな食い違いでジムは彼女から離れていく。ある日出かけた河岸で、カトリーヌはジムをドライブに誘い、壊れた橋に向かってスピードを上げた。 三角関係の心理を見事に描いた本作は、ジャンヌ・モローの輝くばかりの美しさが圧倒的な魅力となった一遍。
Amid the modern wastelands and toxic factories of Italy, wife and mother Giuliana desperately tries to conceal her tenuous grip on reality from those around her, especially her successful yet neglectful husband, Ugo. Ugo's old pal, Corrado, shows up in town on a business trip and is more sensitive to Giuliana's anxieties. They begin an affair, but it does little to quell Giuliana's existential fears, and her mental state rapidly deteriorates.
P・ボワローとT・ナルスジャックのミステリを、H=G・クルーゾーが映画化した作品で、「恐怖の報酬」(52)とはまた質の異なる突出したサスペンス描写に彩られた傑作。 舞台はパリ近郊の寄宿学校。校長のミシェル(P・ムーリス)は妻クリスティナ(V・クルーゾー)の莫大な財産の上に今の地位を築いていたが、その横暴ぶりにクリスティナの心労は極みに達していた。ミシェルの愛人でもある女教師ニコル(S・シニョレ)は彼女に同情し、二人して彼の殺害を企む。クリスティナとニコルは週末を利用してニコルの実家に赴き、ミシェルへ離婚の決意を告げる。やがて彼女を連れ戻そうと現れたミシェルは、薬入りの酒を飲まされバスタブで溺死させられる。死体をトランクに隠すと、学校に戻りプールの底に沈めてしまうクリスティナとニコル。後は死体が誰かに発見されるのを待つばかりであったが、なかなかその状況が生まれない。やむなく理由をつけてプールの栓を抜くことを命じるクリスティナ。だが、そこにはミシェルの死体など存在しなかった……。
As Garibaldi's troops begin the unification of Italy in the 1860s, an aristocratic Sicilian family grudgingly adapts to the sweeping social changes undermining their way of life. Proud but pragmatic Prince Don Fabrizio Salina allows his war hero nephew, Tancredi, to marry Angelica, the beautiful daughter of gauche, bourgeois Don Calogero, in order to maintain the family's accustomed level of comfort and political clout.
ペストが流行し終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパ、10年に及ぶ十字軍遠征から帰還し疲弊し切った騎士アントーニウス(マックス・フォン・シドー)の前に死神(ベント・エーケロート)が出現する。死の宣告を悟った彼は、自らの命を懸けチェス対決を申し出るが、夜が明け死神は姿を消す。故郷を目指すアントーニウスの旅には常に死の気配がつきまとい、残酷な現実が待ち受けていた……。 名だたる映画作家たちに多大な影響を与え続けるスウェーデンの巨匠イングマール・ベルイマンが、人間の生と死、神の存在をテーマにした異色作。終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパを舞台に、十字軍遠征から帰還し生きる意味や信仰に懐疑的になり、死神にとりつかれた騎士の姿を幻想的な映像で描く。