In the endgame of WWII a few hundred bank employees and their family members rescued Hungary's entire gold reserves on a train from the Soviet army and were hiding it in a small Austrian village until the end of the war.
Zoltán Farkas, a well-known constructor, lives his life as Don Juan, while his young wife (Éva) want to divorce and has a lover, who is a young lieutenant. They go there last trip together to Zoltán's birthplace, where no one knows, that they will divorce, until some secrets getting revealed. Based on Ferenc Herczeg's novel.
Eager to impress the Queen of Sheeba, a young Solomon accidentally releases the devil Asmodeus from his prison. With the Kingdom of Jerusalem in peril, Solomon and Princess Naama work together to find an end to Asmodeus' evil rule.
Bodrogfi Demeter
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
音信不通だった息子のジャックが、ロシアで警察沙汰を起こして身柄を拘束されたことを知る。マクレーンは娘ルーシーに見送られながらロシアへと渡る。ところが、ジャックが出廷するはずだった裁判所は突如爆破され、2人は大混乱の中で再会を果たす。だが、ジャックはマクレーンを突き離してその場から車で去る。それを追う謎の武装集団。状況を理解できていなかったがマクレーンはジャックらを追跡する。壮絶なカーチェイスの末、マクレーンは武装集団の車を大破させて、ジャックと合流する。その後、ジャックが隠れ家と称する建物に到着。そこで、ジャックがCIAの人間であることを知る。安全かと思われたが、謎の武装集団に襲撃される。それを何とか退けて隠れ家から脱出する。 かくして、マクレーンはいつものように愚痴りながらも、ジャックと共に何らかの目的のために行動を開始する。
Proud Rat Soldier
A look at the lives of 19th-century composers Clara and Robert Schumann.
The film is composed around a violent incident, happened in 1956. Upon hearing the news that the Russians were approaching, the dwellers of the Home for the Disabled armed themselves. Followed by stares by people living in the area they marched along Hermina road, or went in wheelchairs, on crutches, hobbling, dragging rifles and a heavy machine-gun...
Three young friends, from the Hungarian countryside, want more sex and excitement in their life. Together they undertake a journey to Lake Balaton, where they hope to find plenty of summer fun as well as a temporary job.