Gundi Ellert

Gundi Ellert

出生 : 1951-09-08, Parsberg, Bavaria, Germany


Gundi Ellert


Golden Years
Alice and Peter are celebrating their retirement and are looking forward to a new phase in their lives. Then Alice finds out that her best friend Magalie, who dies completely unexpectedly, had been having an affair in France for 15 years. The confrontation with the finiteness of life plunges Peter into an existential crisis: to the great chagrin of Alice, who is a bon vivant, he becomes a total health fanatic. When Peter invites Heinz, Magalie's widowed husband, to join him on a cruise, which Alice hopes will breathe new life into a marriage, their harmonious retirement is over.
Martha and Betty have known each other for twenty years and they have decided to breakthrough. But while Martha realizes that her father has only faked his death wish in order to see the great love of his life again on Lake Maggiore, Betty mourns her stepfather Ernesto, who supposedly died years ago.
Schwarzach 23 - und das mörderische Ich
Erika Germinger
Bingo im Kopf
Mama Mortauk
Club Of The Lonely Hearts
Josefine Breitenbach-Wessel
Gisela Berg
Schwarzach 23 und der Schädel des Saatan
Erika Germinger
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn Fische lächeln
Betty Pescoe
Falsche Siebziger
Falsche Anna / Vevi Schlattner
In a small Gernan Village 3 old people die. Their Kids decide to keep acting as if their were alive, so they can get their retirement benefit.
Schwarzach 23 - und die Jagd nach dem Mordsfinger
Erika Germinger
The Unheard Woman
Hanni is the wife wife of a farmer and the mother of three. She worries about her youngest, Magdalena, who’s smaller and more sensitive than her siblings. She gets stomach flu and can’t see well. The doctors prescribe nothing but panaceas, and don’t take her case seriously. While Hanni searches for a doctor who will take Magdalena’s symptoms seriously, her husband and sons feel neglected.
Handwerker und andere Katastrophen
Endstation Glück
Another Kind of Light
Renate Stimpfle
Sissi and Theo are different, as one can hardly be more different. Theo, an intolerant, purposeful businessman who keeps people at bay, and Sissi, a young woman who has not yet found her way and still lives with her mother, would probably never have met if Theo did not go blind. Sissi is in rehearsal as a rehab trainer for the blind and Theo her first student.
Schwarzach 23 - Und die Hand des Todes
Erika Germinger
As a junk dealer Anton is found dead, a case develops in which each of the Germingers is involved: the law-abiding Commissioner Franz Junior, his rebellious sister Anna, ex-policeman Franz Germinger senior and his wife Erika. Who could have wanted Anton? Commissioner Franz Germinger Junior first taps in the dark. His sister Anna is sometimes ahead of him in some situations, which may be because she likes to exceed her competencies. Even more annoying the junior but his father Franz Germinger senior, who can not refrain from finding.
Zwei allein
Henriette «Henri» Sattler
Das Glück der Anderen
Secret Hope
Gabriele Fiedler
After the surprising death of her husband, Hanna Berger meets another stroke of fate. Her husband had concealed her desolate financial circumstances, and now she is completely destitute. Without money and without housing, it only remains the social services and finally the street. She can not reveal herself to her daughter. Too deep are the ditches between the two women. But Hanna does not want to give up. She is proud and determined to find out again from this devastating situation with her own strength.
Beste Bescherung
At Christmas, the four Maillinger siblings want to spend quality time together in peace and quiet. That's why Miriam, who is now heavily pregnant, invited Anna, Vince and Tom, with their families, to her boyfriend's farm. This project threatens to fail because her unpredictable father Karl appears uninvited in the idyllic wasteland because he is on the run from tax investigators.
Unheil in den Bergen
Hattinger und die kalte Hand
Frau Mooshammer
Dora Heldt: Ausgeliebt
Die Tote im Moorwald
After the surprising death of her mother, budding artist Josefine hastily leaves the city of Munich and moves to an old, abandoned dairy farm in the countryside. She also escapes from her friend Simon, who, contrary to his assurances, has still not separated from his wife. And Josefine finally wants to find out who her father was. Her mother had left the village and raised Josefine in the city.
Der Doc und die Hexe: Katastrophenalarm
Hanni Haberer
Der Doc und die Hexe: Nebenwirkungen
Hanni Haberer
Die Samenhändlerin
Wilhelmine Kerner
The Last Employee
The lawyer David (Christian Berkel) has taken a job after a long period of unemployment, he can not agree with his conscience. He will liquidate a company and dismissed all employees. Despite his qualms, he does it - for his wife Irina (Jule Ronstedt) and his son Simon. But David's objections seem to be justified: threatened a young woman (Bibiane Beglau), which was denounced by him, and followed him. When he angrily to her home goes to admonish her, he finds her dead body. But that's the nightmare does not end. From then on, David is convinced haunted by her spirit to be.
Ursel Grasegger
Mein eigen Fleisch und Blut
My Life in Orange
A look at a Bavarian commune of the Indian Bhagwan cult.
Papa allein zu Haus
Gabriele Winter
Klarer Fall für Bär
Hilde Kelling
Zimtstern und Halbmond
Lisbeth Hinrichs
German ship captain Gottfried Hinrichs reluctantly retires to his Bavarian home, hoping to find comfort when his daughter Barbara moves back home, convenient now she has become a commercial pilot. So he dishes out the usual objections when she tells to have found her mate, while ma Lisbeth tries to shush. When the lovers turn up for Christmas Eve, a culture shock follows, for her dream prince is Palestinian unemployed would be-pilot Kamal Abu Khalil, and neither 'liberal' parent extends effective tolerance to Islamic in-potential laws. Ultimately Gottfried is worn down, but then the incompatible religious marriage norms seem to break up the couple itself. It gets even worse when his parents found out and fly in, while she feels neglected as Kemal starts an electronic muezzin Internet firm with a friend.
Keiner geht verloren
Dr. Koburg
Tod am Engelstein
Maria Gründer
Die Literaturagentin Lara Brunn fährt nach längerer Zeit wieder in ihren Heimatort in den Bayerischen Alpen. Anlass ist der Geburtstag ihrer Mutter. Lara wartet gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester Sylvia im Elternhaus, doch die Mutter taucht nicht auf. Am nächsten Tag findet ein Suchtrupp in den Bergen eine männliche Leiche, die schon seit mehreren Jahren dort liegt. Kurz darauf wird in der Nähe auch die Mutter tot aufgefunden. Während Sylvia an einen Unfalltod glaubt, vermutet Lara einen Mord. Sie stößt auf einige Ungereimtheiten und muss schnell feststellen, dass sie nur sehr wenig über das Leben ihrer Mutter weiß. Auch die eigene Vergangenheit wird immer ungewisser.
The Murder Farm
Ruth Hauer
Bavaria, Germany, 1950s. The sudden return of the young Kathrin to the small village where she was born stirs up the feelings of guilt and personal ghosts of its inhabitants, haunted by dark memories related to a multiple murder that happened two years earlier at the Tannöd farm, a hideous crime that remains unsolved.
Crash Point: Berlin
Gisela Betz
After a mid-air collision, an uncontrollable passenger plane with 90 souls on board speeds through the skies over Germany. The impact point for the inevitable plane crash is easily calculated: the center of Berlin. Now the race is on to prevent the catastrophe. Will the plane have to be shot down by fighter pilots?
Wedding Fever in Campobello
When Jan decides to marry his girl-friend Sara, he is not aware of his opponent: her father, who is an Italian.
Liebe und andere Gefahren
Liesl Karlstadt und Karl Valentin
Mit einem Schlag
Amelie Lafer
Mord in aller Unschuld
A free-wheeling chronicle of the Munich sex film industry in the 1970s.
Im Chaos der Gefühle
Beate Carl
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Und ich lieb dich doch!
Taxi Driver
Johannes, a new assistant at the university, is asked to provide reports on an Algerian colleague - who is suspected of being a sleeper. He refuses, but the seed of doubt has been planted. A fragile friendship which is overshadowed by professional and emotional competition eventually leads to betrayal.
Marias letzte Reise
21 Liebesbriefe
Stärker als der Tod
Felizitas Heintze
Die Sekretärinnen
Nine secretaries dream of life and love musically while typing around.
The Honors
Maria Kreuzmayer
Über Kreuz
Regina Braunreuther
Sein letzter Wille
Maria Hartl
Madame Bäurin
On the Schiermoser farm tense expectation prevails. The 'Urban', the Schaubleins, surprisingly announced their arrival. In the past, they were welcome as generous summer visitors. But now the shortage years of the First World War prevail. And the farmer's wife suspects lazy parasites in the townsfolk. The city family is indeed facing ruin. Especially since the defiant daughter Rosalie has just knocked out a promising money marriage without regard to scandal. The Rosalie is attracted to the Schiermoser heir Franz. His mother already drives the thought of a 'Madame Bäurin' to madness. Everyone experiences a turbulent time of upheaval. The end of the First World War will shake the social fronts as well as the new machine age.
Der Pfandlbräu
Dom Juan
Sugar Loaf
Die sieben Todsünden und Totentanz