Key Animation
Immediately after winning the National Championships, Tyson is challenged by a mysterious boy named Daichi, who is determined to become the next Beyblading champion. But when they battle, their Beyblades awaken ancient dark forces that take human form and become the evil Shadow-Bladers who vow to destroy mankind! Now it's up to Tyson and the Bladebreakers to defeat the Shadow-Bladers before they carry out their destructive plan. Will they succeed... or is this the end of the Bladebreakers?
Key Animation
「ひとくち村」に住む少年・こむすびまんは、たぬきおにとバットットの襲撃に遭ったおむすびまんを救出する。彼の案内でひとくち村を訪れたおむすびまんは、村人達がたぬきおにの悪戯に苦しめられている事を知る。そこへ怪物の姿に化けたたぬきおにが現れ、村人達に襲いかかる。 おばけ寺のたぬきおに
Key Animation
Anpanman helps the princess Nandananda to find the The Shining Star's Tear.
Key Animation